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Thailand Goes On Full Terror Alert


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Bangkok Post:

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has warned of violence from the Bali bombings possibly spilling over to prime tourist spots in Thailand, including Phuket as "certain indications'' have prompted the government to take special precautions.

"We're on full alert but there's something which forces us to put up our guard,'' Mr Thaksin said. He did not elaborate.

Mr Thaksin expressed confidence in the authorities' ability to control any untoward events. Plainclothes security forces were active in many popular tourist areas, particularly Phuket and Phangnga.

A highly-placed security source in Phuket conceded the resort island might be singled out for a terrorist attack after Bali. The province had been warned many times in the past several years and violence in one corner of the region could have a knock-on effect on Phuket.

Muang Phuket police superintendent, said all police precincts in the southern province had stepped up security checks with the onset of the Vegetarian Festival and the start of the high tourism season. Police had set up more checkpoints which operated around the clock with stepped-up patrols of entertainment areas.

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I was just in Thailand..and I was amazed as to the new population of Moslems in BKK. They are taking over the city. I saw entire Hotels full of Saudi's etc...quite surprised to see this.

It is only a matter of time til the moslems in BKK move to terrorism. All in the name of Allah. They simply will not be able to resist the temptation. Sick as it may be!!


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If you were ever inclined to experience Thai-only venues now would be a good

time for that.

I would avoid all falang populated restaurants/bars etc as these are havens for the

targeted Infidels.

Nana/Cowboy/Patpong (sorry Dr Patpong) are probably highest on the list.

be careful


Wow, I will stay in my house today and tomorrow and the day after (I live near the South) :o

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The point about no Muslims harmed is an important one - Bali is fairly unique in Indonesia, its population is Hindu, not Muslim!

So the target is doubly attractive because it not only has a high profile internationally but, unlike most of the rest of Indonesia, it does not have a large local Muslim population.

Unfortunately, you don't even need to bomb tourist sites in Thailand to have a serious impact on international tourism here. Bombs in Bali will frighten off many from holidaying in this part of the world for the upcoming high season. That, together with the trouble in the South, means that Thailand is already identified worldwide as a potential target (some would say THE NEXT major target). Who wants to have a holiday end in a nightmare? Who wants to even consider that kind of thing when it comes to a holiday? What are travel agents saying right now if their clients ask for their advice?

I have a small apartment I rent out in Phuket. Right now, I have only 4 advance bookings for the coming high season (about 35% of the bookings I had this time last year) and one of them cancelled yesterday - ." t"... because it is becoming just too risky to holiday in your part of the world." they said.

Sadly, I think that probably sums up the attitude of a lot of people for whom Thailand would normally have been their destination of choice.

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CB your post was indeed good but before you get too bigheaded: "I’m not very religious myself, but obviously the monsters who have been killing children and innocents around the world are religiously driven --- maybe obsessed is a better word"...... errhhmmmm how many people kill children and innocents around the world????????? Take a think??????

And to the Winston Churchill poster - what would you expect from a guy who probably saw exactly the same in his own country 106 years ago but couldn't admit it as he HAD to prove the rest of the world were HEATHENS??????

Come on..... careful with words......


Seonai: You're right --- please insert the word "intentionally" before "killing", and "en masse" after "innocents" --- Then see if you can detect a pattern here: Hirabahists v Jews in Palestine, Hirabahists v Hindus in Kashmir and Bali, Hirabahists v Christians in Nigeria and Europe, Hirabahists v Buddhists in southern Thailand...

To Zaz: I have been reading your posts here and elsewhere. Your comments carry a lot of weight --- thanks.

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elaborating on clbelljr's comments:

The following is based largely on Sam C. Holliday's Conflict of Wills:

I’m not very religious myself, but obviously the monsters who have been killing children and innocents around the world are religiously driven --- maybe obsessed is a better word.

I do know a little about fighting --- I know it’s essential to understand as much as possible about your enemy’s  patterns and motivations. 

And we’ve been going about things all wrong.

First let’s get some terminology straight.

