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Giving Up Shampoo.....


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Somehow I don't think it would work very well in Thailand's hot season.

It seems like an incredible act of mind-over-body magic, but I'm beginning to be convinced that believing your hair doesn't need a frequent shampoo-and-wash makes it so. Just recently, W Magazine profiled writer Christa D'Souza's foray into six weeks of not washing her hair, and Into the Gloss ran a feature on Proenza Schouler CEO, Shirley Cook, who last washed her hair six weeks ago, and has a better-looking mane than I can even dream of having myself. With some in-office digging, I discovered that our front-end developer, Jenn Scheer, adopted the no-shampoo lifestyle years ago, and only washes her hair once every three months. And after sitting next to her for nine months, I can attest that she's able to rock her layered, wavy haircut (with bangs!) sans weird smells, obvious grease, or scalp freakouts. If you can get past the comfort factor, the benefits are obvious: You save quite a bit of money on product, it's an incredible time saver, and—best of all—your hair becomes healthier, shinier, and smoother, thanks to the return of follicle-protecting oils. Jenn's tips to getting it right: "The first key ingredient is water. Rinsing every week or so will allow you to do this indefinitely, I swear. The other key ingredient is a good powder to shake in your hair that will soak up oils, and can easily be brushed out (we recommend a boar's bristle brush). Corn starch is my favorite (it's baby powder minus the icky perfume), but rice flour and a good dry shampoo do wonders as well." My only grievance with this lifestyle? Apparently, it's called "no-poo," which is a horrifying name for something with already gross connotations. So far, the perceived pluses are outweighing the negatives, and I'm game to give it a whirl. But tell me—am I alone? Anyone else willing to try it out?


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I read about the no shampoo thing some time ago and really liked the idea but my trials didn't last more than a week or so. I have fine hair and it's just ending up without any volume. It might get better over time but so far I could not resist the temptation to use shampoo again.

I'm sure it would be healthier without the chemicals but for now I rather try to avoid chemicals in other even more unnecessary products that I don't use.

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This worked really well for me when I lived in Seattle, WA, USA. But I didn't do it the way they mentioned above. I stopped washing and conditioning altogether... then 2-3 times a week I did a "shampoo" of baking soda in hot water followed by a "conditioner" of apple cider vinegar in hot water, and otherwise I'd simply rinse my hair in the shower. I didn't need to use product, and my hair was no longer frizzy. My hair didn't smell bad, either. It just smelled like...hair. And it was very soft. Mind you, there may be an adjustment period for your head of 2-3 weeks of oil production, because your scalp is working overtime to "replace" the oils that you typically strip away when washing every day. Ponytails and buns work just fine during this time.

But as soon as I moved to Thailand, that just didn't cut it anymore. However, strangely enough, the Chiang Mai climate has been nicer to my hair than the Seattle climate! So now, instead of the baking soda/vinegar stuff 2-3 times per week, I use this glorious coconut oil shampoo and conditioner 2-3 times/week. I rarely use product - just a little bit on the days I wash my hair, to keep the frizzies down. Works like a charm. However, I'm not sure this would work so well for me if I lived in the south of Thailand. Everybody's hair is different, though, so give it a try! One thing I do know is almost nobody needs to wash their hair every day - it's just a myth.

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My mom who has thick hair doesnt wash with shampoo either, when she first stopped it did become more greasier but after 2 weeks that was gone and it looks good but this is Thailand as SBK mentioned..and besides that, after jogging my hair is all sweaty, nah I stick with shampoo over here [after all not that expensive at my local market and using smae brand as in europe!]

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I pretty much stopped using shampoo about a year ago. I give it a really good rinse in the shower every day, maybe use conditioner one a month and give it a good wash with shampoo every 12-16 weeks after rubbing coconut oil into my scalp and leaving all day. I'm quite happy with it, I miss the smell occasionally (I think that's why I use conditioner once a month or so), but it's always nice and clean. I'm shoulder-length with natural corkscrew curls, and I don't seem to get any frizz now that I'm not using shampoo. You really do have to rinse it every day though - just use 'pretend' shampoo and give your scalp a good massage. Certainly works for me. I'll qualify that by saying I don't use any hair product. I imagine if I were using any sticky/claggy/waxy stuff I would have to use shampoo.

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I use this glorious coconut oil shampoo and conditioner 2-3 times/week.

Where (in CM) did you find this shampoo? I'm almost out and I want to give some of THAT a try.

As for the not shampooing thing, a man I know has a Thai wife who doesn't use soap or shampoo. She just rinses in the shower three times a day. She says that, by not using soap, it keeps her stink and sweat down, too! I don't think I'm ready to attempt that just yet.

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I use this glorious coconut oil shampoo and conditioner 2-3 times/week.

Where (in CM) did you find this shampoo? I'm almost out and I want to give some of THAT a try.

As for the not shampooing thing, a man I know has a Thai wife who doesn't use soap or shampoo. She just rinses in the shower three times a day. She says that, by not using soap, it keeps her stink and sweat down, too! I don't think I'm ready to attempt that just yet.

