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Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Vows To Crack Down On Thailand Tourist Fraud


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What the Mayor has done in Pattaya by opening a facebook page and taking complaints about scams , roadworks , stray dogs etc has been a good thing and other officials should follow because the problem is there no authority taking complaints and following them all up , Police don't seem to help that often so everything just continues .

A online communication tool is a must where complaints and follow ups can be seen by all.

Not a bad Idea. But they would have to set up a Ministry. Plus employ hundreds of people to follow up the complaints? :lol:


Why not sack those police that "do nothing" and reemploy them as "complaints officers" whereby they get a commensurate bonus for producing satisfactory outcomes to said complainants problems. You would "kill two birds with one stone" and everybody would be happy.!!!

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Instead of complaining constantly about everything Thai we could all just go back to our overtaxed over PC feminist men hating unsmiling countries where we could find a lot more to complain about

What and who are "over PC feminist men"???? I know you mean politically correct but what are feminist men exactly?

I would assume that he is talking about men like ladyboys and other non hetro men. Not sure but I think that is what a feminist man is as he is refering.

Not sure about that 'softgeorge' as why would 'sunnyrolfe' refer to over PC ladyboys, in particular, hating unsmiling.......... maybe he just means those people that complain about every cause - just for the sake of it!!!

He has got a point when he say's that people spend too much time complaining about all things Thai though. But this is inevitable when 'Thai visa forum's function is to discuss Thai matters as reported by Thai/farang newspaper and TV stations. Humans are very good at complaining. They would even find something to complain about if they had everything they wanted in a perfect world. Enough is NEVER enough!!!

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:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Mission Impossible sorry. This is just another so called thai CRACK DOWN we have one every couple of days.

Don't forget, when they have CRACK DOWNS they invariably net criminals in drugs and sex raids (often busting ring's in the process) so you shouldn't deride them on this!!

As far as scams and illegal activity of this nature go then that's a different matter as those who's remit is to investigate corruption will inevitably have to investigate police activities as well as courts and lawyers and also Immigration and government personnel - and they're response to this unwelcome interference into their illegal money making ventures will be fierce and could make life uncomfortable for the investigators as they often control the levers. Any such prying into their activities will be met by a powerful, collective wall from the "brother's in arms" forces determined to prevent themselves from losing their so called "tea/coffee money" making it harder to prove wrongdoing through collective obstruction. It doesn't help that the WHOLE system is engaged in crooked activities to some degree and closing this down is near impossible in reality as corrupt judges will halt any case whereby the outcome will have an adverse affect (or even implicate them) through the course of the action being taken.

I envisage that better control and a reduced level may be the best on offer, but there is no guarantee that this can achieved either as it is so ingrained into the Thai way of doing things and it may be a step too far to be able to change it!!!

Absolutely! I would trust only the poorest rice farmer before I would trust anyone on up, from the local police to the very top!!...I think most that live in Thailand will agree, as those people don't have the power to produce the system that has become, to date! Thai society is completely inindated with corruption and I suppose that is because of the very nature of survival,

So, in that respect, we have to understand, and for that matter live and grow up in a country where survival is neccessary! The tuk tuk guys(example) are mostly and most certainly, I think, from poor area's and have found a means that works for them, not that they are inherintly bad, but it has become the way to eat and be able to be looked at as someone......Money!! ...Anyway they can get it, that's what people judge others on in los.....it's sad but untill this country becomes connected in a way of actual ethical and legal ways where people are held responsible!!!!!! for thier misdeeds and lose "face" then it won't ever change. I suspect another 20 years, or more!....hmmm...besides, they need that new mobile phone that just came out!!....then they will be cool again....life is good!...and that neighbor has something the other doesn't have, and we can't have that, can we?......it's about how it looks and not how it really is!!!...that is what is the most important part of living in the land of smiles!!......ethics is just a word, that is not understood what it is yet!..it will come!....eventually!!..........I wanna come and save a thai girl.from the horrors......ok, im buying my ticket now..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,, that for her , the ticket is only $$...............

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Isn't this this same schlemiel who "doesn't respect farangs?"

