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You do meet the occasional stunner though, and not necessarily a (full-time) pro either.

Let me guess, it was her first night working bar and she never did that sort of thing before ...........

One born every minute!

Of course not. Don't be silly. (And even people who do start on their first day are very likely to have serious issues; you don't start in a bar as a prime career choice.) I thought all of that was obvious, but I guess not.

I was talking customers, not staff.


You do meet the occasional stunner though, and not necessarily a (full-time) pro either.

Let me guess, it was her first night working bar and she never did that sort of thing before ...........

One born every minute!

And even people who do start on their first day are very likely to have serious issues; you don't start in a bar as a prime career choice.)


after being here so long I know many a guy that has met a "good girl" in a bar that had no other choice but to do it as a means to an end, I know many that are married with kids one for 16 years one for 14 years many other examples and they are all still happy together, I also know many that met a creature that almost destroyed them but they are not all bad


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True. Plus I also have some examples of complete golddiggers who have never seen a tourist bar on the inside. No guarantees in life.

Agreed. I have known guys who married educated "good girls" and ended up getting destroyed and guys who married - what seemed to be - hardened bar girls that ended up giving them really good lives.

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Good post, Pedr. I said pretty much the same thing. Most people are friendly if you genuinely smile at them. Nobody is pushing anyone to take them home unless they are obvously on the make. My only complaint with many bars on Loi Kroh is the music (?) is too loud and it's hard to have a conversation with anyone.



My only complaint with many bars on Loi Kroh is the music (?) is too loud and it's hard to have a conversation with anyone.

agreed : ( .... try the half moon in soi 2

you can watch tv .. people play pool ... eat ... or find

someone to chat to most of the time and the musics

never loud : )





Thank you Dave2, I'll look for that bar and try it out. I'm no expert on Loi Kroh, but I do enjoy places where everyone else seems to be having a good time. The Number 1 bar also didn't seem too bad and the pool tables are fair.


i avoid number one bar its about the only one i really wont go in as a guy i know walked in one day asked the waitress how are you she replied thirsty you buy drink for me ? hes response was no and walked out never to return i wounder how many have done that

a little training may be in order


i avoid number one bar its about the only one i really wont go in as a guy i know walked in one day asked the waitress how are you she replied thirsty you buy drink for me ? hes response was no and walked out never to return i wounder how many have done that

a little training may be in order

I noticed the same thing and have not been back for yonks. I presume as the girls are not expressly take away they draw more from the drinks.

The (now demolished) Best Bar next door to me was much nicer and relaxed. Whenever I drive past the Number 1 it always looks a bit club like to me, like a retired officers lounge pontificating on the last days of the Raj.

I quite like the placed directly opposite the CMEC (the ex fish spa)...its a nice point to sit down and watch the world go by. I do go up the other end (near the moat) on the odd occasion but that is a lot more, how can I say, intense.. So fun/loud/boisterous is the moat end for me and my contemplative bars are further down.

I did like the Smile Bar until Richard left (I guess almost a year ago now) that and the Two sisters bar next door (with great food and a side line on cheap phones from Burma) were nice places to watch the world go by.


i avoid number one bar its about the only one i really wont go in as a guy i know walked in one day asked the waitress how are you she replied thirsty you buy drink for me ? hes response was no and walked out never to return i wounder how many have done that

a little training may be in order

I guess because I am a woman they don't pester me. But, they are open for a chat if the bar is not too crowded. They seem to like my red hair.


Loh Kroh does not offer the venue where one can take guests to open a bottle of brandy like in Bangkok - Patpong, Soi Cowboy, Nana, etc. People working there are less "commercial" than those in Bangkok. The few times I visited there I enjjoyed talking to them knowing the different spectrum of their lives. Naturally, I spent some money, about B2,000 per visit. It's a nice experience knowing that they know I'm a puuyai!

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a lot prettier than Dockyard Doris who worked behind the bar at the Anglers Arms in Peckham)

Oi! You leave my Doris out of this!



Oi! You leave my Doris out of this!

too late .... shes already here : (

and number one bar put on a real show of xmas tree tinsel

etc but was never busy like it used to be over this xmas

and new year : (

re .

When a guy goes to Loh Kroh, don't be a cheap skate! Enjoy the chat and buy some drinks if you find they don't treat as a sucker.

but they do : (

over xmas new year id spent almost zilch apart from a secondhand galaxy 7 . 7 tablet for myself so i did buy a few girly drinks ... my beer lek was 70 baht

hers 140 in one bar .... thats almost three quid english

to make me feel good ... happy ?

120 baht in another and 110 baht in

another for a coke : (

so dave2 wont be buying girly drinks next year coz thats taking

the pizz out of a regular customer




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a lot prettier than Dockyard Doris who worked behind the bar at the Anglers Arms in Peckham)

Oi! You leave my Doris out of this!

In fairness, Dockyard Doris was soon eased out from behind the bar when lots of pretty Polish and Lithuanian girls arrived in London looking for work. The landlords were slobbering all over them. Doris now works behind the counter at Boots or is it WH Smith's and woe betide you if you want to exchange faulty goods!

Cold Beer, Warm Atmosphere


Thank you Dave2, I'll look for that bar and try it out. I'm no expert on Loi Kroh, but I do enjoy places where everyone else seems to be having a good time. The Number 1 bar also didn't seem too bad and the pool tables are fair.

