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Secret Of Thailand's Success? It's The Women:


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If I were a Thai woman, sbk's comment about a superiority attitude might mean something.  Since I am a farang, I am only writing about what I see every day, and read aboout in the newspapers.

I disagree, the worst attitudes towards Thai men I have seen have invariably come from farang men who have somehow decided that Thai men are inferior and farang men superior. Often these are the same people who like to post that farang women are inferior and Thai women superior. What most fail to realize is that everyone has a different experience in life and one cannot judge another person or entire group of people by a few people's bad experiences. And, of course, if I based my entire experience on farang men from what I see every day and read in the newspapers I might come to the conclusion that farang men are generally piss-heads and drug dealers.

The Thai men I have worked with are not inferior but they do seem to be amazingly touchy, moody and occasionally lazy. I had one chap who slept at this desk and another who would throw a temper tantrum when asked to do work. They were both significantly older than me.

The women, on the whole, are more willing to adapt and knuckle down.

And I do not blame you if you think farangs are all drug users or hooligans. In England a large percentage are.

I am a Thai man and I love Thai girl but I dont dislike farang girls. Sorry you meet those two Thai men. One question, do you think all thai men are like these guys?

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