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Us Visas - Four Days Open Now!

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Sorry about that. Wasn't that clear but hope that those that know what I was talking about got in there a slot.

We did OK, less than 36 hours from the app being completed, 24 hours from setting up a user in queue software, we got an appt with a fairly good time slot as well. Even rescheduled 1x.

NOTE: This is totally jacked but beware. You must give up your appt before you can claim a new one. Really bad, bad software on so many levels as well.

NOTE: They go fast. While I was claiming a slot, went to "confirm" and said time was full. They do not give you a new time, the site will kick you out back to the calendar!

I could whinge about how us tax dollars are misspent on the site but it is fully supported and I presume highly profitable paid by PIN code. This MUST be a revenue stream for DOS.


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NOTE: They go fast. While I was claiming a slot, went to "confirm" and said time was full. They do not give you a new time, the site will kick you out back to the calendar!

Funny you mention this as I remember it was the same way back in 2007 & I thought the same.

Luckily back in 2007 it was still very easy & wide open.

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