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Question Regarding Starting Business


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I have 2 passports, foreign and thai. (mommy is thai). I dont speak thai, just basic, and cant read thai at all. I work on several internet related things. Graphics design, programmung but also google ads and other affiliate stuff.

Id like:

1) someone to help me start my own company and help with tax when needed but must understand i only speak english and want to run it as a thai citizen

2) my gf us farang and i brought her with me to thailand. Can i give her a workpermit eventhough she doesnt wirk for me? Or if i make her work 1 hour per month? Kinda sneaky but its possible I think

Id like advice on both, and does it cost a lot of money to have own business? I mean, do all the people selling shirts on street have legal papers or even pay tax? Just wondering.

Howmuch does advice lawyer accountant charge? I hope not a lot, im just starting here.

Many thanks in advance.


Id like to work according to thai law and rules, still a lot less tax compared to most foreign countries

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As a Thai citizen you can start a sole proprietorship business but it would be very difficult to obtain a work permit for your girlfriend through such a set up. She can obtain a work permit if you set up a majority Thai owned Limited Company (you can even have her as a minority shareholder) with four employees and 2 million baht in capitalization.

Sunbelt Asia has lawyers and accountants fluent in both Thai and English and can easily help you set up a Thai Limited Company.

There are other alternatives for your girlfriend but those involve marriage!


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