And his criticism of the cruise line is ludicrous. The tuk-tuk drivers have about as much right to scam cruise ship passengers as I do. *Libelous statement edited out*

When the passengers do get scammed, they blame the cruise line (and could easily sue them - and win) and then guess what? The cruise line avoids Phuket next time.

His comments about foreigners scamming foreigners and Thais and foreigners scamming foreigners is pandering to the Thais listening who might bristle on the notion that they are anything but a nation of honest, hard-working, racist licentious hypocrites.

At least the leadership is maintaining the standards of ineptitude.

Is there any difference in the Thai public scamming tourists versus the Thai government scamming tourists? IE: tourist pricing for entering national parks and lower Thai pricing for the same entrance?

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When it comes to cheating tourists, Cambodia, Lao and Malaysia are a lot worse.


Have you actually been there? Not once have I ever been a victim, so to speak. Sure some have 'tried it on' but it is nowhere near as endemic as it is in THailand.

I use to live and work in Malaysia and I still go back rather frequently. Taxis are a serious rip off in the big cities such as KL and Butterworth/Penang. And they are not friendly either! You'll pay ten times the going rate of the biggest scam you'll likely experience in Thailand!

I went to many countries...and now it is about time for Any government to crack down no matter who Thai, Malay, Laos, Cambodia, or Farang??

Tourist business is the Best for any country and the government needs to keep an eye on her people. Cheating tourist is unacceptable and no one likes to be abused. My take and opinion.

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When it comes to cheating tourists, Cambodia, Lao and Malaysia are a lot worse.


Have you actually been there? Not once have I ever been a victim, so to speak. Sure some have 'tried it on' but it is nowhere near as endemic as it is in THailand.

5 years ago, I was kidnapped in Malaysia. Scamming is rife there, and it is not always as safe as you may think for a solo, first time traveller. Although, it is foreigners (Filipinos, Thais) committing the crimes I have seen in Malaysia, rather than Malaysians.

Oh.. except for the Muslim that pulled a knife to my throat and told me to go back to church in the USA - too bad I am an Athiest from New Zealand. Sure shocked my Muslim Malaysian friends that I was with at the time...

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Isn't this this same schlemiel who "doesn't respect farangs?"

And his criticism of the cruise line is ludicrous. The tuk-tuk drivers have about as much right to scam cruise ship passengers as I do to gang-bang Sutep's wife, video tape it and sell it to a porn site.

When the passengers do get scammed, they blame the cruise line (and could easily sue them - and win) and then guess what? The cruise line avoids Phuket next time.

His comments about foreigners scamming foreigners and Thais and foreigners scamming foreigners is pandering to the Thais listening who might bristle on the notion that they are anything but a nation of honest, hard-working, racist licentious hypocrites.

At least the leadership is maintaining the standards of ineptitude.

Re- read his full statement and get the whole story. He didn't blame the "cruise line", he blamed the tuk-tuks for blocking and preventing the passengers from using the tour buses that the tourist paid for. But added the tuk-tuk had just as much right as the tour operator. But the problem is the tuk-tuks rip off the tourist by over charging them. Two separate issues here.

The tuk-tuk drivers in that case didn't have ANY right. Buses and vans were pre-booked by the passengers and tour operators. They have no right to demand that a passenger who has already paid for one service, abandon a portion of that payment and use the Tuk-tuk service. Tuk-Tuk drivers are losing out to better marketing by wiser competitors. If they want the business, they need to be marketed better and, if half of what I read about the tuk-tuk operators is correct, then fat chance of them being portrayed as a better option by any marketing campaign.

They didn't only selfishly demand satisfaction where it wasn't due, they hurt a lot of other business operators who stood to gain by receiving tourist expenditures. It is the rest of the businesses who need to stand up to the tuk-tuk operators.

And of course, the law needs to be enforced.laugh.gif

wow, yes why can't a police department take care of that kind of thing?......This kind of hinderance of tourist's can be handled easily same as any other country...just call the police and have them do thier job......EZ.......it's over, done with.....and then the problem is solved....right?......or are we having another "CRACK DOWN".....haah....

