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New Car For Doctor Shot In Bangkok Hostage Drama


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Northern Europe and the victim would have gotten her old car repainted, compensation consisting of actual loss (salary, phone calls, taxi, lawyers costs etc) and max 5,000 dollars in additional cash compensation

Sounds like she accepted a good deal to me


Don't you think the old 'PTSS' would have kicked in?

In the UK she would have got more than that from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, then the loss of earnings, damages, Post Traumatic Stress etc. At no point would the police have just bought her a new car, she would go through the civil courts, it would take time. The car would not be written off by the insurance company, it will be repaired after being held and used as evidence, she would have to apply to the courts to get her car back to use before any trial and both sides would need to agree to this.

The police that fired the weapons would be suspended from firearms duties, a file would be sent to the DPP to consider if charges are in the public interest (and in this case they would be), the officer/s concerned would face legal and disciplinary procedures.

But to suggest she would just get 5000 dollars is laughable (I am ex police so I have some idea here).

One thing to consider though, the likliehood of an armed police officer firing on a moving vehicle with no idea about the occupants would probably not happen in the first place so it is a moot point, we only do it with mistaken identity when someone believed to be carrying a bomb refuses to stop running because he is an illegal immigrant. (i added the last point as I knew someone else would to show mistakes can be made).

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Northern Europe and the victim would have gotten her old car repainted, compensation consisting of actual loss (salary, phone calls, taxi, lawyers costs etc) and max 5,000 dollars in additional cash compensation

Sounds like she accepted a good deal to me


Don't you think the old 'PTSS' would have kicked in?

In the UK she would have got more than that from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, then the loss of earnings, damages, Post Traumatic Stress etc. At no point would the police have just bought her a new car, she would go through the civil courts, it would take time. The car would not be written off by the insurance company, it will be repaired after being held and used as evidence, she would have to apply to the courts to get her car back to use before any trial and both sides would need to agree to this.

The police that fired the weapons would be suspended from firearms duties, a file would be sent to the DPP to consider if charges are in the public interest (and in this case they would be), the officer/s concerned would face legal and disciplinary procedures.

But to suggest she would just get 5000 dollars is laughable (I am ex police so I have some idea here).

One thing to consider though, the likliehood of an armed police officer firing on a moving vehicle with no idea about the occupants would probably not happen in the first place so it is a moot point, we only do it with mistaken identity when someone believed to be carrying a bomb refuses to stop running because he is an illegal immigrant. (i added the last point as I knew someone else would to show mistakes can be made).

Police don't order compensation to victims, court judges do

5,000 dollars is a very realistic compensation in the Scandinavian countries

You write a lot that I if I were the victim in this case would not want to go through

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Amazing Thailand

I wonder how many ppl in Thailand will agree to get shot few times to get 1.7 mil baht and license plate 88 that could cost half of the car by today prices..:) Amazing Thailand indeed !

You are right on the spot and everyone will do anything for license plate No. 88. it is a lucky charm. But, a few will agree to get shot. My take and an opinion.

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It could only happen in Thailand, every day there's something to laugh about.

I do think a bullet proof vest could be thrown in as well.

3 people killed, 2 people injured and you want to laugh about it!

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Amazing Thailand

I wonder how many ppl in Thailand will agree to get shot few times to get 1.7 mil baht and license plate 88 that could cost half of the car by today prices..:) Amazing Thailand indeed !

You are right on the spot and everyone will do anything for license plate No. 88. it is a lucky charm. But, a few will agree to get shot. My take and an opinion.

nope... 9999 is more expensive to buy in Thailand...

8888 is for the Chinese.......

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:blink: So the lady doctor got a new Toyota Camry with a special number 44 or 88....the dead policeman (a hero) got promoted (RIP).....what about the dead taxi driver who tried to stop the killer's get away car?? Wonder what he got?? :jap:

if a soldier or a police officer died , 7 times of normal promotion plus hefty bill

Nothing much ......... for the cab driver............

Sad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

Edited by dunkin2012
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It could only happen in Thailand, every day there's something to laugh about.

I do think a bullet proof vest could be thrown in as well.

3 people killed, 2 people injured and you want to laugh about it!

The article is about a new car for a victim - the clue is in the title!!

Please put brain into gear - no pun intended - before you make stupid comments.

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What a great way to end this tragedy. Too bad a limb was not lost, otherwise Kasit could probably offer a benteley with a driver and 1111 plates to flash around.

Instead of tightening and enforcing law strictly to avoid this happening again, he spends 1.7million to make just one person feel better and not the people. Completely overlook the logic behind the cause.

Truly amazing Thailand. Where's the clapping emoticon?:annoyed:


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What a great way to end this tragedy. Too bad a limb was not lost, otherwise Kasit could probably offer a benteley with a driver and 1111 plates to flash around.

Instead of tightening and enforcing law strictly to avoid this happening again, he spends 1.7million to make just one person feel better and not the people. Completely overlook the logic behind the cause.

