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I know, my friend in Bangkok works for a Japanese company too. She's had to 'put her foot down' as it were, or they'd be running her into the ground as well!

She's now running herself into the ground studying for her MBA after work, but that's her choice and she'll get something out of it.

I guess it depends on the company, but some Japanese companies have abandoned the 'work till you drop' ethic, or at least realised that their employees aren't robots and perform better if they don't constantly feel like they're about to fall asleep!

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Thank you very much for all kind advise.

I used to talk to my boss about the work load and I used tohave an assistant after. But she worked for us a month and quit the job a monthago because of work load.

I don’t want to blame at my boss or anybody anymore. I wascompletely wrong. I started to realize that if I have a good management, thingsmust be done well. Plus, I shouldn’t cling with the perfectionist thinking.Being flexible at work is one thing I should have had. LOL

To be positive, the more my boss put more work to me it’smean that I had a good performance, ain’t I? So he has a faith in me to run hisbusiness.

I change my attitude. I try my new work strategy to be fairwith myself and my company though. I tryto work from 8.30 to 19-20.00 these days, I have dinner with my coworkers, I goshopping and watch movie and such. I go party on Friday night. I enjoin myselfeven it’s kinda lonely! 5555+

This is challenge and I won’t leave it because I’m not winyet. LOL

I plan to go more volunteer trip and meet new people in Thailand and neighborhood before I go to Japanfor school next year!

I’m not trying to show off but hey look at me. I have a goodjob in well-known company right after I graduated. I have more chance and more workto learn. Boss and coworkers are always good to me like we are a big warm family.I have more money to send to my family. I open for the new date (LMAO) I have more money to give to peoplethey want. And I have a scholarship to Japan! Yay! Say thank you to myselffor work hard, study hard in last 5months!!

Fall and cold season are coming, volunteer trips are linedup! Can’t wait to go to the North!

again, I appreciate for the kind advise.

Virus comes with the rain, please take care of yourself or you will catch a cold like I.



Thanks for sharing that Nice positive attitude Annilicious. The only advise I could perhaps give is try to find Volunteer work that you don't have to pay for. That way you'll have more money for yourself and family.

The studying in Japan sounds like something to look forward to. What Nationality are you ? can't remember if you said before !?


You’ve got to love these male, female communication scenarios. The woman whines and complains. The man gets all serious and comes up with a logical well intended plan. The woman says thanks but no thanks.

Just as with this case, they are not typically looking for an answer or solution. All they want is to vent and for someone to feel their pain. Listen, really listen, and then assure them that they will be okay and that you have confidence in their judgement. :)

Lets not forget that in this case we are dealing with a child who really doesn't know what she wants yet. ;)


Thanks for sharing that Nice positive attitude Annilicious. The only advise I could perhaps give is try to find Volunteer work that you don't have to pay for. That way you'll have more money for yourself and family.

The studying in Japan sounds like something to look forward to. What Nationality are you ? can't remember if you said before !?

volunteer - sometimes i have to use money to buy stuff like, construction in case we're building school and most stuff i buy are about school stuff.

use money for the transportation, accommodation and such.

my nationality is Thai. I am Thai and a bit chinese.

yeah the school i went last year just accept my inquiry for one year scholarship. :)


Brilliant Anna. ;)

Enjoy your youth; your enthusiasm for life and never ever Join the Chiang Rai Womens institute.

And don't ask me about the CR womens institute, its more a state of mind than a reality :D


Brilliant Anna. ;)

Enjoy your youth; your enthusiasm for life and never ever Join the Chiang Rai Womens institute.

And don't ask me about the CR womens institute, its more a state of mind than a reality :D

Yes, a thousand men can post a gripe on here and get all kinds of advice and moral support but if a woman does it and there are replies, we have to mark it as inconsequential whinings of a female, not old enough to know better. I know enough guys in this town who still work, most of them ridiculous hours, still gripe about it and who still acknowledge that what they are doing is better than not doing anything. Of course, when the topic comes up, there are suggestion and offers of opinions and alternatives by the listeners. And by and by, some of them change jobs occasionally. They all know what they want but nobody is going to give them what it takes to get there. And as in my case, I have finally gotten to that end goal many times, only to discover that there are still a lot of things out there I want to try.