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Ok this is not so much about the jet ski scams,or the tuk mafia,if you dont like the price do not pay it,show some guts.It is more about,real fraud thai farang gangs,many cases farang police tie ups the most serious,many farangs still in prisons for crimes they did not commit,there defence never supported as it should be with attorneys or judges,sort the judicial systems,and most important deport the foreign scum operating in bangkok,but also,chiang mai,and other provinces,if they are involved in crimes against other ex pats or tourists.Ok you get ripped of by a thai,you expect,but not your fellow farangs,scum of the earth,get rid of them.

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Tuk-tuk drivers really are the worst cheaters of all in Thailand and their constant pestering really should have been dealt with ages ago. Nice to see that someone in power takes notice of such things (even if he doesn't respect farangs). When it comes to cheating tourists, Cambodia, Lao and Malaysia are a lot worse. I think tourists really need to stick up for themselves and refuse to take a lot of crap that these local leaches dish out on tourists on a daily basis. Sometimes people need to know when being nicey nice doesn't work with these creeps.

Sadly just a pipe dream as in LOS it is a national trait to rip off farangs.

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0 metered taxi's in phuket, that charge you from 500 to 1500 baht for a taxi ride to the airport, tuk tuk maffia, jet sky scams, double pricing, etc...

fraud? corruption? never heard of it

about farang gangs, do they mean the more arabic or africans that stays here illegaly + selling drugs ? that are no farangs but foreigners

Edited by exbelg
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Here is a quote from the Thailand Tourist Mafia Flick Page.


Every morning at 9AM the Tourist mafia blanket the tourist/hotel/shopping districts with a network of english speaking scammers.

They work in teams of 2 or 3 and are positioned near the entrance to tourist sites, hotels, shopping centers, on the BTS skywalks, MRT stations, tourist information booths, busy corners, temples, museums, and shopping centers.

They pose as helpful, friendly strangers and strike up conversations with novice tourists.

Their goal? They are there to lie and defraud every tourist they meet.

I call them the Thai Tourist Mafia.

They are participating in elaborate scams on tourists, including the Thai Gem Scam.

Many of the scam shops apparently are operated by influential people and have been in "business" for years defrauding tourists.

Tourists arriving at the airport, leaving their hotels or just walking around town are approached by these people all day long.

They are everywhere and apparently protected as they work in plain view of Police Boxes, Security Guards and Managers of these facilities.

Some of these scammers have been seen riding police motorbikes or going inside police boxes....

A nice lady at the Tourist Authority tells me they are "cooperating with the Police....and are dangerous."

Photos here:



Thank you, thank you, and thank you. I urge you sending these pictures, information and etc to Deputy Prime Minister Suthep, the Bangkok post, and Thai newspapers...Keep educating...keep posting on the Net..and face book.. You are doing the Right thing. It is about time these Rats need to be in jails. Then the tourists do not have to put up with them. Sad but true. I am standing tall.

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And of course, the law needs to be enforced.laugh.gif

Yeah right! I tried telling that to the police officer at the bus station because two taxis were refusing to use the meter. It's illegal and they know it, but they don't enforce the law. It doesn't do any good to have laws if there is no enforcement. Another problem we have in Thailand is that the driver is not the person registered or shown on the dashboard ID card. And some of them are either drunk or high. One of my drivers passed out on the wheel after he pulled over and I gave him the money.

Edited by PhoenixRising
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Tuk-tuk drivers really are the worst cheaters of all in Thailand and their constant pestering really should have been dealt with ages ago. Nice to see that someone in power takes notice of such things (even if he doesn't respect farangs). When it comes to cheating tourists, Cambodia, Lao and Malaysia are a lot worse. I think tourists really need to stick up for themselves and refuse to take a lot of crap that these local leaches dish out on tourists on a daily basis. Sometimes people need to know when being nicey nice doesn't work with these creeps.

Sadly just a pipe dream as in LOS it is a national trait to rip off farangs.

Sadly, this guy knows what he's talking about!!!....Thailand could be such a great place without the crapola we have to deal with! .,,imagine it being and honest and true smile?..and imagine no one double prcing you because you are a falang, and imagine if you didn't have to hide when your thai wife hails a taxi for fear of overcharges...hmmmm.....or lose your deposit when you rent something.....wow.......then I could handle full time in los....

