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Pest Control Needed


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Each dog has been treated with Frontline and has the Preventic collar, but the problem has stretched beyond the toleration point. I've called a local pest control agent - but because of my terrible Thai skills and them not speaking English nothing is going to happen with them.

A friend told me that last year Lanna Dog recommended a local woman who charged her around 800 baht to come to her house and she has never had a problem since. The friend can't find the number and I'm thinking the good people at Lanna Dog Rescue have enough on their plate right now.

Does anyone know of a local pest control person who isn't going to charge a fortune to come and do it right? I'm really not comfortable mixing up any concoctions myself and wouldn't know where to put it in and around the house anyway.

Thanks in advance.

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On similar topic... What about the Bed bug problem in many CMai hotel... would you prefer the bed bugs or the insecticides that have most likely claimed 7 tourist deaths recently.

Another example of Thais taking short cuts in anything possible to save a buck and time- causing deaths.

I have had GH's and businesses in CMai and must say that attention to detail is not a strength here. The could care less attitude is getting serious bad press right now.

I believe it is always human nature to take short cuts and do things the easiest and cheapest way. The buck stops with the owners and managers of the companies. The prosecution rate is very poor compared to our homeland in similar examples.

Yes we can sue for wrongful death or damage but good luck a Farang Vs Thai... certain items in this country make me a little nervous and this is one of them.

Anyway I am way of topic now...good luck with the Dog ticks.

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It's not the rainy season that brought the ticks. They have been a major problem for about a year now all over Thailand. This has been discussed at length. There is no magic 800 Baht cure I'm sorry to say. The best thing you can do is to inject your dog with a Thai brand of medicine that not only kills the ticks but the eggs also. It is available in every pet shop for 40 Baht per vial. You need to do it regularly -- like every month. The medicine goes into the dogs bloodstream and kills the ticks and the eggs. You will see them fall off the dog after a week or or so. I don't have any here at the moment but I believe its called Ivermec. We inject our Golden Retriever every 30 days.

Search the pet forum, there are hundreds of posts about tick control. Spraying chemicals at your home won't do a dam_n thing except make this woman 800 Baht richer. That will buy 20 vials of Ivermectin.

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It's not the rainy season that brought the ticks. They have been a major problem for about a year now all over Thailand. This has been discussed at length. There is no magic 800 Baht cure I'm sorry to say. The best thing you can do is to inject your dog with a Thai brand of medicine that not only kills the ticks but the eggs also. It is available in every pet shop for 40 Baht per vial. You need to do it regularly -- like every month. The medicine goes into the dogs bloodstream and kills the ticks and the eggs. You will see them fall off the dog after a week or or so. I don't have any here at the moment but I believe its called Ivermec. We inject our Golden Retriever every 30 days.

Search the pet forum, there are hundreds of posts about tick control. Spraying chemicals at your home won't do a dam_n thing except make this woman 800 Baht richer. That will buy 20 vials of Ivermectin.


Sounds good - you inject your dog - scruff of the neck thing? Where do you get the needles (feel a bit self conscious popping in the local chemist asking for a pack of needles - like a wealthy drug addict).

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I had the same problem my dog would come in and we would find 5 or six ticks on her . I tried Frontline once a month a flea and tic collar nothing helped . I took her to the vet she gave her a shot that needs to be done every two months I have not seem a tic or flea on her since .

The enitre cost was 350 baht she got wormed and her rabie and her boosters all at the same time ... Well worth it . I would not want my yard sprayed unless I did it myself ....

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You can get needles at the animal supply place, same place you buy the Ivermec. If you are not used to giving shots/jabs you can also give it to the dog orally. Either inject it into a soft treat or food.

In my own experience, Ivermectin is great for stopping worms, but I don't think it does much for ticks. It seems to work on ticks for a couple of days, but then the ticks will come back without any other help. Talk to your vet about an injectable tick repellant. Works much better for that purpose and much much longer too.

It's not the rainy season that brought the ticks. They have been a major problem for about a year now all over Thailand. This has been discussed at length. There is no magic 800 Baht cure I'm sorry to say. The best thing you can do is to inject your dog with a Thai brand of medicine that not only kills the ticks but the eggs also. It is available in every pet shop for 40 Baht per vial. You need to do it regularly -- like every month. The medicine goes into the dogs bloodstream and kills the ticks and the eggs. You will see them fall off the dog after a week or or so. I don't have any here at the moment but I believe its called Ivermec. We inject our Golden Retriever every 30 days.

Search the pet forum, there are hundreds of posts about tick control. Spraying chemicals at your home won't do a dam_n thing except make this woman 800 Baht richer. That will buy 20 vials of Ivermectin.


Sounds good - you inject your dog - scruff of the neck thing? Where do you get the needles (feel a bit self conscious popping in the local chemist asking for a pack of needles - like a wealthy drug addict).

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I understand about the tick-in-the-house problem. On advice from some who deal with dogs regularly, I paid 2500 baht to have areas where dogs are allowed indoors sprayed - outside too (small garden) - twice, by a reputable pest control outfit. As we all know, killer spraying can be more dangerous than none at all.

Even then, the kill was not 100%, which was encouraging, as I did not want a persistent toxin in the house.

Ivomec is not the entire solution, however. Its internal protections do not extend to all tick-borne diseases. Frontline, certainly, and perhaps the collar are wise protections too.

In short, our attack against ticks must be multi-faceted. I even read that Ivomec is being combined with another preventative for greater effectiveness in the West.

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It's not the rainy season that brought the ticks. They have been a major problem for about a year now all over Thailand. This has been discussed at length. There is no magic 800 Baht cure I'm sorry to say. The best thing you can do is to inject your dog with a Thai brand of medicine that not only kills the ticks but the eggs also. It is available in every pet shop for 40 Baht per vial. You need to do it regularly -- like every month. The medicine goes into the dogs bloodstream and kills the ticks and the eggs. You will see them fall off the dog after a week or or so. I don't have any here at the moment but I believe its called Ivermec. We inject our Golden Retriever every 30 days.

Search the pet forum, there are hundreds of posts about tick control. Spraying chemicals at your home won't do a dam_n thing except make this woman 800 Baht richer. That will buy 20 vials of Ivermectin.


Sounds good - you inject your dog - scruff of the neck thing? Where do you get the needles (feel a bit self conscious popping in the local chemist asking for a pack of needles - like a wealthy drug addict).

Exactly. Just get very small gauge needles and they barely feel it. You can buy the needles and syringes at any medical supply shop or animal supply shop (like the ones on Thannon Suthep). The dose is determined by the weight of the animal.

Also I read some of the other posts about giving Ivermectin orally or applying it topically; both in this thread and in other posts on the pet forum. We asked the vet about that. He was a Professor at CMU for years. He said it doesn't work the same as getting the medicine into the bloodstream of the animal. The eggs need to be poisoned or it becomes a never-ending cycle. But the treatment has to be done on a regular schedule. You can read about the cycle of the eggs hatching.

Really its not such a big deal giving the injection. Ask the vet to show you how the 1st time if you are nervous about it.

Another thing: The Ivermectin is made in Thai labs and sells for about 30-50 Baht per vial. Some shops will try and sell you an imported version of the same medicine that sells for 200+ per vial. There is more profit in it for them obviously. Insist on the Thai brand.

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