I think it is obvious that Anna is WAY ahead of some, regardless of her age. She actually knows what it is like to devote some of her time and resources to helping others. She can identify places to make a positive difference in someone else's life and then she acts on that information. Let us hope that indeed, she never does, at any age, decide it is better to become a member of the bitter Chiang Rai Women's Institute. She is a bright star on the little planet. Wish there were more like her.


Brilliant Anna. ;)

Enjoy your youth; your enthusiasm for life and never ever Join the Chiang Rai Womens institute.

And don't ask me about the CR womens institute, its more a state of mind than a reality :D

Yes, a thousand men can post a gripe on here and get all kinds of advice and moral support but if a woman does it and there are replies, we have to mark it as inconsequential whinings of a female, not old enough to know better. I know enough guys in this town who still work, most of them ridiculous hours, still gripe about it and who still acknowledge that what they are doing is better than not doing anything. Of course, when the topic comes up, there are suggestion and offers of opinions and alternatives by the listeners. And by and by, some of them change jobs occasionally. They all know what they want but nobody is going to give them what it takes to get there. And as in my case, I have finally gotten to that end goal many times, only to discover that there are still a lot of things out there I want to try.

I think it is obvious that Anna is WAY ahead of some, regardless of her age. She actually knows what it is like to devote some of her time and resources to helping others. She can identify places to make a positive difference in someone else's life and then she acts on that information. Let us hope that indeed, she never does, at any age, decide it is better to become a member of the bitter Chiang Rai Women's Institute. She is a bright star on the little planet. Wish there were more like her.

Many, many years ago (before I became a bitter and twisted person under my own steam and without undue influence from others), I was invited to go along to a WRI meeting in Boyndlie, Aberdeenshire by my nearest neighbour. A lovely 'old fashioned' farmers' wifie, I suspected it might not be for me, but I was new to the area and meeting people is often a good thing to do. .

After sitting through some prayers and then earnest discussions amongst the very nice ladies about the up-coming Trade stand competition at the Turriff show and who was going to knit the hat, make the rowies and design the card for that years' theme display, I decided it wasn't my cup of tea. We were then entertained ( without benefit of a fortifying alcoholic beverage) by a visiting group from another WRI group. Half way through the warbling my neighbour leaned over to me and asked me if I was 'enjoying the show, the 'old fat wifies are nae bad, ya ken'. Oh, I thought, that's a bit below the belt, they're really not that overweight, and maybe the niceness is just for show after all.

No, Kath. turned out to be one of the best and sincerest neighbours anyone could have wished for, and - about a week later, out driving in the car and a bit more used to the Buchan claik, the Doric, where the 'wh' are pronouned as 'f's, I saw the signpost to 'Old What' village.


Thank you very much for all kind advise.

I used to talk to my boss about the work load and I used tohave an assistant after. But she worked for us a month and quit the job a monthago because of work load.

I don't want to blame at my boss or anybody anymore. I wascompletely wrong. I started to realize that if I have a good management, thingsmust be done well. Plus, I shouldn't cling with the perfectionist thinking.Being flexible at work is one thing I should have had. LOL

To be positive, the more my boss put more work to me it'smean that I had a good performance, ain't I? So he has a faith in me to run hisbusiness.

I change my attitude. I try my new work strategy to be fairwith myself and my company though. I tryto work from 8.30 to 19-20.00 these days, I have dinner with my coworkers, I goshopping and watch movie and such. I go party on Friday night. I enjoin myselfeven it's kinda lonely! 5555+

This is challenge and I won't leave it because I'm not winyet. LOL

I plan to go more volunteer trip and meet new people in Thailand and neighborhood before I go to Japanfor school next year!