Our enemies are the world’s hirabahists (evildoers who use terror against civilians).  Those that commit terror in the name of Islam are kafir (apostates or infidels to the Quran) who are guilty of istihlal (Islam's grievous sin of playing God).

The hirabahists have been calling their cause Jihad (Holy War), their assassins mujahiddin (holy warriors or Servants of Allah or martyrs), and their destiny Jinnah (Paradise).

And all too often, the politically correct have adopted these terms.  Doing so is both inaccurate and dangerous. We should refer to their cause as Hirabah (unholy war), their assassins as hirabahists (evildoers that use terror against civilians) or Servants of Satan, and their destiny as Jahannam (eternal Hellfire).

Okay, now we know some new words.  So what?

Step one is to pressure all Islamic clerics worldwide to issue fatwas (religious edicts) that condemn anyone who uses terror against civilians as a kafir (infidel) to authentic Quranic Islam. Those Islamic clerics who will not issue such a fatwa should then be considered suspect hirabahists themselves.

In their condemnation the Islamic clerics should state that:

1. Faithful and peaceful Muslims must unite and oppose the blasphemous criminality of those who use terror against civilians, which violates the teaching of authentic Islam.

2. The ongoing attacks are not an authentic Jihad (Holy War), but a Hirabah (Unholy War)—which in secular terms is called a "crime against humanity".

3. Those conducting Hirabah are destined for Jahannam (Eternal Hellfire), not Jinnah (Paradise).

Those that believe in the so-called Third Jihad claim they have a right to reclaim all formerly Muslim-ruled lands, even where Muslims now are a minority.

They want Islamist rule to replace secular rule in the Middle East, across North and East Africa, Asia Minor, the Balkans, Southwest Asia, Central Asia, and Indonesia. But the believers of the Third Jihad also want a global Caliphate. That means they want to be the only ones that can proselytize where Muslims are a minority.

It is impossible to compromise with the hirabahists because they have unlimited goals. To us their goals might seem unreasonable and unlikely to succeed. Yet they, like Hitler, can do grave harm before their movement's ultimate defeat.

But we can surely get to work on isolating the hirabahists and educating their unwitting supporters.

A very interesting post I certainly learned a lot from it. I also agree with your ideas. It would certainly be worth a try at worst.

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Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

No muslims harmed?

What about the 38 Balinese (second only to the 88 Australians) who were killed ?

What religion were they - Christian ?

Besides India, Bali has the largest Hindu population in the world and is the furthest reaches of the Hindu empire.

The Balinese call their religion Agama Tirta ("Science of the Holy Water"), which combines religious ideas from China, India, and Java.

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Zaz, lets see if you change you tune when the 200 falangs are blown to pieces.

children, woman, freinds...

Gees...you are really as racist as I had thought...so, for you, the lives of falangs are more important than those of Thais (and others) ?!

The world would be better off without the likes of you.


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I cannot help but write the following stuff....this will possibly be a reflection on the part of the majority of the folks here who are fair and humanist.

Why are a few bigoted individuals allowed to come into topics like this one and pollute the atmosphere here with their hatred-filled posts ?!

This also causes a nice and intelligent discussion of the topic to be messed up big time.

And....I find it sad that admins allow some of these posters to get away with some really nasty things they post....I can only hope that they don't share the sentiments of these bigots. Why does the posting of hateful stuff have to be allowed in the name of frredom of expression ?

Maybe it is not a good idea to have topics like this here on this forum, as they eaily deteriorate into nasty and sometimes childish talk. I guess I'd rather read the stuff in threads like 'Why marry bar girls ?' and 'The funny things falangs do in LOS'.

Now....I guess I should expect the usual, childish 'liberal-bashing' stuff from the people I mentioned above.


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I cannot help but write the following stuff....this will possibly be a reflection on the part of the majority of the folks here who are fair and humanist.

Why are a few bigoted individuals allowed to come into topics like this one and pollute the atmosphere here with their hatred-filled posts ?!

This also causes a nice and intelligent discussion of the topic to be messed up big time.

And....I find it sad that admins allow some of these posters to get away with some really nasty things they post....I can only hope that they don't share the sentiments of these bigots. Why does the posting of hateful stuff have to be allowed in the name of frredom of expression ?

