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Tops Supermarket Still Selling Bad Stuff

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Activa youghurt blackcurrant, purchased yesterday, opened today and they are yellow and stinking. I did see they had some other yoghurts reduced/marked-down which I purposely avoided so god only knows whats festering inside them.

I'd have thought they would be on top of it (no pun) being a somewhat reputable brand and being a whole week on since the floods

Just a head's up, might not be as obvious with meats etc... Probably best sticking with makro/tesco etc..

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If it's still within "best before" date, you should return it to them and they should replace it for you.

Sounds more like some kind of manufacturing error that the yoghurt wasn't sealed properly or perhaps it gone bad due to several days of blackout.

This kind of thing can happend to any retailer and you just had bad luck.

But unopened refrigerated yoghurt should still be good to eat even weeks after "best before" date.

I buy those discounted milk/yoghurt which are near "best before" date all the time and have so far had no problem consuming them even over a week past date.

When you buy them, check carefully that they are properly sealed. When buying milk in the plastic bottles, always unscrew the plastic cap to check that the aluminum seal is still intact.

I've experienced a few times that the seal has been opened and will always throw it away no matter date.

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I also check the seals in the shop before buying them.

Samui Coconut, OF COURSE you'd buy the one you've just checked that it's OK!!

If you check one, but bought another one which you haven't checked... umm I think you understand what I'm trying to say.....??

(Of course you don't open the seal in the shop, just unscrew the plastic caps and checking that it's properly sealed)

Edited by Mole
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