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Tree Lopper With Cherry Picker On Truck.


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A few months ago...someone posted about a guy who has a device on his truck...for cutting down trees.

Just what I need in Soi Khotalo

I wrote down his number...but maybe I wrote the wrong number...no answer.

I've searched high and low.

No Luck

Can anyone help please?


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Well...does anyone know ANYBODY who chops down trees?


Actually it's never been a problem for me. Usually there are guys who drive around in old pickups and chain saw in the back looking for trees to cut down. They cut the trees down for free and sell the lumber. It shouldn't be a problem around Soi Khotalo either. Check with builders who clear land to build on, gardeners, or these small lumber operations on the sides of the roads.

Now removing the stumps is another thing. Usually I hire a JCB and truck to remove them. Check where you see JCB's parked for rent. There's a place on Soi Chaiyapuk 2. Just like everything in Thailand, they always have a 'friend' who can help you. Just ask. If you can't speak Thai, get a Thai to ask around.

Heck, it's never been a problem to get someone to trim my coconut trees either. Usually they pay me for the branches and coconuts.

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I'm having no luck at all.

Thanks Timekeeper, but although those two numbers answered....both parties declared they had noting at all to do with cutting trees.

Back to the drawing board.

But thanks anyway

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