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Suing A Doctor In Thailand


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Something tells me that I should stay here in the US or go to another country for help, concentrating on being alive and free to tell my story, vs serving a long sentence in a Thai prison.

There it is - answered your own question.

Another poster indicated that you're intensely paranoid, and I gotta agree.

My suggestion: grow a pair.

Ah, from the urban dictionary: "grow a pair" is a term used on a man who is not being manly enough.

Do you see me as a man because my surgeon sees me as a man? Or is there something in my writing style that is male? If so, why? Am I too smart to be a dumb blonde? Am I too smart to be a dumb happy-as-you-go out-and-proud?

Aren't you really just being the senior member here that you are, and putting forth your quota of posts for the day, not having time to really digest the posts here, just enough to cause a stir and move on?? You do have 2042 posts, albeit over the last 6 years that you have been a member? What would you need to grow in order to move on from here and on into the real world?

I'm in the US so I have to get to bed soon, or I won't function tomorrow. While I'm gone though, please ask yourself if you are contributing to discussions on this site, or if you're just a nuisance on this site. No, seriously, ask yourself what it would feel like if someone came along and asked you where those things were that you spent your entire life trying to get rid of. Do that and then kindly do something to yourself that I can't write hear.

Thank you!

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"grow a pair", "go see a plumber"... Some nice people on this board... You all let us know when you get cancer so we can have a joke at your expense...

You're not actually believing this story, are you?? I suspect that it is an elaborate albeit entertaining troll.

OP- it seems that you have a real hard-on for the doctor, and punishing him is more important than doing whatever it takes to save your own life. Nisa has been the voice of reason in this thread, suggesting that you go to your local hospital where they will help you no matter what you have / don't have anymore. If they don't have the skills to help you, I'm sure they can refer you to an appropriate specialist.

I'm curious to know- will you share with us what you specifically lied about on the eligibility form? And, how you think that the doctor managed to intercept your communications to reveal your lie? I'm not a doctor or a lawyer, but this part intrigues me because I am an IT professional. How do you figure he "sniffed out your electronic communications" ? Did he hack your email? Can you elaborate, and maybe I can be of help in this area. I don't really believe this either - most doctors I know have knowledge specific to their field. Do you really think he knows how to hack an email account?

As for my 2000 posts over 6 years- senior?? Wow. You flatter me. I'm a lightweight. Click here to see who the big dogs are. I'm about 22 pages down.

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Cindy, You want answers but you are not willing to listen to anybody who provides you answers. The answer are simply given your comments ...

1) Go see a doctor, wherever you are, and tell them about your pain and physical complaints without getting into speculation, diagnosing yourself or blaming others of trying to purposely harm you.

2) After yet another doctor cannot confirm your your own paranoid diagnosis but possibly does treat you for whatever is wrong, then go to a mental health facility and get yourself checked out. Simply tell them you want to be sure your mentally okay since so many people are indicating you may have some kind of mental imbalance.

If you are unwilling to do either or both of these things then there is nothing here anyone can say will help you AND the last place you want to be in your condition is in a foreign and developing country.

I am curious to know what you lied about to the doctor. You seem to go all over the place with this one giving hints from your sneaking into the country to lying about your past living as a women to your medical or mental state. Obviously, depending what you lied about would have a huge bearing on who is at fault when it comes to determining fault.

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I can see no possibility of the case even getting to court.

If the OP has defamed the surgeon online then I do see a defamation case being successful if the OP returns to Thailand.

Like others have said the plausibility of a surgeon "sabotaging" a surgery, particularly in a way that will leave the patient alive but getting sicker over a long time eventually leading to death ... just doesn't make sense. That the OP has no verification of the story and apparently lied to get the surgery could as easily land the patient in a psych ward in Thailand as in the US. I have a friend that is a past president of the plastic surgeons association here in Thailand and over the years he has corrected many botched and semi-botched surgeries and almost never has a patient gotten any award from a court.

If I were a surgeon facing a case like this what would I do? Simply state the patient is suffering from psychosis, lied to get the surgery, had emotional issues post surgery and hurt herself. Occam's razor (pun intended) makes this story far more plausible in this case.

