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For lunch yesterday I had one of my favorite Thai dishes 'hoi tat' [the oyster ommelette] in a food court and almost immediately after, I was feeling nauseous and bloated and since I have never had stomach problems, I just suffered thru it.

This morning, a little discomfort and after eating breakfast, I had slight diarehea, stomach cramps and headache/disiness and felt the urges to poop all day with no results except more cramps. No lunch and feeling weak, so had a small bowl of rice jok and cramps still.

has anyone else had problems with those sweet little Thai oysters??.....where are they from anyway??


Oysters in Thailand are typically grown waaaay to close to urban areas, or on rafts that have people living on them. The problem being that they take in and accumulate hepatitis A virus and other things, if they are living in sewerage contaminated water. Eating them is pretty risky, and some of the bugs are resistant to cooking.


Food poisoning with oysters occurs also fairly frequently even with oysters grown in clean ocean waters like in Brittany.

By eating oysters you take that risk, because not all contaminated oysters can be visually filtered out and objectively, the restaurant owner cannot be responsible for this.

The oyster farmer could be responsible if he knowingly grows them in dirty water - but that isn't necessarily the case.


Looks like I fit the profile on the link that you posted Sheryl....except for my extreme stomach cramps, which most probably caused by the diarehea.

It's been over 48 hrs now and am getting better.

Read that victim shouldn't take any anti diarehial meds except Peptol bysmol [bysmuth] and I've been taking that 4-5 times a day along with acidopolis. Still a bit week and drained, but hope to feel better tomorrow.

unfortunately this occured over my birthday......happy birthday 2 me!! and no more Hoi tat, altho I love that stuff.


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