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What Do You Ladies Wear?


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I am wondering if Im getting old fashioned...Nowadays I see a lot of tourist dressing up even when strolling the beach [ I saw two goths walking down the beach in 35 degrees the other day ] nothing wrong with that but when I first came to Thailand it was all about long sleeves for at night, comfort and protection against musquitos...blink.gif good things change but I wonder, do you dress differently than back in any Western country besides the weather over here?

So its a good thing that people wear what they like but for me, in Thailand I never wear high heels, since half the roads on the island are not even paved yet and I would be taller than my guy.[and it just doesnt feel appropriate on an island, at hoem I would always be in heels]

I do see even with our staff there's somethings you wear during the day and there's things to wear at night time, so for me goes I will wear the occasional fisherman's pants in day time and when not to hot my jeans at night time.

Since having a babe, I discovered long skirts and dresses [not the granny style!]

What do you do to still feel feminine or pretty?

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before i ware high heel i have to know the fact that i dont have to walk alot at that night , or tell my hubby that when im on the high heel dont walk too fast!

for my dressing, it is depends on what is the weather like?, when ?day or night? what occasion ?and what kind of place that im going to ? :jap:

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Well i miss dressing up sometimes...I mean its not that since Im a mom I just let it hang but there's no occasion here to dress up for!

When Im wokring at night in our place I make sure I look nice some make up earrings and nice top but not the same...

Ah well I guess it depents on where u are and what you do in Thailand!

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Beach living, as Carry rightly points out, does preclude dressing up much, although weddings can be a nice occasion to wear nice clothes. But I have to say, I have never worn fisherman trousers, perhaps its seeing all the backpackers wear them over the years, maybe its the fact that local women almost never wear them and its almost exclusively well, fishermen, but I have never worn them, don't own a pair and wouldn't buy them.

Of course, I haven't gone the other route either and dont' wear a sarong. Shorts, t-shirts, capri pants and the occasional skirt.

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i have the same summer wardrobe in thailand as in UK. I wear jeans & a nice top & sandals when going out the night. during the day is cotton trousers or shorts & tshirt or shirt.

Only thing that changes is the shoes. can't wear covered toed shoes, always in flip flops or sandals, slip on shoes. Partly becuase of the heat & partly due to taking shoes on & off all day to go in & out of houses.

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I like loose fitting clothes. Being confined inside a tight fitting dress or jeans makes me feel sick.

I am tall and skinny. Winter here in Swissland is cold, but not too cold. I layer on tee shirts and sweaters and woolly tights, and comfortable jeans!!

Summers here can get hot - I wear skirts and t-shirts and comfortable sandals.

I haven't worn high heels since i was in my twenties. I see women pottering around and think <deleted>? Luckily this summer's footware is flat!!

I only wear beachy clothes when i know I am going down to the lake. Quick t and skirt off to show the bikini.

Fisherman trousers are great!! To lie around the house in. I still have two pairs i bought years ago and they are the most comfy things i own. They have been washed into softness!!

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I've only been in Thailand a month, but I ask this question all the time seeing people in things I consider odd walking down the street.

I never wear heels here, not even to work. It was all I wore back in the US, but I walk to much more here and the streets/sidewalks are so uneven I think I would hurt myself in heels. I prefer easy flats/snadals to slip on and off. For clothes I stick to light cotton dress or capris and light shirt. I'm still adjusting to the blistering heat , but I'm not comfortable walking around in only shorts and tank top.

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I try to keep it culturally respectful. I very rarely venture out of the house with a tank top on, unless I have a shrug/cardigan/etc covering it. I keep my shorts no shorter than knee-length. I still have some funky clothing, but it covers me appropriately. I do wear a lot of dresses and skirts. (And I am 25 - so still young and I DO keep up with fashion) I went out on Friday without much cover, but I was going to a club to go dancing.

I have been blown away since moving to Chiang Mai at some of the stuff I see. Today, I went to the temple and there are farang girls all over the place in short-shorts and tank tops. What are they thinking!? In a TEMPLE!?

Aye aye aye

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Well a true Sex & the city carry came in to our bar last night....wearing a very nice satin dress and high heeled sandals, she didnt look very comfortable and most people were just staring [rude but well she was like a car crash...u cant help the staring....]

I do have to admit I am not into the lets look grubby backpacker style...

Wear some of my hubbies fisherman's pants out of sheer laziness!

But for visiting family in Thailand I try to be more considered and will wear loose fitting shirts and the women in the family gave me many sarongs over the years so when on visit I dust them off and wear them, which is well appreciated.

Patsycat, I have to admit that walking on high heels is sort of an art and it only looks 'sexy' when a lady knows how too...the pottering around [lol] looks a bit silly! it really does on an island with no paved road...

And yes Boo for practical reasons its flipflops for me too, to be taking of shoes every time you walk in a house...halleluja!

For me I try to find a balance between comfortable, easy and looking nice!

I was talking to another mom and she cut her hair short and walks around in sweatpants most of the time because she is so busy with the kids she cant be bothered [her quote!] I thought that was rather sad, I like to look nice for me but also for my husband [well have to admit sometimes I think I could wear a tiny bikini and a bright red wig and he would be so busy he wouldnt notice dry.gif]

In our household its also about our kid and sure thats important but so am I is what I figured!

I dont want to be just a mom but also me, a wife, a friend, myself...

And I have to admit I was never a big fashionata when still in Europe...but it got me thinking even if your choices are more limited and the climate you live in very different that doesnt have to mean you cant have a nice style...

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To add to this - my best female friend has actually stopped calling me after 7 pm.

Because she knows dam_n well that I am not going out - I already have my jim jams on!!! Legs up on the coffee table and the TV on!!!

I'm getting old!!!

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  • 5 months later...

(SBK, up north also Thai women wear fishermen pants... )

During the day I wear a shield of clothes to protect me from sun & dirt. Sexy? Haha... no way... it's all about survival!

At home I wear sarongs, easy & light stuff.

And even though I don't wear my heels very often, I always enjoy wearing them. But it is such a hassle on the motorbike: I need an extra pair of shoes (for on motorbike) or I have to call a taxi. So basically there is more organising involved.

In the West I usually wore winter clothes, even in the summer biggrin.gif

PS. Haha... I remember one time when I wore a pencil skirt, I just couldn't get on my motorbike! So I decided to take a songtheaw, but even hopping on a songtheaw was impossible. 555... I gave people something to laugh about! In the end I went back home to change. And learned my lesson smile.gif

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