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I think the focus should be more on educating the tourist, to look out for certain fraud schemes and would be far cheaper to write up and post important information. Trying to bust mafia's and scam tour companies, jet ski et. The people doing the fraud would have to expose themselves even more to succeed in their rip off schemes. Just a thoughtcrazy.gif

That's not a bad idea. Is there a website available where tourists can post their experience they had with scams and where they can post the information they have to stop these practices.

On the other hand I do not trust anything from this Suthep who does not respect the farangs (dixit himself, headlined on the frontpage of the newspaper with reference to asking international observers for the next polls). And the tuk-tuk mafia who recently blocked in Phuket international tourists from getting off their luxury cruise ship for an organised visit of the island, they have now what they were looking for: sidelined and out of business! Somnam na.. If your prices are rip-off, solutions are just behind the corner and someone else will run away with the profits. Tuk-tuk mafia, instead of sitting whole days on your big fat asses, doing nothing because no one takes your rip-off services, do something about it and lower your price as Pattaya has (10 THB/ride) and Bangkok (35 THB A/C taxi). What's so special with your red garbage bin-cum-discotheque on wheels that it should cost 200 THB for a simple ride just around the corner? Tour operators have correctly anticipated this maffia practice by organising themselves the trips around Phuket at much cheaper prices! B)B)B)

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:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Mission Impossible sorry. This is just another so called thai CRACK DOWN we have one every couple of days.

Don't forget, when they have CRACK DOWNS they invariably net criminals in drugs and sex raids (often busting ring's in the process) so you shouldn't deride them on this!!

As far as scams and illegal activity of this nature go then that's a different matter as those who's remit is to investigate corruption will inevitably have to investigate police activities as well as courts and lawyers and also Immigration and government personnel - and they're response to this unwelcome interference into their illegal money making ventures will be fierce and could make life uncomfortable for the investigators as they often control the levers. Any such prying into their activities will be met by a powerful, collective wall from the "brother's in arms" forces determined to prevent themselves from losing their so called "tea/coffee money" making it harder to prove wrongdoing through collective obstruction. It doesn't help that the WHOLE system is engaged in crooked activities to some degree and closing this down is near impossible in reality as corrupt judges will halt any case whereby the outcome will have an adverse affect (or even implicate them) through the course of the action being taken.

I envisage that better control and a reduced level may be the best on offer, but there is no guarantee that this can achieved either as it is so ingrained into the Thai way of doing things and it may be a step too far to be able to change it!!!

Absolutely! I would trust only the poorest rice farmer before I would trust anyone on up, from the local police to the very top!!...I think most that live in Thailand will agree, as those people don't have the power to produce the system that has become, to date! Thai society is completely inindated with corruption and I suppose that is because of the very nature of survival,

So, in that respect, we have to understand, and for that matter live and grow up in a country where survival is neccessary! The tuk tuk guys(example) are mostly and most certainly, I think, from poor area's and have found a means that works for them, not that they are inherintly bad, but it has become the way to eat and be able to be looked at as someone......Money!! ...Anyway they can get it, that's what people judge others on in los.....it's sad but untill this country becomes connected in a way of actual ethical and legal ways where people are held responsible!!!!!! for thier misdeeds and lose "face" then it won't ever change. I suspect another 20 years, or more!....hmmm...besides, they need that new mobile phone that just came out!!....then they will be cool again....life is good!...and that neighbor has something the other doesn't have, and we can't have that, can we?......it's about how it looks and not how it really is!!!...that is what is the most important part of living in the land of smiles!!......ethics is just a word, that is not understood what it is yet!..it will come!....eventually!!..........I wanna come and save a thai girl.from the horrors......ok, im buying my ticket now..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,, that for her , the ticket is only $$...............

I would argue 1 point here. I don't think that it is a case of survival (not NOW anyway) and put it down to two thing's and that is "pure greed" and the fact they can get away with it seemingly with impunity. It might well have had it's origins in Survival many decades ago but it has evolved into something completely different connected very much so with avarice and opportunism.