Truly amazing Thailand. Where's the clapping emoticon?:annoyed:


I think he meant "crapping". :whistling:

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wow, a quick pay off, even the educated can be bought to make sure they don't sue afterwards.

Have you considered that this educated person perhaps have come to the conclusion that what she was offered is a better deal than what she should get if she had gone the court way?

Note the should get, not would get

'educated'? Just 'cos she's a doctor doesn't mean anything.

She'll take the car and go on her merry way. Meanwhile, the same thing could happen again in the future, but this time someone might actually die. Then I guess the royal Thai police will be down at the Mercedes dealership. (Unless the person shot is piss poor)

Apart from this incident, the royal Thai police are perfect. Is this okay, TV?

Are you saying that she should make it HER problem if the same thing happens again in the future???


I don't expect anything from here. Hence me saying 'she'll go on her merry way'

Someone with integrity and principles wouldn't accept this. They'd want people to be held accountable and lessons to be learnt. (and I'm sure money, too) She could have been killed because of blatant incompantcy. And if it happens to someone else, why should she empathise?

Like I said the first time. Just cos she's a doctor doesn't mean she's educated.

The police can carry on the way they are.

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blatant incompatancy ?

That must really hurt.

hehehehe, dont want to be the doctor's shoes and dont need any hybrid version.

She just cheated death. The crazed guy could have bitten her, you know?

Edited by MegaRanter
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Wow...This woman was a victim of circumstance. Her car got 'peppered': if i remember correctly the drug affected 'nutter' was shot in the head 5 times... she got shot.........She is given a new car and she might get 44 or 88 number plates and Im sure all her medical expenses are covered...........For all the Thai bashers....thats not a bad deal in the majority of countries in the world. In Australia Im sure, I would be asked If I was insured. I think it would be similiar in Canada, Us, Gb.......the majority of Western Countries. Good on you Thailand.

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Maybe we call Mike Tyson to give the cop an "Ear Bite" ha ha That should take care of it!bah.gif

Is she married? have a boyfriend? gig? They should save some money and have that thing on the cop's ear looked at while they are at it. It looks malignant.

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A bullet the poor sod.they wont be bothered about him because he was just a poor taxi driver.rip

:blink: So the lady doctor got a new Toyota Camry with a special number 44 or 88....the dead policeman (a hero) got promoted (RIP).....what about the dead taxi driver who tried to stop the killer's get away car?? Wonder what he got?? :jap:

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From the OP: .... She also asked for a licence plate with the number 44 or 88.......

wow, a quick pay off, even the educated can be bought to make sure they don't sue afterwards.

Have you considered that this educated person perhaps have come to the conclusion that what she was offered is a better deal than what she should get if she had gone the court way?

Note the should get, not would get

Properly educated people don't believe in "lucky" numbers.

Reason for edit: Needed quotes from earlier posts to put my comment into context.

Edited by lingyaiyai
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Glad the doctor survived and will recover.

The most scary thing is that the police admitted the Metropolitan Police have no proper communication with the provincial police because they use different radio frequencies. Since the incident started in Nonthaburi the Metropolitan police had no idea of it until Thada crossed the provincial boundary into Bangkok. This means that police at one end of Rattanathibet Road cannot communicate with police at the other end, except through hand signals. Only in Thailand.

Apart from that bizarre fact, the order to fire at will is something that trigger happy Thai police live for whether it is car with a maniac and his hostage, a refrigerator or an escaped elephant. It is amazing that any one lived through the hail of bullets but probably most of the cops are such lousy shots they missed the car completely.

Edited by Arkady
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What a great way to end this tragedy. Too bad a limb was not lost, otherwise Kasit could probably offer a benteley with a driver and 1111 plates to flash around.

Instead of tightening and enforcing law strictly to avoid this happening again, he spends 1.7million to make just one person feel better and not the people. Completely overlook the logic behind the cause.

Truly amazing Thailand. Where's the clapping emoticon?:annoyed:

Yet another moronic remark demonstrating the general ignorance and poor attitudes of the ever self-important readers on Thaivisa.

Do I bother to even ask if you actually read the article, or just assume you didn't comprehend it very well?

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It could only happen in Thailand, every day there's something to laugh about.

I do think a bullet proof vest could be thrown in as well.

3 people killed, 2 people injured and you want to laugh about it!

The article is about a new car for a victim - the clue is in the title!!

Please put brain into gear - no pun intended - before you make stupid comments.

Is it just me, or does it sure seem many gear boxes (transmissions) are with but one gear; reverse.

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From the OP: .... She also asked for a licence plate with the number 44 or 88.......

wow, a quick pay off, even the educated can be bought to make sure they don't sue afterwards.

Have you considered that this educated person perhaps have come to the conclusion that what she was offered is a better deal than what she should get if she had gone the court way?

Note the should get, not would get

Properly educated people don't believe in "lucky" numbers.

Reason for edit: Needed quotes from earlier posts to put my comment into context.

HMMM, pretty easy to find western G7 educated people that don't /won't believe in science including evolution.