(Bino--- I resemble that remark)

Edited by jdinasia
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If the case against the doctor (or defendant in the suit) is dismissed for lack of evidence or if the Plaintiff loses the case, the doctor could countersue for defamation, Wrongful Act from the Plaintiff or other grounds. The Judge may or may not award the full amount of the suit.


I'm curious ... is it "typical" for there to be punitive damages awarded in Thailand or is the amount usually just based on actual loss and/or damage?

In the US we get some incredibly high jury awards due to punitive damages but it is my understanding that this is largely a US thing. An example would be the women who initially was awarded near $3 Million from McDonalds after spilling her 49-cent coffee on herself and claiming McDonalds should have been aware they were serving coffee that was too hot.

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Cindy, You want answers but you are not willing to listen to anybody who provides you answers. The answer are simply given your comments ...

1) Go see a doctor, wherever you are, and tell them about your pain and physical complaints without getting into speculation, diagnosing yourself or blaming others of trying to purposely harm you.

I didn't ask what I should do about my situation. I asked specific questions about suing a doctor in Thailand. When people like yourself began to probe out of curiosity, well then it's their own fault if they don't like the answers they get back. If they then want to trash a thread by misguiding it's direction or twisting its intent, then they should be disciplined by the admin of this site.

2) After yet another doctor cannot confirm your your own paranoid diagnosis but possibly does treat you for whatever is wrong, then go to a mental health facility and get yourself checked out. Simply tell them you want to be sure your mentally okay since so many people are indicating you may have some kind of mental imbalance.

You misconscrue the facts. There is no indication that "many people" have indicated I have a mental imbalance. The fact that one can get completely "quashed" in a psych ward is warrant enough for that person to run as fast as they can in the OPPOSITE direction of said psych ward or any mental health facility. But thanks for adding your $0.02 here.

If you are unwilling to do either or both of these things then there is nothing here anyone can say will help you AND the last place you want to be in your condition is in a foreign and developing country.

Wrong. If you continue to suggest that I can't present my concerns and questions on this website, then I am going to ask the admin to do something about you. Or leave on my own. That's what you want though. You want me to go away so that you don't have to hear my questions, hear my story. If the poster is ruled a troll and subsequently banned, well then they can't defend themselves can they? If I'm a troll, or better yet, a delusional freak, why can't you show that by reasonable discussion? Why is it necessary to ban someone who is delusional? It isn't. It is only necessary when the person, this "imposter", is making sense out of something as complicated as the sabotage of one of the most divisive surgeries on the planet, if not THE most divisive surgery on the planet. Does that make sense to you Nisa??

I am curious to know what you lied about to the doctor. You seem to go all over the place with this one giving hints from your sneaking into the country to lying about your past living as a women to your medical or mental state. Obviously, depending what you lied about would have a huge bearing on who is at fault when it comes to determining fault.

That's completely a discussion for another time, and completely off topic for this thread. Obviously you are again trying to misguide/trash the initial direction of this thread.

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I didn't ask what I should do about my situation. I asked specific questions about suing a doctor in Thailand. When people like yourself began to probe out of curiosity, well then it's their own fault if they don't like the answers they get back. If they then want to trash a thread by misguiding it's direction or twisting its intent, then they should be disciplined by the admin of this site.

If you want answers to legal questions in Thailand the only place you're going to get them is in a Thai lawyer's office. If you post question in a forum almost completely inhabited by non-Thais without any legal training why do you think the answers you get will be of any relevance at all?

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Cindy ...

Here are your own words (while speaking about yourself in the 3rd person)

The afflicted patient is now "on her own", unable to get anyone to stand up for her, much less anyone in the medical or legal field. And much less from the trans community. When the patient asked for a formaldehyde exposure test in New York City, she was wisked away to a psych ward for a week,

I know you don't see it but you have contradicted yourself many times here and are asking questions that nobody can answer properly without knowing more.

