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Buying A Car In Cmai...


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I have been bewildered by the approach of 2nd hand car dealers. As they do not even seem to have to CAR Owner BOOKS for me to make sure of the Year model, etc.

My experience in the last 5 years in buying cars and condos has been to ONLY hand over money when the registry office changing the car\condo into your name. Good advice from long term Farangs from CMai.

Recent experience was to purchase a Honda City that is 3 years old. Now the price started at 480,000bt and we got all the way down to 400,000bt. Comparing on the various websites as I negoitated was very helpful. The closest in price on the Internet seemed to be approx. 460,000bt down in BKK. I was negoitating based on giving CASH TODAY and all seemed fine.

So the deal was all done in everyones mind and my family all very happy and excited- extended family all take for a drive and it turns into a 2 day social activity- the Thai way i have found. They take car down to Buddist temple to bless, etc, etc. Then orgainized with my Insurance man for 1st class insurance for 14k bt pa to cover for 400,000bt- another good deal I felt. I always think of Insurance like gamble that you will crash. So I work out the odds and figure I have less than a 1 in 30 chance of a accident or car stolen. With current car worth 120k bt I do not bother...

Anyway getting back on topic; as we all ready to go to car rego office and I organized the cash...... the salesman then informs me that he currently does not have the owners book and I must wait 1 or 2 weeks. So asks for 250,000bt to hold the car for me- now I am not that stupid to give anything until being changed over into my name.

Then informs me he does not have the owners phone number and will need to track down. What the hell is going on I am thinking.... when refusing to pay the 250k bt Thais think I no longer wish to buy. Yet family understand I never pay until we in rego office with signed contract and book transferiing into my name with no problems.

The place looks highly professional with no cars over 5 yo and they have approx. 40 cars on the strip.

Is this a consignment type sales yard, where people simply leave car then get sales guys to sell. Then supply book when they get a price they accept.

ALSO in my experience the owner needs to sign off on the transfer of ownership. But the owner gone to work in Singapore, so what is going on here. Anyone else experienced such a drawn out sage. Many items seem to get dragged out in any half decent purchase. Half truths, miscommunication between Thais and exaggerations seem very normal.

Have no idea where I now stand- awaiting to see the book then go into the Car transfer office sometime next week. Yet I state to family we might as well view other cars in the meantime. They say BUT YOU made a deal to buy, you must keep deal or lose face. What tha.... no book, no owner, I have no idea what will happen.... as far as I am concerned the deal failed and need to look for another car. Yet Thai family think I verbally committed- Lol. Oh boy what a saga again.... no wonder I put off buying seriously larger items here. When i cannot get my head around the drawn out process and need to socialize in every single deal.

If the Honda City was not a little over half the price as new I would not bother. I find very RARE that a car depreciates this quickly in Thailand. What appear too good to be true usually is- much to my frustration.

I speak good enough Thai and read dozens of cultural books, etc, etc yet I still find the process very difficult even after on\off near a decade here. Any thoughts whether i should wait to see what is going on with the great honda city deal?

Cheers Jay

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Where was this garage Jay? I am also planning on buying a car in the next couple of weeks, so I would like to know where to avoid.

I wish you the best of luck getting this resolved. I know I will now be ensuring I have sight of the book before parting with any cash.


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Even with all your experience of living here and having done several deals before you still end up frustrated in such a deal. I think the point you have probably missed from all that has gone before is that you should have asked the salesman FIRST if he had the book BEFORE you started to negotiate a deal. I know it sounds simple in hindsight but that's life isn't it. Anyway; you've given us all a headsup and we can all learn from your frustrating experience so thanks for that.

My view on the 'Face' aspect is stuff it. Thai's might let it bother them but we are not Thai's are we !

Edited by trainman34014
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Face, even some, so called Thai friends, (by association) will sooner see you honor a doggy deal, just so long as they, (if with you at time of deal) will not lose face, and if it go’s pear shape, they all act like, ‘O well, this is Thailand, dumb farang’.

I, like you am after a 2nd hand motor, sold the pick-up at the start of winter season.

Good hunting and good luck.

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Yes will take the supposed 'Lose of Face' and hunt around for another. 2nd hand car dealers are notorious anywhere- just a matter of knowing what u want for approx. price.

Think the place was called Good Car on the Hwy going towards Chan Puak.... was recommended to go there by a guy who bought a Carryboy 4 years ago. Now just resold for only 60,000bt depreciation in 4 years- good deal.

However I have had as much as 120,000bt difference quoted for the same car, in the same place yet different sales people. When you talking only a 350K to 450K bt car then it a lot. Over the last couple of weeks I find Thai ladies quote far higher than men. In general... the girls are the ones who think we all silly mega millionaires- Lol.

Cheers Jay

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My view on the 'Face' aspect is stuff it. Thai's might let it bother them but we are not Thai's are we !

thumbsup.gif When buying a used car, take your time and cover every angle.

If you were meant to get it then you will, if not another will come along if you are patient.

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New Honda City with 1.5 VTEC engine. 2 wheel abs, dual front airbags, AT sells for about 600.000. Think they call it the Safety model. This will also include A1 Insurance for first year and full warranty.

Will depreciate about 120,000 in two years with good care.

Remember that 2nd hand dealers sell at a premium way above what a private party will sell for.

Buy new, or direct from the original owner, not a 2nd hand dealer.

If the cash price is too expensive for you. Your Thai wife or family may be able to get it financed. You decide how much to put down, then pay it off in a year, two or 3. :D

Edited by KimoMax
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Thailand is no different to ANY other place in the world......second hand cars = big risks and all sorts of tricks.

We just bought a new car through a local dealer. 100% professional, great service, extremely friendly.

Same as everywhere.

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