Maybe it is not a good idea to have topics like this here on this forum, as they eaily deteriorate into nasty and sometimes childish talk. I guess I'd rather read the stuff in threads like 'Why marry bar girls ?' and 'The funny things falangs do in LOS'.

Now....I guess I should expect the usual, childish 'liberal-bashing' stuff from the people I mentioned above.


Which post (s) are you referring to? I have only seen post that comment on the problem at hand. How would you approach your freedom being takin away by Muslims and the Islamic movement?

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I cannot help but write the following stuff....this will possibly be a reflection on the part of the majority of the folks here who are fair and humanist.

Why are a few bigoted individuals allowed to come into topics like this one and pollute the atmosphere here with their hatred-filled posts ?!

This also causes a nice and intelligent discussion of the topic to be messed up big time.

And....I find it sad that admins allow some of these posters to get away with some really nasty things they post....I can only hope that they don't share the sentiments of these bigots. Why does the posting of hateful stuff have to be allowed in the name of frredom of expression ?

Maybe it is not a good idea to have topics like this here on this forum, as they eaily deteriorate into nasty and sometimes childish talk. I guess I'd rather read the stuff in threads like 'Why marry bar girls ?' and 'The funny things falangs do in LOS'.

Now....I guess I should expect the usual, childish 'liberal-bashing' stuff from the people I mentioned above.


Very well said, JemJem ! I sympathise with you on this issue. However, please keep in mind that in reality in our world there is a high number of bigots, be they racists, anti-homosexual people, sexists, etc. So it must not surprise you that some percentage of the posters here will be such people. I think for the issue we discuss here, it is important to separate the hardcore violent Islamists from the ordinary Muslim folks. The actions of a small number very badly affects the image of Islam in my opinion. And I am saying this from personal experience. I spent not-so-short periods of time in 2 Muslim-majority countries. I had an extended holiday in Morocco. I was there for about 5 weeks. Then I had a 6-month stay in Turkey where I taught English. I didn't face any negative stuff in those two countries except a few cases of being overcharged for some items (and now come on, this happens a lot in Thailand anad many other countries). I even had a long political talk at a teashop in Istanbul. Believe me, those people hate to be associated with violent Islamists. They don't even see them as Muslims.

So if people can at least refrain from making racist generalisations that would be a good thing.

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Believe me, those people hate to be associated with violent Islamists. They don't even see them as Muslims.

So if people can at least refrain from making racist generalisations that would be a good thing.

Well said, but after all, I wish, the islamic world could take a stricter position against those terrorists. Anyway, the terrorists food is poverty and corrupt clan-like governments. As much as we hate those terrorist acts and the people who conduct this, we have to keep on talking and looking for solutions. Much of this refers to southern Thailand as well. Force creates counterforce and that spiral is almost impossible to stop.

Well, I don't know, that all might be unrealistic, but I can't stand those F***** bombings any more. :o

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The point about no Muslims harmed is an important one - Bali is fairly unique in Indonesia, its population is Hindu, not Muslim!

So the target is doubly attractive because it not only has a high profile internationally but, unlike most of the rest of Indonesia, it does not have a large local Muslim population.

Unfortunately, you don't even need to bomb tourist sites in Thailand to have a serious impact on international tourism here.  Bombs in Bali will frighten off many from holidaying in this part of the world for the upcoming high season.  That, together with the trouble in the South, means that Thailand is already identified worldwide as a potential target (some would say THE NEXT major target).  Who wants to have a holiday end in a nightmare?  Who wants to even consider that kind of thing when it comes to a holiday?  What are travel agents saying right now if their clients ask for their advice?

I have a small apartment I rent out in Phuket.  Right now, I have only 4 advance bookings for the coming high season (about 35% of the bookings I had this time last year) and one of them cancelled yesterday - ." t"... because it is becoming just too risky to holiday in your part of the world." they said. 

Sadly, I think that probably sums up the attitude of a lot of people for whom Thailand would normally have been their destination of choice.

Wow...that really tells a lot. If people are backing out of Thailand now, wait until there is a real reason to do so...what a shame...