What is very very clear is you have your priorities very mixed up if what you are saying is true. You claim to have a life threatening medical issue but are more consumed with lawsuits in Thailand than getting just one doctor to diagnose you in 22-months.

I have no issue with you posting here and was being sincere with you in terms of your needing to seek medical attention NOW and truly do hope you do get to a doctor ASAP.

And by the way, NY State cannot hold anybody in a psych ward unless they believe they are a dangerous to themselves or others. My guess is you probably disregarded their advice, when you left there, to take prescribed medication and seek further treatment in Vermont. Please just take a breath and consider you may not be thinking clearly ... possibly due to stress or a hormone imbalance with your surgery.

Regardless, I've said all I can say and was probably foolish of me to try to help since I neither know you or your circumstances and by your own words, you've been unwilling to listen to others who clearly have more insight than I do into your situation.

Best of luck to you!

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I can see no possibility of the case even getting to court.

If the OP has defamed the surgeon online then I do see a defamation case being successful if the OP returns to Thailand.

Like others have said the plausibility of a surgeon "sabotaging" a surgery, particularly in a way that will leave the patient alive but getting sicker over a long time eventually leading to death ... just doesn't make sense. That the OP has no verification of the story and apparently lied to get the surgery could as easily land the patient in a psych ward in Thailand as in the US. I have a friend that is a past president of the plastic surgeons association here in Thailand and over the years he has corrected many botched and semi-botched surgeries and almost never has a patient gotten any award from a court.

If I were a surgeon facing a case like this what would I do? Simply state the patient is suffering from psychosis, lied to get the surgery, had emotional issues post surgery and hurt herself. Occam's razor (pun intended) makes this story far more plausible in this case.

(Bino--- I resemble that remark)

The fact that she lied about her mental state (see: http://www.thaivisa....61#entry3052961) in order to get the surgery kind of sums up in my mind that not only does she not have a case but her current unhappiness is probably a perfect example of why they have these physiological requirements. As well, being unfit mentally to have the surgery and not being able to get another doctor, in 2 years, to agree with her thoughts about "sabotage surgery" further makes this case problematic and might very well lead to her being locked up if she does come to Thailand ... if she can get locked up in NY, it certainly wouldn't be a stretch to get locked up in Thailand.

Edited by Nisa
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I can see no possibility of the case even getting to court.

If the OP has defamed the surgeon online then I do see a defamation case being successful if the OP returns to Thailand.

Like others have said the plausibility of a surgeon "sabotaging" a surgery, particularly in a way that will leave the patient alive but getting sicker over a long time eventually leading to death ... just doesn't make sense. That the OP has no verification of the story and apparently lied to get the surgery could as easily land the patient in a psych ward in Thailand as in the US. I have a friend that is a past president of the plastic surgeons association here in Thailand and over the years he has corrected many botched and semi-botched surgeries and almost never has a patient gotten any award from a court.

You don' t know if the OP has verification of the story. You don't know if the OP lied to get the surgery. Whether the story makes sense is a matter for another discussion. Assume that you don't know all the facts and preface your answers (should you have any) with the words "Assuming this did happen to the OP, .....". If you can't assume certain hypotheticals for discussion sake, then don't join in the discussion! Period!!

I'm asking you to assume that the doctor sniffed an email, took it out of context, and used it to harm a transgendered person who was at odds with his out and proud client base. And I will add one additional fact, the doctor didn't become aware of this person's "at odds identity" until 3 weeks before her surgery date when she accidentally posted her surgery date on the doctor's support group site, the very one she was at odds with. With such a short time frame then, is it possible, for the doctor to do something like this with such short notice without thinking about the ramifications? After all, he had just 3 weeks to decide on it. One chance to do something or not do anything at all. A doctor world renown who is virtually worshiped by his out and proud postop following. Did he use the email as an excuse to avenge the hurt felt by his constituents? If not, then isn't he trying to make the world believe that a sniffed email, taken out of context, weighed more than the patient's 4+ years of fulltime living, the patient's already having legally changed her name and gender on her drivers license and passport.

