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British Tourist Complains Thai Police Will Not Investigate His Ladyboy Masseur

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British Tourist Complains Police Will Not Investigate His Ladyboy Masseur

Published by Andrew Drummond


A Briton who was robbed in a hotel in Bangkok says he was told by Thai police to claim on insurance as they were not going to investigate – despite the fact that the thief, a lady boy, was not only caught on CCTV but also left a copy of his ID with reception.

Kevin M (name withheld) was robbed on the first night of a Thai holiday in Thailand. To cap his holiday, shortly before his return home he and his friends were victim of a shakedown by Thai police in Pattaya while riding their hired motorcycles.

The young engineer from Manchester had for a long time been a ‘Muay Thai’ enthusiast and came to Thailand to find a ‘Muay Thai’ school.

He arrived on June 6th and checked into City Lodge Hotel in Sukhumvit Soi 19 and that night went out with his friend on the town. They got home in the early hours.

He decided to go out for one more drink and was directed by hotel staff to a mobile bar on the corner of Sukhumvit and Asoke. A ‘girl’ there kept offered to go back to his room for sex, but he declined, he said.. He said he had successfully been fighting the women off all night while inspecting a nearby infamous red light area. Eventually, he says, he agreed to a massage at 500Thai baht (just over £10)

On returning to the room he gave the ‘girl’ 500 baht in advance and locked his belongings in his safe, or last least thought he had. He had an unimpressive massage and then asked 'her' to leave. She begged a drink from the hotel mini-bar and he says he must have fallen asleep in the meantime.

On waking up in the morning he found that two credit cards, his mobile phone, and £600 cash was missing.

He rushed to reception and eventually found out that staff had not only caught the culprit on television but also had a copy of ‘his’ ID.

Kevin says he was shocked to find out that his masseuse was a masseur and that he had had a man in his room all night but said he also actually felt relieved that he had not been murdered as he had heard stories like this. It was a salutary first night.

He rushed to the police ttation at Lumpini to report the theft, together with a copy of the ladyboy’s ID. But police would not accompany him back to his hotel to see the CCTV footage.

He said he found police were not interested in investigating the lady boy but more interested in finding out what he actually did with the lady boy in the bedroom. 'Nothing!' he insisted. Translation of the police report however has him saying that he invited the lady boy back for sex. [more...]

Full story and pictures: http://www.andrew-drummond.com/view-story.php?sid=416

-- andrew-drummond.com 2011-06-23


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I remember the Lumpini Police being named in the Bangkok Post as corrupt from top to bottom. Weren't they the ones who were demanding 200 m baht from Khun Chavit [ number 5?] the ex-massage parlour King who was being shaken down by them.

Here we have an example of a simple arrest waiting to happen. There is motive, evidence and identification. All that is now required is an arrest.

Yet incredibly and much to the chagrin and shame of Thailand nothing is done. Worse still is the fact that following this publicity no Thai has the decency to right this wrong. The story goes international as the Lady Boy aspect makes it newsworthy. And still Thais don't give a ferk as to the impression it reinforces. That of Thailand being a joke.

No one cares. There is no responsibilty. Furthermore, lets just consider again the response of the Thai police; they wanted to know the details of a sexual liaison. Titilation then, childish interest. Hardly what you'd expect of adults. let alone those wearing uniform.

There is a sickness in Thai society. An immaturity that surfaces whenever responsibility is needed. It can't be explained by stupidity as it is a national trait and they all aren't stupid. Although they do a pretty good impression.



Ummm I live in the Lumpini District ......blink.gif..... That's a bit scary.

And I agree more should be done in cases like this or Thailand's tourism industry will suffer... People will go elsewhere.


"Published by Andrew Drummond"

Very little more needs to be said in a story that is as full of holes as a Swiss cheese. There is probably an element of truth in it, like most of his reports, but they hardly justify being called "Thai News".


Being a Muay Thai boxer, and having had ample time to look at the ladyboy all night, I'm sure that he realised what her true sex was. Clearly, the guy knew where he could find "her" when he went out the second time.....why should she just so happen to be at that bar? No, he probably went looking for her. There are plenty of real girls around Sukhumvit these days had he wanted one... actually, the once high-end Sukhumvit is rather a big red light district now.

Although it makes no difference to this story and his misfortune perhaps the more interesting aspect to me is that the victim still deems it necessary not to admit to inviting a ladyboy back to his room and perhaps his embarressment amongst his friends and family back home.

There's also confusion or contradiction about keeping valuables in the safe but then he forgot about the 600 pounds? Again, is he trying to pretend to the reporter that he is clever enough to take such precautions?


Amorallity, lack of accountability and a selfishness which means nobody gives a stuff about events which don't effect them personally. Yes sums it up to a tee.