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I cannot help but write the following stuff....this will possibly be a reflection on the part of the majority of the folks here who are fair and humanist.

Why are a few bigoted individuals allowed to come into topics like this one and pollute the atmosphere here with their hatred-filled posts ?!

This also causes a nice and intelligent discussion of the topic to be messed up big time.

And....I find it sad that admins allow some of these posters to get away with some really nasty things they post....I can only hope that they don't share the sentiments of these bigots. Why does the posting of hateful stuff have to be allowed in the name of frredom of expression ?

Because what is hateful changes with the times.

Maybe it is not a good idea to have topics like this here on this forum, as they eaily deteriorate into nasty and sometimes childish talk. I guess I'd rather read the stuff in threads like 'Why marry bar girls ?' and 'The funny things falangs do in LOS'.

Now....I guess I should expect the usual, childish 'liberal-bashing' stuff from the people I mentioned above.


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I cannot help but write the following stuff....this will possibly be a reflection on the part of the majority of the folks here who are fair and humanist.

Why are a few bigoted individuals allowed to come into topics like this one and pollute the atmosphere here with their hatred-filled posts ?!

This also causes a nice and intelligent discussion of the topic to be messed up big time.


So if people can at least refrain from making racist generalisations that would be a good thing.

Had a quick scan but not seen anything racist or hate filled, or maybe it's been deleted. A pity that people cannot accept opinions against their own without bringing out bogy words like rascism all the time. In any case what's being talked about here is islamic fundamentalism whose members come from just about every race, but then some people see racism in any anti islamic opinion-peter

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I cannot help but write the following stuff....this will possibly be a reflection on the part of the majority of the folks here who are fair and humanist.

Why are a few bigoted individuals allowed to come into topics like this one and pollute the atmosphere here with their hatred-filled posts ?!

This also causes a nice and intelligent discussion of the topic to be messed up big time.

And....I find it sad that admins allow some of these posters to get away with some really nasty things they post....I can only hope that they don't share the sentiments of these bigots. Why does the posting of hateful stuff have to be allowed in the name of frredom of expression ?

Maybe it is not a good idea to have topics like this here on this forum, as they eaily deteriorate into nasty and sometimes childish talk. I guess I'd rather read the stuff in threads like 'Why marry bar girls ?' and 'The funny things falangs do in LOS'.

Now....I guess I should expect the usual, childish 'liberal-bashing' stuff from the people I mentioned above.


Well said JemJem - I think the intelligent people amongst us will understand what you mean here.

MODS - JemJem has a point...and your reponse is...?

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MODS - JemJem has a point...and your reponse is...?

Hate filled anti muslim and racist posts seem to be allowed here on Thaivisa I'm afraid Zaz. Many a time I have reported one and received no response from a mod. :o

Edited by bkkmadness
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Its pretty weird how they've hit Bali a second time. 

Bali is considered to be the most successful of all the bombings as in there were no muslims harmed.

If these guys would just start bombing politicians instead of the populace, they would all go from being hated to loved overnight. This would go much further to promote their agenda. I wouldn't mind seeing a few neo-cons in the obit column.

Oh well... if wishes were fishes and all that.

You are an idiot!!

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I cannot help but write the following stuff....this will possibly be a reflection on the part of the majority of the folks here who are fair and humanist.

Why are a few bigoted individuals allowed to come into topics like this one and pollute the atmosphere here with their hatred-filled posts ?!

This also causes a nice and intelligent discussion of the topic to be messed up big time.


So if people can at least refrain from making racist generalisations that would be a good thing.

Had a quick scan but not seen anything racist or hate filled, or maybe it's been deleted. A pity that people cannot accept opinions against their own without bringing out bogy words like rascism all the time. In any case what's being talked about here is islamic fundamentalism whose members come from just about every race, but then some people see racism in any anti islamic opinion-peter

agreed thai3

it used to be sticks and stones will brake your bones but names will never hurt me

now it is the opposite or so it seems.

it now appears to easy to hide behind every wrong doing by quoting 'racism and bigotry' very sad

every body that has had any sort of defence for these extreme muslim trrrorists iddiots.[yes muslim] because that is thier religion.

on this thread as i have read it there is has been nothing worse than my statement above to my knowledge, that is not racist but merely an opinion.

again on this thresd and others like it thier is a page or two of good debate and arguement and then it deteriorates to a racist and biggoted forum.

utter b++l++ks

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MODS - JemJem has a point...and your reponse is...?