I'm not trying to show off but hey look at me. I have a goodjob in well-known company right after I graduated. I have more chance and more workto learn. Boss and coworkers are always good to me like we are a big warm family.I have more money to send to my family. I open for the new date (LMAO) I have more money to give to peoplethey want. And I have a scholarship to Japan! Yay! Say thank you to myselffor work hard, study hard in last 5months!!

Fall and cold season are coming, volunteer trips are linedup! Can't wait to go to the North!

again, I appreciate for the kind advise.

Virus comes with the rain, please take care of yourself or you will catch a cold like I.


Good for you, well done. Thanks for sharing everything with us! :)


Just thought I'd add some thoughts. I find it useful to express them sometimes. :)

It is always possible to expand one's knowledge. If you want to, you can also regard interactions between people as 'conforming to stereotypes'. There are many such stereotypes, I conform to many.

I have a relationship with another bi-pedal humanoid of the opposite gender to myself. I, stereotypically, eat drink and sleep. Occasionally, even though I have tendencies to break from the norm, swim against the tide if you will, I find myself breathing in and out, just like other people.

I have been fortunate enough both to have received counselling and enabled a few other individuals to help themselves in difficult times, both professionally and in my private life.

It can be easy to imagine oneself 'educated' about certain scenarios. You can see the 'cry for help' and the 'rescuer syndrome' many many times over. In my opinion, this does not negate the content of these interactions, doesn't make it any less real to those involved.

My ex-partner, here in the UK, was in a situation with work, that completely overloaded her. She worked endless hours, got no thanks for it (her perception) and was suffering. Physical symptoms as well as emotional. Doctor's prescribed medication and were, rightly, concerned for her health.

She was able to begin to manage her workload and make a change. In fact, the workload itself did not change too much. The amount of work was not going to change, but her perception of her work life did. She felt empowered by the fact that she had control over an aspect of her life.

She still works just as hard, but she now feels that she can manage that workload, which has not been significantly reduced, but is more successfully completed. She is happier, her employers are happier. She has been promoted, twice.

She was guided through this process by a very helpful and thoughtful individual (not me!) who knew why it was happening and what could be done to alleviate the symptoms.

The resolution of these difficulties could, I imagine, fit nicely into a picture of stereotypical gender roles. If that was important to any observer, they would no doubt, feel somewhat warmed by their knowledge. However, the person involved found all they needed to know. The source of that information? Other human beings.

Knowledge, it has been said, is power. It can be.

It can also be the opposite, and have a weakening effect.

If one were to observe everything in life in terms of stereotypes, and deduce from that observation that, nothing can or should be done simply because that interaction could be described in those terms, one would merely observe, impotently.

It is not only those who are ignorant of the stereotypical nature of their interactions that act in that way.

I will continue my day, aware that many of the things I shall do will be 'regular' or 'normal' some of them may even be 'unnecessary'. It may be the case that some of them will help someone else. Equally, others may find them 'predictable' and useless.

That remains to be seen, and is as always, 'up to them'.

jap.gif sawadee khap pi nong


I suppose we all have anecdotal evidence to support our beliefs. Superimposing an experience of our own onto another individuals unique situation often does not work, however. For example I doubt our 22 year old cat lover is in need of medication, as in the example.

I still think it is a bit irresponsible to tell someone we have never met and only know online, to walk away from their first job and one they have only just started.

Usually all a person needs is someone to listen to them and give them the confidence to move forward on their own. That is after all what a therapist does. They don’t necessarily tell patients what to do, rather they help them look at things differently. I believe that is the gist of the story above as well.