The patient you see had two identities during her stealth preop transition: one for her communications with the transgendered community, and one for her communications with the rest of her stealth life. Both were yahoo identities. Both users of the same yahoo support group. The patient was going to Thailand alone. The patient wanted others to know when she was going to be there, albeit others from the same group whom she had disrespected (although slightly), so she could sort of make amends and also so she could have some support while she was there. The patient also did not want to register her surgery date (on a Excel spreadsheet in the files section of the group) under her real-life identity. Because she was stealth in real-life, in her work life.

If I were a surgeon facing a case like this what would I do? Simply state the patient is suffering from psychosis, lied to get the surgery, had emotional issues post surgery and hurt herself. Occam's razor (pun intended) makes this story far more plausible in this case.

If it's Occam's razor, then why does the good doctor have to lie at all? He is likely to admit sabotaging the surgery for the reasons already discussed. Especially if he went to the Thai Medical Council on his own and presented his sabotage story, which would explain why the TMC "fixed" the situation for future patients. Which would explain why the TMC won't talk to me. They're betting that I won't get help from the current medical system.

To suggest that I'm "suffering from psychosis" is to ignore the fact that (a) I have never been diagnosed with a mental disorder, (B) I have never been prescribed anti-depressants or mood stabilizers, © I have never used drugs or alcohol, and (d) I have no criminal record. Not to mention I am a successful engineer in the aerospace industry.

(Bino--- I resemble that remark)

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The fact that she lied about her mental state (see: http://www.thaivisa....61#entry3052961) ...

That's an oversimplification in order to get to the point of asking some specific questions I needed help with.

For brevity, here is the text that Nisa is referring to, the text which Nisa indicates I am admitting I lied to my doctor:

"The nature of the rejection was in the form of emails I sent to a friend while I was in my hospital bed recovering (with full sensation in neo-vagina), and in those emails I explained that I (effectively) fudged the psychological requirements for the surgery."

Can one stretch the truth, however slightly, to ask a question for which they otherwise don't think they could ask? Without such motivation as "lying to my doctor", why would anyone then take my question seriously? Especially when I was at the time being banned from discussing my situation with any and all online transgendered groups!!

The fact of the matter is, the events around my complications suggest the doctor read my email and acted on it out of context. Rather than go into how that could happen, how the doctor would get that impression, I simply said I "(effectively) fudged" the eligibility requirements.

Even if I said something in an email that might look like I lied to get my surgery, the doctor sniffing that email would have to be certain of the context of that communication exchange in order to determine if I was indeed being sincere, or if I was instead perhaps having fun with my non-transitioning ex friend. I was just out of the hospital from a 7-day stay. I was happy. I had sensation. The surgery was a success in my mind. My email was a preface to a more lengthy discussion that I wanted to partake in. And it was not unusual for me to start discussions with my transgendered friend, by saying things off the wall just to get her response.

What happened is the doctor needed an excuse to hurt me, to avenge the hurt I afflicted on his postop following. That is the secret that no one, including the transgendered community, wants to get out. But the evidence is there to support that claim. And the doctor hasn't denied it. And I still maintain the doctor's high surgical skill, but at the same time call for his license to be pulled.

But all that is still beside the point of the OP of this thread.


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The question we all need to know is.......what did they do with the executed unwanted appendage.....the 'stiffy' ??.....did it get formaldehyde injections also ??.....is it out there enjoying orgasms all alone while you are seeking lawsuits ??

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The question we all need to know is.......what did they do with the executed unwanted appendage.....the 'stiffy' ??.....did it get formaldehyde injections also ??.....is it out there enjoying orgasms all alone while you are seeking lawsuits ??

Sweety, they attached it to me, I or now he!! Living life to the full in Switzerland - speaks French and a bit of German, enjoying scenic views of the Alps.

Edited by Patsycat
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<removed post>

Yes it is me! But what does it add to the discussion Nisa, but more noise to what I came here for initially in this thread?? You said you were moving on but you remain. Which is it going to be??

