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Thailand No Target For International Music Stars!?


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Yes its funny that Thais should be interested in their own music - in their own LANGUAGE. Of course there are many western bands/ artists who speak Thai. And yes they really should recognise the superiority of western culture. Question to anybody ? How many names of Thai bands or artists do you know? Best answer gets a free ticket to the next 'PBird' concert.

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I have been traveling around the region lately, and Bruno Mars, for example, was in Cebu and Manila last month, then Jakarta and KL, but no Thai venues. Same with Justin Bieber for next month in Manila, KL, and Jakarta (not that I want to see him. :) ) Taylor Swift was in Manila, Hong Kong, Seoul, Osaka, and Tokyo in Feb. No Thai venue.

I happen to like Placebo and was glad to see they came to Thailand, but they can hardly be considered a major band. It seems to me that most of the higher draw bands and performers seem to skip past Thailand.

Reading these posts make me feel very much older....I'm 72 soon. I have to confess that Ive not heard of 90% of the bands mentioned....and at a guess would'nt want to hear them anyway.

Whatever happened to musical music?? guess it went away.........

Edited by gennisis
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Anthrax and company played here this past Monday. 50 cent played Bangkok roughly 5 years ago. Thier have been some decent names play the yearly Jazz event in Hua Hin every year. Alot of the acts do seem to play Singapore and Hong Kong more routinly than Bkk. I think it was Lincoln Park that did a benefit in Phuket after the tsunami. Eventually LOS will become more of a pheasable venue but who knows when?

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Yes its funny that Thais should be interested in their own music - in their own LANGUAGE. Of course there are many western bands/ artists who speak Thai. And yes they really should recognise the superiority of western culture. Question to anybody ? How many names of Thai bands or artists do you know? Best answer gets a free ticket to the next 'PBird' concert.

You are missing the point here. No one is writing that Thais should not like Thai music or bands, or that western music is superior.

But the fact of the matter is that some bands are internationally popular, even in Thailand. Their songs are played on Thai-language radio, for example, and the videos are on Thai television. WHile over a broad spectrum, I am sure most Thai bands would draw better, but these internationally reaching bands do have fans here. And if these bands see fit to perform to sell-out houses in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia, why do they skip Thailand?

Two of the three performers I mentioned previously who skipped Thailand on their tours are very popular among Thais: Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars. For all I know, Justin Bieber might also be popular. (I just asked a Thai this minute after typing that, and she said Thais like his music, but they think he is "just a kid," so as a person, he is not that popular)

There is nothing saying they have to play here. But I am curious as to why they skip the Kingdom. Is it because Thais don't buy enough tickets? Is it because of some regulations which make it difficult? Is it because the venues are too expensive? Is it for fear of violence?

I don't know the answer, so I can understand the OP's curiosity. But to mildly flame people who are curious and who have posted here does no one any good and is actually off-base. Your sarcasm is not fairly leveled as no one has inferred that western music is somehow superior.

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Anthrax and company played here this past Monday. 50 cent played Bangkok roughly 5 years ago. Thier have been some decent names play the yearly Jazz event in Hua Hin every year. Alot of the acts do seem to play Singapore and Hong Kong more routinly than Bkk. I think it was Lincoln Park that did a benefit in Phuket after the tsunami. Eventually LOS will become more of a pheasable venue but who knows when?

Yes, big name jazz acts play here every year at Hua Hin and Bangkok during the two jazz festivals.

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Thailand does not offer the same economic spin offs as a visit to Japan. The entertainment markets for Japan and Korea are far more integrated with the west than other asian markets are. It is an expensive undertaking to tour Asia. Only Japan and then Korea can offer an economy of scale. China can do it too if there is corporate sponsorship.

Japan and Korea offer multiple venues that can sell out. Once a group does Bangkok, then what? Maybe the promoters can get 2-3 shows in Bangkok but then? It's not like you can pack everything on a truck and then head down the road to the next major venue as is the case for the USA or the EU. Thailand is a the equivalent of playing Peoria in the USA or Naples in Italy. It's just not an economically viable stop.

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I think Thais in general have gone over to Korean or Japanese bands.

I never hear the good Western rock bands on radio nowadays, only the sweet pop ( Maroon 5) and female singers (Beyonce etc.)

The flight towards the Japanese and Korean fashion shouldn't surprise anyone that is in any way observant.

As to the viability of Western popular music styles heard on Thai radio these days, unfortunately falls towards the influence of the American Urban genre......and predictably quite homogenous and borish. Personally, I'll take the old Thai-Isaan style. My comfort zone.

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don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't consider The Eagles or Santana as the current superstars of the 21 century! I love Mr.Slowhand, but ya..and Maroon 5? ;-)

Hmmm....so the likes of The Eagles, Clapton, and Carlos Santana would be the least of those artists to be influential, yes? As for your beloved 21st century artists.....most fall into that copy-cat homogeny. Contemporary styles and originality sucks today.

lol old man talk

....or "old school":jap:

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And if these bands see fit to perform to sell-out houses in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia, why do they skip Thailand?