You might not enjoy Half Moon as it's a hooker bar.


Thank you Dave2, I'll look for that bar and try it out. I'm no expert on Loi Kroh, but I do enjoy places where everyone else seems to be having a good time. The Number 1 bar also didn't seem too bad and the pool tables are fair.

You might not enjoy Half Moon as it's a hooker bar.

I can't tell the hookers from the waitresses. They are all friendly to me and I return that in kind. They seem to like my red hair. If the music is good and not too loud I don't mind stopping for a game of pool, although I'm not very good at it. I sure can't beat the girls at 4 in a row but I can hold my own in the wooden blocks game.


one thing i'll mention that hasnt been raised yet, since the music buffoons went through and stopped everyone playing pirated music, they all (well mostly all) play the same bloody music disc distributed by said buffoons.

a bit of personality and variety in the bars was lost there.

being said, I havent heard 'Gotye - someone i used to know' for a few months now. new licence, new disc maybe?


over xmas new year id spent almost zilch apart from a secondhand galaxy 7 . 7 tablet for myself so i did buy a few girly drinks ... my beer lek was 70 baht

hers 140 in one bar .... thats almost three quid english

to make me feel good ... happy ?

120 baht in another and 110 baht in

another for a coke : (

so dave2 wont be buying girly drinks next year coz thats taking the pizz out of a regular customer

Two sides to this.. on the one hand it is indeed a bit spendy at some places. I usually inquire about the price first. On the other hand, it's an important part of the girl's (and the bar's) income. Other options include buying a girl a drink at the regular price, which is suitable for girls who actually enjoy their drink; the ones primarily looking for the 40-60 baht they make on the LD can just get the 40-60 baht without the need to consume lemonade. At other places girls who like their drink are known to buy some beer or liquor from 7-11 or a grocery shop nearby and smuggle it in: I'm *always* happy to sponsor that purchase; the same money for a single watery lady drink also buys a small bottle of Sang Som for the girls.. guess which gets appreciated more, and shared with more people.

The point is not really to buy ladydrinks (except at super mercenary bars) but to be friendly, and do something nice. Last week I gave someone a 100 baht Tesco Lotus coupon. ;) Just because I had it, and was running low on real cash.. ;) She gave me a free drink in return.

It's not all that bad to be nice.


Hang on Winnie, you had no cash so you paid your bill with a Tesco Lotus coupon, and call it being nice? ;-)


Hang on Winnie, you had no cash so you paid your bill with a Tesco Lotus coupon, and call it being nice? ;-)

No, in place of a cash tip or lady drink. wink.png

Hey, those 100 THB Tesco Lotus coupons are heavily in demand! They were showing on the Thai News the other day how it has become impossible to get them anymore because owners of mini marts literally camp out overnight to be there when the papers come from the press, or they bribe the newspaper delivery guys to sell all the newspapers to them. People have been complaining like crazy.laugh.png


Business is crap on Loi Kroh, I wonder how often some of you that moan about it go down there.

Number 1 bar moved out of town ages ago, and Butterfly Bar, which always had a handful of regular customers, has the shutters down looking for a taker.

My flight up to Chiang Mai was full, but it certainly wasn't mongers they were bringing to Chiang Mai (which is probably a good thing). They all turn right out of Swampy and head down to Sin City.


Number 1 bar moved out of town ages ago.

I go past there nearly every day. Admittedly it's a bit early, but I don't see many people in there.......how's it doing?


Business is crap on Loi Kroh, I wonder how often some of you that moan about it go down there.

It's a fun, easy going and fairly quiet spot to warm up for the night. Then the night kicks off in earnest elsewhere. I don't really mind if bar owners are bringing in tons of money or not, as long as it's enough to keep the circus going.

Number 1 bar moved out of town ages ago,

No they didn't, they opened a second place. The old location is still there and doing just fine. (Better than the new location actually, from casual observation when driving past.)

and Butterfly Bar, which always had a handful of regular customers, has the shutters down looking for a taker.

Good. Never was a fan of the place.


Thank you Dave2, I'll look for that bar and try it out. I'm no expert on Loi Kroh, but I do enjoy places where everyone else seems to be having a good time. The Number 1 bar also didn't seem too bad and the pool tables are fair.

You might not enjoy Half Moon as it's a hooker bar.

I can't tell the hookers from the waitresses. They are all friendly to me and I return that in kind. They seem to like my red hair. If the music is good and not too loud I don't mind stopping for a game of pool, although I'm not very good at it. I sure can't beat the girls at 4 in a row but I can hold my own in the wooden blocks game.

That's because there is no difference, they are one and the same.


Thank you Dave2, I'll look for that bar and try it out. I'm no expert on Loi Kroh, but I do enjoy places where everyone else seems to be having a good time. The Number 1 bar also didn't seem too bad and the pool tables are fair.

You might not enjoy Half Moon as it's a hooker bar.

I can't tell the hookers from the waitresses. They are all friendly to me and I return that in kind. They seem to like my red hair. If the music is good and not too loud I don't mind stopping for a game of pool, although I'm not very good at it. I sure can't beat the girls at 4 in a row but I can hold my own in the wooden blocks game.

That's because there is no difference, they are one and the same.

I know a few places where you would justifiably get your head punched in for saying that.

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