Nothing will ever change until the consequences of not changing are more unpleasant for those in authority than those of ignoring the problem.


"Published by Andrew Drummond"

Very little more needs to be said in a story that is as full of holes as a Swiss cheese. There is probably an element of truth in it, like most of his reports, but they hardly justify being called "Thai News".

Point out hole and lets see what we can do about it. Its not under news on my site by the way


Perhaps he should have picked up one the hoards of whores that stand outside Lumphini police station every night.

Easier for the police to catch, all they have to do is open the window and call them to come inside.


"He said he had successfully been fighting the women off all night"

well, if nothing else, in addition to an eye examination , he needs a new muay thai instructor ; he ended up losing this fight


Ummm I live in the Lumpini District ......blink.gif..... That's a bit scary.

And I agree more should be done in cases like this or Thailand's tourism industry will suffer... People will go elsewhere.

Wishful thinking I'm afraid. It's not only in Thailand, the police in Paris are no better.


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Being a Muay Thai boxer, and having had ample time to look at the ladyboy all night, I'm sure that he realised what her true sex was. Clearly, the guy knew where he could find "her" when he went out the second time.....why should she just so happen to be at that bar? No, he probably went looking for her. There are plenty of real girls around Sukhumvit these days had he wanted one... actually, the once high-end Sukhumvit is rather a big red light district now.

Although it makes no difference to this story and his misfortune perhaps the more interesting aspect to me is that the victim still deems it necessary not to admit to inviting a ladyboy back to his room and perhaps his embarressment amongst his friends and family back home.

There's also confusion or contradiction about keeping valuables in the safe but then he forgot about the 600 pounds? Again, is he trying to pretend to the reporter that he is clever enough to take such precautions?

I'd suggest that the ladyboy issue is bye the bye. The far greater problem is the refusal of the police to do a job that they're entrusted to do, which is to enforce the law and arrest perpetrators of crimes.


I guess he must have taken the Hangover II Tour package. They must have forgot to mention that he would get robbed after the drunken sex.


He "apparently" ran a red light? What does that mean?

who wants a massage at 5 in the morning?

Thai phone sim cards are free with free calling minutes, and he decided not to call the banks before heading to the cop shop?



Being a Muay Thai boxer, and having had ample time to look at the ladyboy all night, I'm sure that he realised what her true sex was. Clearly, the guy knew where he could find "her" when he went out the second time.....why should she just so happen to be at that bar? No, he probably went looking for her. There are plenty of real girls around Sukhumvit these days had he wanted one... actually, the once high-end Sukhumvit is rather a big red light district now.

Although it makes no difference to this story and his misfortune perhaps the more interesting aspect to me is that the victim still deems it necessary not to admit to inviting a ladyboy back to his room and perhaps his embarressment amongst his friends and family back home.

There's also confusion or contradiction about keeping valuables in the safe but then he forgot about the 600 pounds? Again, is he trying to pretend to the reporter that he is clever enough to take such precautions?

I'd suggest that the ladyboy issue is bye the bye. The far greater problem is the refusal of the police to do a job that they're entrusted to do, which is to enforce the law and arrest perpetrators of crimes.

Yes, it doesn't really matter what he did with the person in his room... the police surely have a responsibility to investigate :annoyed:


Of course the guy had no idea that the girl was actually a man? Well, it wouldn't look good for his reputation if this got back to his mates in England.

If tourists will get involved with these sorts of underclass's, prostitutes to be exact, then what do they expect?

If we go with anyone from a bar, brothel or take someone from off the street, especially taking one back to a room, then of course there are risks involved, so there are certain precautions to take, such as, not having any valuables in the room and to be alert and not in a state where the client leaves himself vulnerable.

The fact is that it`s the guy's own fault, so why should the police put resources into an investigation caused by this guy's stupidity?

The only good to have come out of this, is that now the man has experience and should have learnt by his mistake.


Ummm I live in the Lumpini District ......blink.gif..... That's a bit scary.

And I agree more should be done in cases like this or Thailand's tourism industry will suffer... People will go elsewhere.

Wishful thinking I'm afraid. It's not only in Thailand, the police in Paris are no better.

And cops in the state's are dirty as well (Maybe not all) It just seems as if in Thailand the police are openly corrupt.... No other place I have traveled has had this level of "Open" Or Obvious corruption basically for all to see and be aware of.


Ummm I live in the Lumpini District ......blink.gif..... That's a bit scary.

And I agree more should be done in cases like this or Thailand's tourism industry will suffer... People will go elsewhere.

Wishful thinking I'm afraid. It's not only in Thailand, the police in Paris are no better.

