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Do Visa Runs Still Work?

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My dream is to move to Thailand. I would be making money by providing online services to companies in America. I was looking at the different types of visas, but none of the long-term visas would work for me. However, I found some articles about 'visa runs' and how you could visit neighboring countries like Cambodia every 30 days in order to stay in Thailand indefinitely. But recently I've also found articles saying that since the year 2000 you can only get 15 day extensions, essentially making visa runs no longer a viable method for staying in Thailand permanently. Is this true? Are visa runs no longer a way to stay in Thailand indefinitely?

I am unable to teach English due to a speech impediment and starting a company in Thailand just isn't an option for me (it sounds very complex). If visa runs are basically a thing of the past, are there other options out there that could work for me?

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You are aware that what you are intending to do to finance your life in Thailand is illegal if you are working without a WP ?

15 day stamps are only applicable to land crossings, if travelling by air 30 day stamp still applies

Have a look at an Ed visa, you shouldnt be using "visa runs" to stays indefinitely in Thailand, this is reason they keep tightening the rules up, go and get a proper visa

Edited by Soutpeel
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I didn't realize it was illegal to work remotely for American companies. All the money would be going back into the Thai economy though. That's the only way I know how to make money, so I guess I shouldn't mention that's what I plan to do...

It sounds like an Ed visa is the way to go. I just don't know what I would do after 1 year. Can you get another Ed visa after 1 year?

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StasD- you mean go to Laos every 30 days for a 30 day extension on my tourist visa? I am hoping to live in Koh Samui so Laos would be difficult. Is it very likely that I would get a 30 day extension without any problem? Thanks

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lopburi, thanks for that info. So if I fly, I should be able to get a 30 day extension on my tourist visa? Maybe it will be safest to get an Ed visa for now and get a tourist visa after that expires? This is all very confusing to someone who is new to it all!

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Flying would only provide a visa exempt entry for 30 days - it is not a tourist visa. Suspect living a 'dream' would best be based on legal status in Thailand so perhaps looking for an authorized method of working should be first priority - from there visa status may be easier to manage.

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I would prefer to live and work 100% legally but there are a few issues. It is very difficult to find a job in Thailand if you do not live there. Also, I do not know which city I want to live in for good. I want to get to know Thailand better before I make a commitment like working full time. Maybe the best method for me is to get the educational visa and stay for 1 year without worrying about my legal status, then after 1 year decide where I want to stay and find employment in that city. Does that sound like a good plan? It is not difficult to get the Ed visa right?

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gray42, if you get an Education visa than you need to be a student. You have to attend classes, which means you have to find a school with a schedule that suits your needs. Sometimes you have to sign up for one year of Thai classes and if you find out you don't like these classes or learning the Thai language, you cannot get a refund. If you stop going to classes, I believe they can report it and you lose your Ed. visa immediately. So think long and very hard about that idea!

There are a lot of foreigners living in Thailand who are able to get tourist visas for years on end. But lately, some consulates have been refusing tourist visas to people who have back-to-back tourist visas (i.e. two in one year). I would suggest that you fly to Thailand on a 30 day visa exemption, look around at the schools and areas before you make any dream plans. If you decide you just want the tourist visa after the 30 day exemption, go to Lao and get a tourist visa with 2 (possibly 3) entries. That will give you at least six months in Thailand on a double entry. If you need to, just go to Cambodia and stay for a month or so - you can get an easy business visa there for $25 right at the border with no paperwork to speak of. Then go back to Thailand. Or instead of Cambodia, pick another country to stay for a month or so. That's what I'd do in your shoes.

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