As an aside on this, I have noticed that dishonesty from non or small business Chinese and Muslims is far less prevalent than for Thai's. I think that it is to do with their ancestral upbringing and parental teaching that tells them that adopting honesty is an important factor in life that will make you a better person. Incidentally, it will gain you loyalty from others and mean that you will have more, true, friends that are dependable as a result. What is more valuable?? a friend, or a small amount of dishonestly gained money (guilt, or no guilt as to how it was obtained).

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if you dont like the price do not pay it,show some guts.

I agree, but what are you going to do when you fly into the airport at 3am and ALL of the taxis that drive up refuse to use the meter and they are all charging double the normal rate! Sometimes we have to bribe the security/police just to help us find a taxi that will use the meter. It's either that or you have to wait around for a very long time asking dozens of drivers to use the meter. Things keep changing all the time at that airport! One scam system goes away and there's another one to take its place a week later.

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And of course, the law needs to be enforced.laugh.gif

Yeah right! I tried telling that to the police officer at the bus station because two taxis were refusing to use the meter. It's illegal and they know it, but they don't enforce the law. It doesn't do any good to have laws if there is no enforcement. Another problem we have in Thailand is that the driver is not the person registered or shown on the dashboard ID card. And some of them are either drunk or high. One of my drivers passed out on the wheel after he pulled over and I gave him the money.

"A law without enforcement is not truly a law of any worth"

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Any one knows who we can get in touch with for complaints ?

Friends of my son came for a holiday . Rented a motor bike. The motorbike fell over and scratched the rubber on the handle bar. The owner wanted 30.000 Baht compensation.

the local Police supported the bike owner and the boy had to pay under threat of the Police who conviscated his passport. Nothing the Touris Police could do...they just dont have ther power. This will continue and I anm so much in favour of alarming foreign newspapers but the good ones in Thailand will suffer as well ! Shame. Corrupt Autorities !

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:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Mission Impossible sorry. This is just another so called thai CRACK DOWN we have one every couple of days.

Don't forget, when they have CRACK DOWNS they invariably net criminals in drugs and sex raids (often busting ring's in the process) so you shouldn't deride them on this!!

As far as scams and illegal activity of this nature go then that's a different matter as those who's remit is to investigate corruption will inevitably have to investigate police activities as well as courts and lawyers and also Immigration and government personnel - and they're response to this unwelcome interference into their illegal money making ventures will be fierce and could make life uncomfortable for the investigators as they often control the levers. Any such prying into their activities will be met by a powerful, collective wall from the "brother's in arms" forces determined to prevent themselves from losing their so called "tea/coffee money" making it harder to prove wrongdoing through collective obstruction. It doesn't help that the WHOLE system is engaged in crooked activities to some degree and closing this down is near impossible in reality as corrupt judges will halt any case whereby the outcome will have an adverse affect (or even implicate them) through the course of the action being taken.

I envisage that better control and a reduced level may be the best on offer, but there is no guarantee that this can achieved either as it is so ingrained into the Thai way of doing things and it may be a step too far to be able to change it!!!

Absolutely! I would trust only the poorest rice farmer before I would trust anyone on up, from the local police to the very top!!...I think most that live in Thailand will agree, as those people don't have the power to produce the system that has become, to date! Thai society is completely inindated with corruption and I suppose that is because of the very nature of survival,

So, in that respect, we have to understand, and for that matter live and grow up in a country where survival is neccessary! The tuk tuk guys(example) are mostly and most certainly, I think, from poor area's and have found a means that works for them, not that they are inherintly bad, but it has become the way to eat and be able to be looked at as someone......Money!! ...Anyway they can get it, that's what people judge others on in los.....it's sad but untill this country becomes connected in a way of actual ethical and legal ways where people are held responsible!!!!!! for thier misdeeds and lose "face" then it won't ever change. I suspect another 20 years, or more!....hmmm...besides, they need that new mobile phone that just came out!!....then they will be cool again....life is good!...and that neighbor has something the other doesn't have, and we can't have that, can we?......it's about how it looks and not how it really is!!!...that is what is the most important part of living in the land of smiles!!......ethics is just a word, that is not understood what it is yet!..it will come!....eventually!!..........I wanna come and save a thai girl.from the horrors......ok, im buying my ticket now..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,, that for her , the ticket is only $...............