It really isn't that bad. If you can get past the first week, you've made it, but you do have to 'wash' it every day with pretend shampoo to keep it clean and not smelly. A woman I worked with years ago took a 6 week shampoo break every year, I thought it was gross at the time, but her hair never looked bad. I started off just over a year ago after reading something about having an annual 4-6 week break being good for your hair, but after I'd got over that initial 'yuck' I then read about people who had given it up altogether and thought why not? As I said, I do wash it every 3-4 months, but only because after a coconut oil treatment day I have to. I wonder how much of the good I've done with the oil is taken away by the shampoo to wash it out.......

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I use this glorious coconut oil shampoo and conditioner 2-3 times/week.

Where (in CM) did you find this shampoo? I'm almost out and I want to give some of THAT a try.

As for the not shampooing thing, a man I know has a Thai wife who doesn't use soap or shampoo. She just rinses in the shower three times a day. She says that, by not using soap, it keeps her stink and sweat down, too! I don't think I'm ready to attempt that just yet.

Rimping supermarket!! In the "natural" section. I'm sure all the branches have it. I also found it at the "northern Thai village" or whatever it's called at Airport Plaza, but it was more expensive there than at Rimping. It ain't cheap - I think shampoo is 130 baht, condition is 160 baht...but when using it 2-3 times/week, it lasts quite a long time.

ETA - it's the "paradise" brand.

Edited by SadieMBeagle
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  • 2 weeks later...

I did it again this week, sorry the past 10 days. I did not wash my hair, let it get all yucky (in my eyes) and greasy. I just rinsed it in Switzerland's finest water out of the tap. Hey, i can drink it and it tastes better than bottled and comes free!! Brushed it and straight into a pony tail.

I have just washed it with a PH neutral shampoo, let it dry naturally and it is soft, and lovely jubbly. I am whipping it around my face as i type!!

Also, last Friday we had a mother of thunderstorms and i was caught short without an umbrella and so the scalp got a good battering of rain. And my yucky hair went curly!!

I recommend this to everybody.

It sounds vile, but in the long run your scalp and hair will benefit.

I'm going to do this every three months or so - depending on my Social Calendar!!! Alright to pop down to the supermarket but not really advisable on a hot date!!

Edited by Patsycat
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Another thing, keep your brushes clean, and brush your scalp often. That gets all the residue of shampoo and mousses and whatever out.

It's more easy if you have long hair - pony tail is good.

I don't know anyone with short hair that has done this - anyone out there? Or perhaps short haired women don't need to do it.

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I don't shampoo my hair often, about once a week and rinse it about 3 times a week. But if I work out or its super hot and sweaty then I feel like I have to shampoo, just too sticky and sweaty.

But since I stopped shampooing so often, my hairdresser has told me my hair looks much healthier (still have to color it tho)

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  • 1 month later...

One of the common things to do is to use conditioner instead of shampoo to wash your hair, as often as needed, even daily. This doesn't strip the oils from the hair like shampoo does, but it still cleans off things like smoke, smog, and dirt. This is particularly effective with curly hair, which is always in need of more conditioning. Fine hair, and wavy hair can use a weekly wash with real shampoo in addition to the daily wash with conditioner. I did this for months, and it works very well. The part I didn't like was the need to rinse my hair with water every day to get it to curl properly. It was LONG, and took the better part of the day to dry.

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Just did it again. This time not as long as 10 days, because it has been hot and humid here (great thunderstorms) so it felt more yucky.

But, the same thing!! Rinsed it everyday in the shower, and after about 4-5 days gave a good scalp scrub with PH Neutral Head and Shoulders (was recommended because it gets the whatever off.)

Fluffy, healthy hair and scalp!!!

Actually feels like i had had it done at the hairdressers. I should charge myself 100 swiss francs for the pleasure!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Often I rinse my hair and leave it at that. I find if I shampoo every day then my short hair just gets spikey and I'm using product to keep it under control. I live in CM and exercise 4 or 5 dfays a week. It's great to know that other ladies have the same problem. I thought I was wried, judging by all the shampoo and product I see the young Thai ladies using in the locker room of my health club.

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  • 2 months later...

I used no poo treatment for 4 years, and it smelled like vanilla (I was told by my sister), soft, with a beautiful shine. But here (street dirt, sweat, helmet) I wash it with a combi of baking soda and organic conditioner one week, and the other week I wash it with a mild shampoo (dr. Organic) I dilute it with a lot of water in a water bottle first.

But I don't buy products here anymore, I tried many brands, but they all gave my scalp a reaction. (even the health store brands)

Btw about Coconut oil shampoo in Chiang Mai: try the Sunday walking street, about 200 m from the Thapae Gate, on the north side of the street. A man sells natural cosmetics. Low table, small stall.

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Ladies, not a woman but vanity is not unfamiliar to me and I still have a few questions

I color my hair every few weeks and instructions tell me to shampoo my hair afterwards, how do you handle this?

What about after sports, 3 to 4 times a week?

And after swimming in either a chlorine filled pool or salty sea?

I also style my hair every dayin the morning with gel, how about that? Rinsing is enough to clear that?

thanks for your advise...

Edited by jumbo
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I color my hair every few weeks as well and wait a couple of days before shampooing. Shampoo tends to strip the color out of the hair so if you want it to last, you should actually shampoo less. Rinsing is fine, chlorine is tough on hair, I remember a blond haired kid back in high school who swam all summer long and came back to school with a green tinge to his hair! :o

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