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New Vocabulary Words

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THAI SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR: anyone who keeps their school in the black long enough for the person above them to steal more money. This job may entail unsavory duties such as cutting expenses for chalk, scissors, paper, and free lunches for underpaid Thai teachers who actually put in longer hours than foreign teachers who do get a free lunch.

LESSON PLAN: absolutely essential for every class and should always be pre-approved by a Thai administrator (see above). Note: The "Lesson Plan" is not to be confused with "Learning", which also begins with an "L" but is different because unlike the lesson plan, learning is considered optional.

MORNING DUTY: scheduled time set aside for foreigners to say hello to parents. It's impossible to say with certainty where "morning duty" will take place each week since there are different locations available, however the more "farang" one looks, the closer to the front door one can expect to be. Note: for those from western countries unfamiliar with the concept of teachers performing duties other than actually teaching, it may be helpful to picture a greeter at Walmart or Tesco-Lotus dressed in suit and tie bowing at the waist.

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