As for posts I have made in the past, I ask the readers here to take into consideration that I am a victim of a toxic exposure for which I am having to diagnose without any help from the medical community. As such, I have had to spend the last 22 months going through stages of tissue deterioration and increasing area of toxicity. In that process, I have had to ask questions, and in some situations, present prefaces that don't accurately reflect the true facts of my case, but are there for brevity's sake to get specific questions on the table, like me writing a fictional book or some nonsense.

That's the noise level that Nisa is providing for you guys here. She evidently doesn't want me to get any information to help my case whatsoever. I'm also the same person who asked for any insight on Mexico doctors and how to get a test without giving a name or birth date. In that case, it was a forum that decided to inform the other readers that they had deciphered my IP address and determined that I was the "same person" banned earlier, and so I was not able to get any information since they then deleted my posts.

Nisa, I am at a point where I have too much information. I can't be thwarted. My groin is at a state such that I can pull my mons and cause my vaginal introitus to open. That is because the tissue is embalmed and dead and has no elasticity. I'm trying to find someone who will confirm it and who will then go with me to an ER. Elasticity is akin to the Sealy mattress that has the wine glass that won't move with the person is jumping up and down on the bed. The fact that I can cause my vagina to "smack" by pulling the mons successively in a fast motion, is indicative of a hardened and rubberized groin, indicative of a hardened and rubberized vaginal canal that has volumetric interior. Since the analysis of a "smack" is first the requirement to have a volumetric interior. That's physics for you. Only an engineer or person with physics training can make such an analysis.

My case is complex but proveable. It is gross and horrific. It is true.

My experience in Thailand was nothing short of a torture camp where I admitted myself no less than two separate times to the surgeons hospital ER in the days after complications began. The spitting the pills out behind the nurse's back... that happened during my second admittance, when I wrote home that I didn't think I was going to make it. I don't think I would have lived to tell about had I not spit those pills out.

My ultimate goal is to prove what happened to me. Since my life is turned upside down, I have nothing to lose in pursuing that goal.

If the good doctor wants to go public and admit he sabotaged my surgery, I would be happy with that, so that I might get help here in the states. It would even allow me to get some form of monetary restitution from the doctors here who said they didn't see a problem, and said they didn't see a need to run tests. Even though at the same time they wouldn't formally say they had ruled out formaldehyde exposure.

I would be able to go on with my life. However, currently, I have no diagnosis. No one is acknowledging the deterioration of my groin. They are going to let me die so that the case will die. My family is too scared to get involved. Their own pride is in the way. They call me begging me to answer the phone and I let it ring, recalling how I spent three months sleeping in my car outside their houses last summer and they refused to go with me to a doctor. I took the rejection to heart and told them I didn't need their help. I told them that I couldn't look them in the face knowing that they possibly would laugh at me and my situation. Rejection by my sister or mother in the form of "we didn't help you save your new vagina" would be something I couldn't bear to hear. Yet that is how they in effect treated me. For all I know, it was the perfect reason to get me out of their small towns and out of their lives for good. Now they keep calling wondering where that sick feeling in their stomaches is coming from. And I can't go back.


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The question we all need to know is.......what did they do with the executed unwanted appendage.....the 'stiffy' ??.....did it get formaldehyde injections also ??.....is it out there enjoying orgasms all alone while you are seeking lawsuits ??

I know you're just joking, but I have to respond just in case the admins are waiting to administer their mod privileges.

Formaldehyde is deadly to tissues. At full strength that is. That's why I don't currently think for sure that formaldehyde is the toxin. Because I also have symptoms consistent with an oil solution (since the toxicity seems to continue to spread), and I haven't been able to confirm whether or not formaldehyde can be diluted in oil. On the contrary, I did do some research on embalming oil recently and got a few hits from Egyption embalming techniques. Even though the embalming oil used by the Egyptians (eg cedar oil) causes major damage in a matter of days (70 days to be exact, and it causes liquidation of internal organs leaving the skin intact), one could dilute the embalming oil for other purposes.

I did have tissue tanning as well as grey tissue excreted from my wound in the early days of my complications, and that is consistent with the MSDS sheet for Formaldehyde.