I imagine because The Phillipines is way more interested in American culture than Thailand is, millions of them live in America even more want to. Most of them speak English. Much closer connection. Malaysians also speak English so are more in to Western music, plus can combine with a show in Singapore where they also speak English and are more international. I dunno about Indonesia, never been.

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Youth of Today in BKK, October 5th. DJ Shadow played 2 years ago. some indie/underground bands come and go and you wouldn't even hear about it. hard to keep a real tab on what's going on underground unless you're reading the flyers on the lightposts :(

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And if these bands see fit to perform to sell-out houses in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia, why do they skip Thailand?

I imagine because The Phillipines is way more interested in American culture than Thailand is, millions of them live in America even more want to. Most of them speak English. Much closer connection. Malaysians also speak English so are more in to Western music, plus can combine with a show in Singapore where they also speak English and are more international. I dunno about Indonesia, never been.

The Philippines alone actually makes sense as they are a music-crazy, star-crazy,western-liking culture. So it makes sense that they can support more international-type bands, particularly western bands. But Indonesia is much more alike Thailand in this way than like the Philippines, and in fact, Thailand seems to be much more celebrity and what is "in" oriented than Indonesia.

I don't know the reason, and in speaking with Thais, they don't seem to know the reason, either. So as I don't know, I welcome any rational possibility. And my last major concert was the Stones in LA maybe 15 years ago, so I am not even a huge concert-goer. I am just curious about my adopted home.

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Plain and simple there aint no money in it.

Touring is usually a money losing endeavor (for most bands out there). To make money on a tour you need to do many dates close together. It's especially tough, in S/E Asia where a lengthy tour necessitates the need to play in MANY small countries and get in and outta them quickly. Factor in the inherent problems logistically moving equipment, support staff, etc around those countries and it can turn into a nite-mare. This is unlike the US or even the EU where bands can and do put on super successful multi-state (and in the case of the EU multi-country) 50 - 60 city tours which go off without a hitch.

Most of the real money made from touring comes not so much from ticket sales as it does from selling merchandising; t-shirt, tour programs, live c/ds of the show etc.

Bangkok just doesnt have the demographic make up to support the BIG bands comin here during a world tour, unless its a Farewell Tour where bands play secondary markets just to play them.

Now granted there are a more than few big acts thatve played here, and come back time and again. I doubt its a real money maker in terms of the profit compared to a similar sized city in the US or EU where a band can often sell out an arena for multiple nites.

I guess were resigned to being a one buffalo town in S/E Asia as far as real acts are concerned. :D

Heck, the last time I saw KISS (which I've seen well over 100 times, :lol:) was their "Rising Sun Tour" back in 2006. I had to fly to Osaka as Japan was the closest they ever got to Thailand. :(

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Youth of Today in BKK, October 5th. DJ Shadow played 2 years ago. some indie/underground bands come and go and you wouldn't even hear about it. hard to keep a real tab on what's going on underground unless you're reading the flyers on the lightposts :(

Ha, youth of today. I don't think they are youths any more :lol:

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They also probably need to pay a bunch of TEA money to perform and a cut of the profits.. After all they are guests into the kingdom.

Or maybe most Artist are denied a visa?

Prolly have work permit issues


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The Eagles ,Eric Clapton, Santana only just recently played in bangkok

Kylye Minogue is here now, tom jones recently but for SARS rolling stones would have been here

Edited by NALAK
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The Eagles ,Eric Clapton, Santana only just recently played in bangkok

Kylye Minogue is here now, tom jones recently but for SARS rolling stones would have been here

Born and bread in wales..but i would not go and watch tom jones if he was playing in my back garden.....whistling.gif

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I watched Oasis play in a car park in Bangkok a few years ago. I imagine that they were a little surprised at the venue.

Didn't Madonna cancel a planned series of concerts here a few years ago when she saw the scale of copy merchandise on sale, deciding it wasn't worth it? Concerts partly promote the artist and hopefully lead to T-shirt and CD sales etc. If they are all copies then that cancels that aspect of it. However I would have thought the same could be said of the Philippines so maybe not.

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The only question I ask is why pay big bucks to watch some contemporary pop star? For the price of beer In Thailand you can go to any one of a dozen nightclubs and listen to Thai bands that play almost as good as the well known pop stars. And, in some cases they are better... but without all the smoke and mirrors stuff that always accompany the big shows. You can watch an extremely talented muscian from a distance of 2 meters away instead of way up in the bleeder section of some huge concert hall.

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The Eagles ,Eric Clapton, Santana only just recently played in bangkok

True but most of the new "players" avoid the place, most likely because Thais have almost no appreciation for excellent music that falls outside the realm of Thai music. Yes, I know, but they do like the Eagles, Clapton and Santana. There are exceptions to every rule. The vast majority of the population is clueless when it comes to international music. A tiny fraction is willing to listen. An even smaller fraction likes and appreciates the music. Thai culture is the most closed culture I have ever lived in with regard to food, music, etc.

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