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Shengan Visa For Denmark For Thai

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Does anyone have any experience with what requirements for Schengen Visa's are based or may be refused for a Thai woman wanting to visit Denmark.I have a Thai friend (Female, mature 50+) who has been invited to Denmark to see her Danish male friend (who she has met in Thailand on numerous occasions) and also a Danish female friend who she has only had contact with by telephone.

My Thai friend is not divorced from her Thai husband but has been separated for many years.

She is planning to applying for a Schengen Visa for Denmark to visit these 2 people.

She has her own business here in Thailand.

She is worried that if she applies she will be refused due the fact she is not divorced.

Also she has no proof of contact with the female friend she has not met, but would like to visit her before she dies.

Either of the 2 friends are willing to sponsor her and support her the duration of the month she intends to visit them.

If anyone has some advice on the above matter it will be greatly appreciated.



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Denmark is a quite difficult contry to obtain a Visa for. I am Danish and have tried it several times for both Visa by invitation (GF) and Tourist Visa. You will need to check the actual recommondations at the website for the Danish Embassy in Bangkok (http://www.ambbangkok.um.dk).

A tourist Visa may be the easy way to do it. That will require, that the applicant can show evidence of fund and provide an itinerary for the whole Schengen stay, including prepaid hotel bookings. If the applicant is going to stay private, an invitation must be included with the Visa application. The host may then recieve a letter from the Danish Immigration Service and must respond positive within two weeks - so count for some 1-2 month before a Visa may be issued. Most important, besides showing funds (may be a Thai bankbook) is, that the applicant can provide evidence for Thai affiliations (business, work, family), so that the applicant is not visiting Denmark for obtaining permanent residence.

For Invitation Visa (which may be up to 3 month, but best to apply for less, fx. up to 2½ month), the applicant (or the host) shall provide evidence for relation (family, friendship, GF). Furthermore a written Invitaton (same procedure as above). Actually the written invitation is quite important and shall include all details about the stay, the relationship, the hosts and his/her finacial situation. A previous Thai-marriage may not be checked. When not a visit to a relative, but rather a friend or boyfriend, the Visa may be more difficult to obtain (the invitation letter is important). The Danish Immigration Service may wish to check background and financial situation of the host. Most important is (again), that the applicant can provide evidence for Thai affiliations.

In both cases a return ticket must be shown, when obtaining / pick-up the Visa, together with a travel insurance policy (both Bupa and AIS has one, which covers enough).

See the present checklist (in English/Thai) for Visa application at:


See pre-printed Invitation form (English) at:


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