I firmly believe that I will eventually find a doctor out there who isn't afraid of getting to the truth. And just because I can't find that doctor, doesn't mean my story doesn't have merit.


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If I can prove a vaginal canal that is hardened (ie, has volumetric interior) then I can prove that there was a tissue preservative involved. This would also support my claims why I can't sit (a hardened vaginal canal feels like a stent is still in place when you try to sit).

I have a positive formic acid test at 4.5 months postop from a Thailand hospital. I also have a tissue biopsy showing "chronic inflammation", a condition consistent with acute and chronic toxic exposure.

I believe a recent MRI that shows considerable fat in my groin, is really showing embalmed tissue in my groin, since both fat and embalmed tissue have no vascularization, no detectable blood flow, and would look the same on an MRI. Because I have two MRIs, one at 4.5 mos postop, and one at 18 mos postop, I can show the progression of the area of embalmed tissue.

And then there are the damming photographs unlike any postop result thus far!!


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Warning - Patsy on a rant!!

I don't think you were ready for this life changing surgery at all. You have admitted that you lied on the papers to get it, so that means that you were not ready.

But you went and got it. Now because you cannot accept it you want to sue the doctor who did it. Stating that he botched it up - just because you or she or whoever you are falsified papers to do it.

Get to a hospital, explain your situation. If you are in a life threatening situation, what are you doing here trying to sue a surgeon who does hundreds of the same operations a year, sucessufully. Thailand is not the States where you can sue someone over a spilt coffee for millions.

22 months? with an itchy crotch? you must be joking. If you were a real woman you wouldn't go for more than three days with an itch... if that.

Get with it girl - get help.

I really wish you luck in your new life as a laydee.

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The OP is asking for assumptions and hypotheticals ---

I gave mine. Seeing the 2 threads posted by the OP (and from remarks made by the OP about defamation) made online; I will stick with my summation above.

1) I doubt the OP could get a case heard in Thailand.

2) The OP's admission of lying and the OP's admission of being put in a psychiatric ward against her will --- would be grounds enough to have any case thrown out. There would be an initial diagnosis of mental illness to place a patient in a psych ward against her will.

3)That the OP states no medical Dr. and no lawyers are willing to back up her claims certainly would not support any claim to a case going forward.

4) The OP is quite honestly guilty of defamation if the OP mentioned the Dr's name or the hospital in anything online. The story about deliberately sabotaging a surgery doesn't make any sense. The likelihood of someone intercepting /using/understanding "sniffed" internet communications alone would probably be approaching zero to begin with, and to then hurt a patient in revenge for the patient lying? It won't be believed. It would be used as evidence against the OP vis-a-vis mental instability.

Not only are the possible defendants in the OP's lawsuit a Dr and a hospital who will have suffered actual damages but the idea of a surgeon doing this would work against the OP simply based upon Thai culture, let alone medical ethics. The OP's claims would be measured against the lies and likelihood of the OP having harmed herself after surgery.

So while I cannot answer the question regarding the statute of limitations on a civil case like this, i could see both civil and criminal defamation cases being brought against the OP, and that those cases would be successful. Simply my opinion.

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You don’thave a case unless you have at least ONE medical diagnosis confirming yoursuspicions. If all you have is your belief that the surgeon did this to you,then forget the lawsuit. It won’t even make it to court.

What Idon’t understand is how you can’t possibly get a doctor to give you adiagnosis. You’re either lying or doing something wrong. You simply make anappointment, explain your problem (forget the rant against the Thai doctor;just explain the physical problem: I had a surgery, I have no feeling, what’sgoing on?). Then let the American doctors do the necessary tests to see what’sgoing on.

If youwalk into a clinic/hospital ranting against being injected with poisonoussubstances and conspiracy theories, no doctor is going to take you seriously.And if I was a doctor, I would also recommend a psychiatric evaluation.

Why areyou focusing on a lawsuit when you should be worrying about dying tissue andmedical issues? What am I missing here? You need a medical diagnosis FIRST before doing anything else.