Sometimes doing nothing is less harmful than doing the wrong thing, however well intentioned. Simply listening is often very helpful and far from impotent. Then again in an online environment, I guess one can get away with almost anything.


morning everyone!

i'm surprised i am the issue (-_-'' )

speechless about Khun biff's friend story. I'm making a change like the way your friend do too. And the situation is getting better. I mean I am ''happy'' not always stress and depress as in the previous month. But i'm not sure about my health. never been to the gym in 5 months. I think i'm Su Ka Pap Mai Dee (unhealthy) now, I can feel it. I'n gonna have annual health exam next month. let's pray ill be fine. LOL

anybody here is Buddhist? ever heard ''the sorrow(kwam tuk) is an endogenous mind but it's extinguishable by just let it down (supra conscious) ''

I feel sorrow because my mind think it's a sorrow that i work too hard but i've changed my mind. In my situation, I can find many good point about being working hard. Not just successful but experience. I used to be negative for too long and I should be positive from now on....happiness is endogenous mind too. Jing mai ka? :)

by the way, I liked this one .... I feel like..yeah this was me...

villagefarang ''Usually all a person needs is someone to listen to them and give them the confidence to move forward on their own. That is after all what a therapist does. They don’t necessarily tell patients what to do, rather they help them look at things differently. I believe that is the gist of the story above as well.''

have a wonderful day everybody!


I suppose we all have anecdotal evidence to support our beliefs. Superimposing an experience of our own onto another individuals unique situation often does not work, however. For example I doubt our 22 year old cat lover is in need of medication, as in the example.

I still think it is a bit irresponsible to tell someone we have never met and only know online, to walk away from their first job and one they have only just started.

Usually all a person needs is someone to listen to them and give them the confidence to move forward on their own. That is after all what a therapist does. They don't necessarily tell patients what to do, rather they help them look at things differently. I believe that is the gist of the story above as well.

Sometimes doing nothing is less harmful than doing the wrong thing, however well intentioned. Simply listening is often very helpful and far from impotent. Then again in an online environment, I guess one can get away with almost anything.

Well said VF, as I was surprised with some of the advice given.


I suppose I should bask in this momentary glow of acceptance. Soon enough someone will come along to remind me that I am not plebeian or industrious enough for my opinions to possess any weight or validity on this forum. :D


I suppose I should bask in this momentary glow of acceptance. Soon enough someone will come along to remind me that I am not plebeian or industrious enough for my opinions to possess any weight or validity on this forum. :D

Yeah, exactly. your not allowed to agree with him Garry. :D

Perish the though ! :whistling:


I suppose we all have anecdotal evidence to support our beliefs. Superimposing an experience of our own onto another individuals unique situation often does not work, however. For example I doubt our 22 year old cat lover is in need of medication, as in the example.

I still think it is a bit irresponsible to tell someone we have never met and only know online, to walk away from their first job and one they have only just started.

Usually all a person needs is someone to listen to them and give them the confidence to move forward on their own. That is after all what a therapist does. They don't necessarily tell patients what to do, rather they help them look at things differently. I believe that is the gist of the story above as well.

Sometimes doing nothing is less harmful than doing the wrong thing, however well intentioned. Simply listening is often very helpful and far from impotent. Then again in an online environment, I guess one can get away with almost anything.

The medication in the example, was wrongly prescribed. It only made things worse.

What works is the person themselves altering their perception of the situation. The world doesn't change, only ones' reaction to it.

The key point is empowerment, the possibility of walking away from a situation reminds a person that change is possible.

Belittling someone's tales, calling them 'a child' or a '22 year old cat lover' is listening is it? It most certainly isn't 'doing nothing'.

As you say, in an online environment, I guess one can get away with almost anything.

However, having empathy and being able to demonstrate that, might be more useful.

Or, do nothing, either would be an improvement.


I just look on anna as another daughter...this time I am a bit older and may not make the same mistakes I did with my own and can be less dogmatic and leave her more free to do her own thing. It is refreshing to see a young person finding her way and at least asking for ideas about her concerns. All our words can do are to give her different ways to make her own decision in a way which I am sure will be for the best just as with my own daughter who often ignored what I said but kept to most of the same values I had expressed over her growing up. Anna is grown up but admits to liking to be given advice...a nice trait.