Hate filled anti muslim and racist posts seem to be allowed here on Thaivisa I'm afraid Zaz. Many a time I have reported one and recieved no response from a mod. :D

No offense it doesnt matter to me if they are muslim, the same result would happen if it were catholic extremists. However one can expect backlash when someone blows themselves up and says Allah Akbar prior to doing so. :o

Edited by britmaveric
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MODS - JemJem has a point...and your reponse is...?

Hate filled anti muslim and racist posts seem to be allowed here on Thaivisa I'm afraid Zaz. Many a time I have reported one and recieved no response from a mod. :D

No offense it doesnt matter to me if they are muslim, the same result would happen if it were catholic extremists. However one can expect backlash when someone blows themselves up and says Allak Akbar prior to doing so. :o

Yeah I should add really coz of Opothais and Brits post that the anti muslim and racist posts I am refering to have been all over the forum of late, I haven't scrutinised many of the posts on this topic as I find these topics go over the top in the end. :D

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every body that has had any sort of defence for these  extreme muslim trrrorists iddiots.[yes muslim] because that is thier religion.

This is exactly what one of the main issues is - "[yes muslim] because that is thier religion" it's because these idiots just happen to be Muslim and think they are doing a noble act. What about G Dubya the Christian extremist w4nker - is it fair of me to say that?

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what you say bears no problem with me as it is your opinion, and i respect that.

that is not what i deem to be racist.

my understanding of racism are the derogatory remarks to peoples ethnic origin and not thier views and opinions of religion.

to be honest i do not know from day to day what is pc correct or not

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elaborating on clbelljr's comments:

The following is based largely on Sam C. Holliday's Conflict of Wills:

I’m not very religious myself, but obviously the monsters who have been killing children and innocents around the world are religiously driven --- maybe obsessed is a better word.

I do know a little about fighting --- I know it’s essential to understand as much as possible about your enemy’s  patterns and motivations. 

And we’ve been going about things all wrong.

First let’s get some terminology straight.

Our enemies are the world’s hirabahists (evildoers who use terror against civilians).  Those that commit terror in the name of Islam are kafir (apostates or infidels to the Quran) who are guilty of istihlal (Islam's grievous sin of playing God).

The hirabahists have been calling their cause Jihad (Holy War), their assassins mujahiddin (holy warriors or Servants of Allah or martyrs), and their destiny Jinnah (Paradise).

And all too often, the politically correct have adopted these terms.  Doing so is both inaccurate and dangerous. We should refer to their cause as Hirabah (unholy war), their assassins as hirabahists (evildoers that use terror against civilians) or Servants of Satan, and their destiny as Jahannam (eternal Hellfire).

Okay, now we know some new words.  So what?

CB, your living in an apologists dream world For most of the worlds Muslims the call for a defensive Jihad against the west resonates as a positive idea for the love of their concept of God. Those taking up arms or those simply providing support are not considered Kafirs as I am considered a Kafir, apart from a very small group of westernized Muslims. There have been few fatwas issued against the Jihadists and their supporters. The Wahabi are still supported by gallons of petro dollars and Salafiism is mainsteam Islam today. Although your position is heard from westernized Muslims it is not what is being heard or read in the mainstream Arab press.

Currently there is no forseeable shortage of wanna be "shahid" or martyrs. What we in the west see as "radical" Islam has become mainstream Islam. And that radicalism is a response to the very poor foreign policy choices the west has made over the last century towards the Islamic world and especially towards the Arab world. Can you explain the west's support of "self-determination" for East Timor and the reluctance of the west to grant that same self-determination for Chechnya?

Bin Laden has declared war on the west in terms of a defensive Jihad to save Islam. We will have to fight this war militarily but it will not be won by military might alone.

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