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Wot i was trying to say!!

I don't understand why you can't go and see a doctor in the States about this. I don't think any hospital or clinic in the US would turn you away if you have the problem that you state you have.

You seem to think that everyone in the medical profession is against you - I am sure they aren't. From where I come from doctors are there to sort out medical problems and not to make personal assumptions about the way you live your life.

Please go and see a doctor.

Little story - it took me 10 years to get to a dentist to get my teeth fixed, I was terrified. Now, it's like a walk in the park. And I have a beautiful smile!!

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An inflammatory post has been removed.

4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

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Wrong. If you continue to suggest that I can't present my concerns and questions on this website, then I am going to ask the admin to do something about you.

That's pretty funny - threatening to have another respected forum user that has tried to be objective with you "dis-membered".

I am curious to know what you lied about to the doctor. You seem to go all over the place with this one giving hints from your sneaking into the country to lying about your past living as a women to your medical or mental state. Obviously, depending what you lied about would have a huge bearing on who is at fault when it comes to determining fault.

That's completely a discussion for another time, and completely off topic for this thread. Obviously you are again trying to misguide/trash the initial direction of this thread.

It's totally on topic. If you expect to successfully sue the doctor, this is the very crux of your case. You will need to overcome your lies, and prove that he obtained the information by some clandestine method. Thailand has severe computer crime laws, and it just might help your case.

However, as I said (and JD reiterated), I don't believe for a second that the doctor did this. The skills required to hack a Yahoo account or intercept and decrypt WiFi traffic are considerable. I'm an IT guy, and I don't know how to do it, and don't know anyone who does.

I did see Nisa's deleted post, and it was right on. If Nisa and a few moments of google searching sussed you out, it is entirely possible and more realistic that the doctor did the same. You posted information in the public domain for anyone to find and read. If the doctor did this, I would say that he is to be commended for performing "due diligence" on your application.

And, if you did defame the Doctor or the hospital in the public domain, it is not inconceivable that your passport will be flagged and you will be picked up at the airport next time you arrive in Thailand.

Which brings us back to your comment that I quoted previously:

Something tells me that I should stay here in the US or go to another country for help, concentrating on being alive and free to tell my story, vs serving a long sentence in a Thai prison.

Taking care of your health should be your focus. Choose your battles, and live to fight another day.

Edit - fixed a messed up nested quote.

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I didn't ask what I should do about my situation. I asked specific questions about suing a doctor in Thailand. When people like yourself began to probe out of curiosity, well then it's their own fault if they don't like the answers they get back. If they then want to trash a thread by misguiding it's direction or twisting its intent, then they should be disciplined by the admin of this site.

If you want answers to legal questions in Thailand the only place you're going to get them is in a Thai lawyer's office. If you post question in a forum almost completely inhabited by non-Thais without any legal training why do you think the answers you get will be of any relevance at all?

That's your opinion, fine. But don't say what you don't know. You don't know whether the contributors on this forum have a legal background or not. Asking questions about Thailand is what this forum is for. After all there are plenty of laws and legal issues concerning visas and how to obtain them. And this site does (or should) have a disclaimer saying use at your own risk (correct me if I am wrong please). Further, a Thai lawyer is not going to talk to me unless I pay him. Here I can get it for free, assuming I am allowed to ask my questions.

You don't know if the forum is "completely inhabited by non-Thais". And it doesn't have to be a Thai person to know the laws in Thailand. Plenty of expats know them too, some more than even the Thais.

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And then there are the damming photographs unlike any postop result thus far!!


Can you post some of these photos for our own confirmation please ??

I don't think it is going to help the discussion. The original post asks specific legal questions which haven't fully been answered here yet, with the exception to what Sunbelt provided (and perhaps a few others). I'm still waiting to hear what the sentence would be for defamation. Or if a suit was won against me, would I be detained until it was paid off.

I have the photographs, but so far the contributors here haven't convinced me that they are sincerely trying to help. Instead they have convinced me that they are sincerely trying not to help.

Try to address my questions, and I might show the photos.


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