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Is Chewing Gum Bad For You?

The Gentleman Scamp

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Odd question I know, but I'm attempting to quit smoking again and turning to gum as a substitute - not nicotine gum I might add but mainly Lotte Blueberry, Wrigleys Juicy Fruit and Xylitol freshmint.

I know you're not supposed to swallow it, although the reasons why are an old wives tale, but I am aware that all the while I am chewing I am producing and swallowing shitloads of saliva and 'tricking' my stomach into producing acid for food that ain't there.

That said, I rarely chew on an empty stomach.

I have also heard that chewing until your jaw hurts excercises the muscles around the mandible and neck which presumably would decrease ones chances of a baggy neck later in life and define ones jawline.

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Yeah,,,,,right,,,,,,chewing gum is good for you,,,,,sure,,,,,you bet,,,,,did you ever look at an old magazine....say from around the World War II era....and check out the cigarette advertisements.....smoking aides the digestion...smoking reduces stress....fashionable.....movie stars............now fast forward to the present.....chewing gum is good for you.....good for the teeth.....aides the digestion....helps you to quit smoking.....fashionable....movie stars. ITS ALL A LOAD OF [email protected] years from now there will be massive class action law suits against the Wrigley's company alleging how they covered up thier massive research findings about the health hazards of chewing their gum...how they manipulated the formula to increase its addictive quiality.....how their advertisements target CHILDREN.....we already know that chewing gum is a safety hazard because of all the blondes who can't walk and chew gum at the same time.......use your common sense man....don't be duped!!!

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I have heard that extra saliva production help's fight gingivitis and other bacterial issues in the mouth, and help relieves stress,

No where has there been a study indicated that frequent gun chewing resulted in some negative impact,

and less face it, James Dean always chewed gum and it has become the defacto cool factor :o

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Is Chewing Gum Bad For You?
not that bad .. can stick on somebody's head sometime when im moody
Why you swallow chewing gum?

happend with sometime in these situation

1 cant find somebody's head.

2 while im driving .. and cant find the paper/tissue for wrap it.

3 when i cant find the bin.

anyhow i dont like to swallow it .. it make me feel like to vomit ..and im not a gum's fan ..(but have fun when i make a bubble)

Bambi :o

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