And cops in the state's are dirty as well (Maybe not all) It just seems as if in Thailand the police are openly corrupt.... No other place I have traveled has had this level of "Open" Or Obvious corruption basically for all to see and be aware of.

Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Jakarta and Moscow


"Published by Andrew Drummond"

Very little more needs to be said in a story that is as full of holes as a Swiss cheese. There is probably an element of truth in it, like most of his reports, but they hardly justify being called "Thai News".

Point out hole and lets see what we can do about it. Its not under news on my site by the way

Interested in your distinction.

Its currently under 'other' rather than 'general news'.

What's the purported difference between this (story?) and those you consider news?


problem is where do police sart to look, can hardly search all sukumvit area for 1 lady boy, the id card would certainly be registered away from where culprit lived if his at all. cctv and id cards waist of time, dont take strangers especially lady boys back to your room. if the police by chance caught the lady boy as in other counties they have to be found in possesion, they stuff would be gone within the hour, hence no police action. how many times aday do you think the police have to listern to this crap from people who have been dumb enough to take a complete stranger back to there room.


Kevin says he was shocked to find out that his masseuse was a masseur and that he had had a man in his room all night but said he also actually felt relieved that he had not been murdered as he had heard stories like this. It was a salutary first night.

What a story! I'm truly amazed how a story can be changed. Taking a Kathoey to your room for a massage in the early morning hour? It was a salutary first night, indeed. :jap:


Of course the guy had no idea that the girl was actually a man? Well, it wouldn't look good for his reputation if this got back to his mates in England.

If tourists will get involved with these sorts of underclass's, prostitutes to be exact, then what do they expect?

If we go with anyone from a bar, brothel or take someone from off the street, especially taking one back to a room, then of course there are risks involved, so there are certain precautions to take, such as, not having any valuables in the room and to be alert and not in a state where the client leaves himself vulnerable.

The fact is that it`s the guy's own fault, so why should the police put resources into an investigation caused by this guy's stupidity?

The only good to have come out of this, is that now the man has experience and should have learnt by his mistake.

Som Nam Na.:jap:


"Published by Andrew Drummond"

Very little more needs to be said in a story that is as full of holes as a Swiss cheese. There is probably an element of truth in it, like most of his reports, but they hardly justify being called "Thai News".

Point out hole and lets see what we can do about it. Its not under news on my site by the way

Interested in your distinction.

Its currently under 'other' rather than 'general news'.

What's the purported difference between this (story?) and those you consider news?

In general 'other' means stories that I do, or have been asked to make enquiries on, which in the end are not really strong enough for a national newspaper say in the UK. In 'other' I also put general blogs and comments. News is generally for stuff that does make the papers. Occasionally there is a cross-over between 'other'and 'news'. This story has not been offered to a newspaper. It was picked up by Thaivisa on an RSS feed. This story might be of interest in Thailand but will probably not add too much to the general enlighenment of the world. I think I have stated that clearly in my report if you read it.


"Published by Andrew Drummond"

Very little more needs to be said in a story that is as full of holes as a Swiss cheese. There is probably an element of truth in it, like most of his reports, but they hardly justify being called "Thai News".

Sure is "news" when it happens to you. Thai's want our money; not us!


Theft is still theft regardless of if by someone in the underworld or the legitimate world.

The police have the name of the perpetrator and regardless of if

the victim had a massage, was banged silly,

or just fell asleep from being drugged,


Police show them selves as the corrupt wanke_rs they are there.


Not sure what he wants the police to do, manhunt for a random ladyboy among the hundreds of thousands in the country based on a grainy cctv photo and a id they don't even know actually as his? Waste of time. He could be lieing about the cash too. It should also be common sense, that when you bring a street whore back to your hotel for transgender loving, you should immediately cancel your credit card before doing anything else if it gets stolen. Waste time at the police station after you've done that. It's like they hand out free lobotomies on the flight over.


The only good to have come out of this, is that now the man has experience and should have learnt by his mistake.

Som Nam Na.:jap: Why his fault, Theft is theft in any language, worse still next time it she /him may drug some one with abad heart then there would be a murder case ,but that would only go the same way .Police cannot be botherd.


Not sure what he wants the police to do, manhunt for a random ladyboy among the hundreds of thousands in the country based on a grainy cctv photo and a id they don't even know actually as his? Waste of time. He could be lieing about the cash too. It should also be common sense, that when you bring a street whore back to your hotel for transgender loving, you should immediately cancel your credit card before doing anything else if it gets stolen. Waste time at the police station after you've done that. It's like they hand out free lobotomies on the flight over.

Actually the Thai police are very good at finding people when they want to. What makes you believe the CCTV is grainy. You seem to have forgotten his ID card with his home address on it

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