I would argue 1 point here. I don't think that it is a case of survival (not NOW anyway) and put it down to two thing's and that is "pure greed" and the fact they can get away with it seemingly with impunity. It might well have had it's origins in Survival many decades ago but it has evolved into something completely different connected very much so with avarice and opportunism.

As an aside on this, I have noticed that dishonesty from non or small business Chinese and Muslims is far less prevalent than for Thai's. I think that it is to do with their ancestral upbringing and parental teaching that tells them that adopting honesty is an important factor in life that will make you a better person. Incidentally, it will gain you loyalty from others and mean that you will have more, true, friends that are dependable as a result. What is more valuable?? a friend, or a small amount of dishonestly gained money (guilt, or no guilt as to how it was obtained).

I will say, I have to agree, it is pure greed at this point too!. I am amazed and completely ubable to understand how they can tell the sorys and lies without one iota of guilt!!

One experince, i will have to refer to is my 3 year old niece that had just been shopping with her parensts(poor people) and they had just bought new school clothes, shirts pants etc.

That very evening, sitting on the table as we/they do, the little girl told myself and my wife that she didn't have any new clothes for school!!!..hmm...well, this told me a whole understanding of why my own wife can lie without her thinking anything of it....No one and I mean no one said a word to this little 3 year old for lying......I understand where this dishonestly comes from...it's not from them but it is from NEVER learning from thier parents or elders when they lie.....sooo, this is inherent in the whole culture....How many of us guys that are married to thier thai wfe that have heard the whopper storys?......they don't think it's a bad thign as long as it gets them what they want....I have to forgive some of it because of the greedy uneducated parents that raise them....ughh.....then they will use thier own children to get $ at any cost with the child feeling so brainwashed into thinking it is thier duty to cheat scam lie to get that buck.for them even if it ruins thier chances of having a happy life with a good man.....very sad.....who fault is it?....how can anyone blame someone that has only known scamming as how to gain what it is they want...??.....veery very sad.

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Any one knows who we can get in touch with for complaints ?

Friends of my son came for a holiday . Rented a motor bike. The motorbike fell over and scratched the rubber on the handle bar. The owner wanted 30.000 Baht compensation.

the local Police supported the bike owner and the boy had to pay under threat of the Police who conviscated his passport. Nothing the Touris Police could do...they just dont have ther power. This will continue and I anm so much in favour of alarming foreign newspapers but the good ones in Thailand will suffer as well ! Shame. Corrupt Autorities !

This is Thailand L.O.S it is unfortunate that your son was scammed this happens all the time police will not help , but why didn't you do some research online before renting a motorbike ?

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Looks like Secretary Sombat will finally be able to afford that new mansion in Monticarlo he's been after for so long, with all the pay off's from the Airport, King Power and jet-ski scammers he should also be able to send his kids to get a real education in Oxford. Congratulations Secretary Sombat. As for Thailand, and the tourist fraud, it will remain the same, if not get worse.

Why do we even bother to read this as news anymore.

Why don't we just start re-writing the news....

Today PM Abhisit, in return for support for a 2nd underground airport, gave Secretary Sombat a position in which he can finally afford that new house in Monticarlo. Congratulations Secretary Sombat and good luck Mr Abhisit on that underground airport... pity no planes will actually be able to land there but it will sure look pretty!:) Great work you guys are doing on helping the average Thai person grow and succeed in life, you are a credit to your country and all mankind, may buddha bless you with being born into another affluent family lifestyle in the next life:)

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Any one knows who we can get in touch with for complaints ?

Friends of my son came for a holiday . Rented a motor bike. The motorbike fell over and scratched the rubber on the handle bar. The owner wanted 30.000 Baht compensation.

the local Police supported the bike owner and the boy had to pay under threat of the Police who conviscated his passport. Nothing the Touris Police could do...they just dont have ther power. This will continue and I anm so much in favour of alarming foreign newspapers but the good ones in Thailand will suffer as well ! Shame. Corrupt Autorities !