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This is so cool, and shows the amazing kind spirit of the Thai police...... :-) Sort of like that policeman a couple years ago, that got mad at a karaoke girl that would not go with him. So he chased after her in a drunken rage and chopped her arm off. Then in a terrific display of generosity, the police department bought her a artificial arm !!!! I suspect that guy is still on duty...

As the suspect in this case killed a policeman earlier, I have a feeling the police came in with guns blazing with little regard for anyone else in the car. And yes, perhaps a bit of hostage training might be in order, hopefully could be fitted in with the helmet checkpoints....

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From the OP: .... She also asked for a licence plate with the number 44 or 88.......

wow, a quick pay off, even the educated can be bought to make sure they don't sue afterwards.

Have you considered that this educated person perhaps have come to the conclusion that what she was offered is a better deal than what she should get if she had gone the court way?

Note the should get, not would get

Properly educated people don't believe in "lucky" numbers.

Reason for edit: Needed quotes from earlier posts to put my comment into context.

HMMM, pretty easy to find western G7 educated people that don't /won't believe in science including evolution.

Quite; my case rests.

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Good to see the police are using some of that tea money we all contribute to.

A better end to this story would be compensation PLUS action against the trigger happy cops who shot her.

Police who shoot indiscriminately are no better than the criminals because they have no regard for innocent people's lives.

Lucky more people were not injured or killed ( or were they ???)

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I have a feeling the police came in with guns blazing with little regard for anyone else in the car. And yes, perhaps a bit of hostage training might be in order,

Pointing out that using shot guns in situations like this may not be appropriate would be a good start....:rolleyes:

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From the OP: .... She also asked for a licence plate with the number 44 or 88.......

wow, a quick pay off, even the educated can be bought to make sure they don't sue afterwards.

Have you considered that this educated person perhaps have come to the conclusion that what she was offered is a better deal than what she should get if she had gone the court way?

Note the should get, not would get

Properly educated people don't believe in "lucky" numbers.

Reason for edit: Needed quotes from earlier posts to put my comment into context.

ALL THAIS !!!-- rich and poor / educated and uneducated even the hiso brigade believe in lucky numbers it is part of Asian culture.

She obviously does not want bad luck again, and hopes a lucky number will protect her

Edited by johncat1
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New car handed over to doctor wounded in shoot-out

By Jessada Chantararak

The Nation


Pol Lt-General Theerayuth Kittiwat, an assistant to the national police chief, yesterday presided over a ceremony to give a new Toyota Camry to Dr Pipattra Sailohit, who is recovering from four gunshot wounds incurred in a shoot-out between police and a killer who took her hostage last week.

Pipattra said she thanked the police and Suntec Corporation for assisting her and getting her a new car to replace the one damaged in the incident. The injured doctor also thanked media for their coverage of her condition, which greatly improved after doctors removed bullet fragments from her back and arm on Tuesday. She said she would remain at Rajavithi Hospital a while to let the wounds heal before doctors would release her.

After the ceremony, Metropolitan Police Bureau chief Pol Lt-General Jakthip Chaijinda also presented a certificate to former police colonel and Suntec executive Ruamnakorn Tubtimthong-chai for arranging for the exchange of the new Bt1.7-million Toyota for Pipattra's bullet-ridden car, which would be worth Bt950,000 after the insurance company covered the damage.

Jakthip also said Theerayuth would preside over a meeting at the Metropolitan Police Bureau today on assistance for all the victims of the shooting rampage. He said such help would be made according to procedure and not favouring anyone in particular.

The family of Senior Sgt-Major Likhasit Pirasri, a traffic policeman at Bangkok's Dusit Police Station who was killed in the shooting rampage, had received assistance, and police would also find his widow a job if she wished, Jakthip said.

As for a taxi driver who was killed, police have given some assistance money to his family, including his mother. They will also help injured traffic police officer Senior Sgt-Major Jiroj Boonthongkham.

Jakthip said the investigation had progressed sufficiently for police to go ahead with legal procedures in the case.

Police are looking at adjusting operational procedures and setting up a hostage-rescue drill that would include patrol and traffic police officers.

Meanwhile, deputy commander of the Metropolitan Police Division 1, Police Colonel Weerawit Janjamroen, who headed the investigation into the shooting rampage and extrajudicial killing of suspect Thada Inthamas, said that the case investigation had progressed far and should be concluded by May 15.


-- The Nation 2011-04-21

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From the OP: .... She also asked for a licence plate with the number 44 or 88.......

wow, a quick pay off, even the educated can be bought to make sure they don't sue afterwards.

Have you considered that this educated person perhaps have come to the conclusion that what she was offered is a better deal than what she should get if she had gone the court way?

Note the should get, not would get

Properly educated people don't believe in "lucky" numbers.

Reason for edit: Needed quotes from earlier posts to put my comment into context.

ALL THAIS !!!-- rich and poor / educated and uneducated even the hiso brigade believe in lucky numbers it is part of Asian culture.

She obviously does not want bad luck again, and hopes a lucky number will protect her

I don't dispute what you say, but you have overlooked my use of the word "properly".

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