A similar thing happened to a friend of mine on Koh Chang. The best thing I can say is, 'don't rent a motorbike in Thailand!' And the same goes for Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia! Police will not help you in those countries as most of them don't speak a word of English and they will believe anything the owner says because they can understand him.

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Any one knows who we can get in touch with for complaints ?

Friends of my son came for a holiday . Rented a motor bike. The motorbike fell over and scratched the rubber on the handle bar. The owner wanted 30.000 Baht compensation.

the local Police supported the bike owner and the boy had to pay under threat of the Police who conviscated his passport. Nothing the Touris Police could do...they just dont have ther power. This will continue and I anm so much in favour of alarming foreign newspapers but the good ones in Thailand will suffer as well ! Shame. Corrupt Autorities !

This is Thailand L.O.S it is unfortunate that your son was scammed this happens all the time police will not help , but why didn't you do some research online before renting a motorbike ?

I'm sorry to say, that the only way he could have gotten out of the 30k would be to bribe one of the local fuz 5k each or 20k.....In Los it is always on the rich falang to pay as they see it as "you have plenty" and it's only fair even if it is not your fault.You are over a barrell!! . Like it or don't go to los or be vewwwy carfull of what you do. Never rent anything if you can't do anything otherwise and rent a car and not a motorbike or jetski.......I know(heard of) one guy that rented a motorbike for a monthly fee and the owner came and stole the bike and made him pay for the loss.......happens all the time......smile! your in Thailand!...remember, it's the lands of smiles......thiers!!!

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And what will happen with the charges to enter National Parks in Thailand?

Thai Adults 20 THB, Thai Children 10 THB, Farang Adults 200 THB, Farang Children 100 THB.

Written in front of every National Park by government ruling??

Is he wiling to get himself arrested for Tourist fraude?

I don't remember exactly where, as I read so many things, but there was something a while back from one of the Ministries (Tourism or Interior), that actually PROMOTES the two-tier pricing as an "official Thai Government policy".

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Instead of complaining constantly about everything Thai we could all just go back to our overtaxed over PC feminist men hating unsmiling countries where we could find a lot more to complain about

Pay attention to the article instead of launching into the Thai Apologist mode. This is a THAI OFFICIAL who launching a crackdown on these endless scams that only hurt Thailand. So don't act as if these are whining ungrateful farangs that started this. Seems to have taken a few years for the government to figure out it is time to stop these scams , but better late than never......

Edited by rhiekel
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Isn't this this same schlemiel who "doesn't respect farangs?"

And his criticism of the cruise line is ludicrous. The tuk-tuk drivers have about as much right to scam cruise ship passengers as I do. *Libelous statement edited out*

When the passengers do get scammed, they blame the cruise line (and could easily sue them - and win) and then guess what? The cruise line avoids Phuket next time.

His comments about foreigners scamming foreigners and Thais and foreigners scamming foreigners is pandering to the Thais listening who might bristle on the notion that they are anything but a nation of honest, hard-working, racist licentious hypocrites.

At least the leadership is maintaining the standards of ineptitude.

Is there any difference in the Thai public scamming tourists versus the Thai government scamming tourists? IE: tourist pricing for entering national parks and lower Thai pricing for the same entrance?

The Thai government isn't scamming farangs!!!! If you think the price is too high than turn back and don't go in - it's what I do. Example, if you enter a shop and see a shirt you like but baulk at the exorbitant price then what do you do??? You probably look elsewhere for better value but you don't accuse the shopkeeper of performing a scam on you, do you!!

This is NO different to refusing to pay the price of entering a national park. If they forced you to buy a ticket with no recourse or misled you about the price, again with no refund available then that is scamming.

Airline's are more akin to scammers when they make the tickets appear much cheaper than the final price (after taxes and surcharges are lumped on) however, the REAL price is often only revealed once you prepare to buy your ticket (card at the ready). They rely on the person in question thinking "oh this IS NO CHEAPER (usually the same price) than the other companies but I might as well buy my ticket as I'm fed up with looking around any more and I'm at the paying stage so the click of a few buttons and then holiday here I come!!! This is, remember, after the airline had sucked you in by giving a false impression on the eventual price you pay. Tell me, scam or not - technically NO but ethically MAYBE!!!

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