I am sure whatever she does will be succesful and I value the oportunity to see another younger person grow up and share some of her joys and troubles.


Apart from the OP already agreeing with me, she is indeed 22 and a child in comparison to me at my advanced age. Her blog name is Anny The Silly Cat. Her blog title is A Kitten Journey. Sounds to me like she is next in line for induction into the Hello Kitty Hall of Fame. :D

Colorful language or belittling I suppose depends on who is reading and what painful life experiences may have colored their perception of certain words. :) Not much I can do about that.


You're still quite stunned and having difficulty coming to terms with people agreeing with you here aren't you? B)

Yes, uncharted territory for me here on the forum, I guess. A stark contrast to the sometimes embarrassing level of praise and adulation showered upon me on my blog. I suppose it provides some balance. ;)


You're still quite stunned and having difficulty coming to terms with people agreeing with you here aren't you? B)

Yes, uncharted territory for me here on the forum, I guess. A stark contrast to the sometimes embarrassing level of praise and adulation showered upon me on my blog. I suppose it provides some balance. ;)

Hey VF, I heard there's a comedy club opening in CR soon, you should give stand-up a try! ;)


You're still quite stunned and having difficulty coming to terms with people agreeing with you here aren't you? B)

Yes, uncharted territory for me here on the forum, I guess. A stark contrast to the sometimes embarrassing level of praise and adulation showered upon me on my blog. I suppose it provides some balance. ;)

Hey VF, I heard there's a comedy club opening in CR soon, you should give stand-up a try! ;)

Where can we get a box of tomatos cheap/.


You're still quite stunned and having difficulty coming to terms with people agreeing with you here aren't you? B)

Yes, uncharted territory for me here on the forum, I guess. A stark contrast to the sometimes embarrassing level of praise and adulation showered upon me on my blog. I suppose it provides some balance. ;)

Hey VF, I heard there's a comedy club opening in CR soon, you should give stand-up a try! ;)

Sit-down is more my style. Stand-up is too tiring. Anyway I have to get back to answering comments on the blog. It is so embarrassing. ;)


You're still quite stunned and having difficulty coming to terms with people agreeing with you here aren't you? B)

Yes, uncharted territory for me here on the forum, I guess. A stark contrast to the sometimes embarrassing level of praise and adulation showered upon me on my blog. I suppose it provides some balance. ;)

Hey VF, I heard there's a comedy club opening in CR soon, you should give stand-up a try! ;)

Where can we get a box of tomatos cheap/.

No cheap tomatoes, please. Only the good stuff. :D



i'd admitted to the hospital on monday night due to headache..throw up with the blood and hard breathing. the doc gave me Voltaren, Carergot (and miracid due to my stomachache problem) but it didnt help at all and i still have headache.

so I went to see the doc again on wednesday and she cut the voltaren off and add methycobal and synflex for the threatment obsevation. again, the pain is never gone.

however, i started to take xanax every night before bedtime since wednesday until now.

been thinking over and over about me in last 5 months. im killing myself. went to the hospital too often, take too much medicine, my lung works too hard.

........my boss never give a dam_n to me at all and just saying ive done an excellent job always and take care of yourself......

so, this is my decision, i will quit the job. im done with bangkok. too stress, fake and lie

plan to go to europe asap as i get the job there

ps. this is not only about my job but also my family problem. i have to confess that i might did the wrong decision to go abroad. but..thinking about when i was in usa and japan. i just feel like i live my life for myself, i was like..i belong to me not for my mom or anybody.

to share some of my private life here, is because i cant talk these thing to anybody cuz i am their hope. i cant complain or show them how weak i am.

i just wont someone to LISTEN and UNDERSTAND me.

hope you guy dont mind about me.


I guess we're listening Anna.

go easy on the medication. maybe you have Migraine or something, I had it in my late teens for a while. not had a headache since though except after one two many beers occasionally

As for the Job. I wouldn't suggest you Quit, that's upto you. I do know that if you do, something else will turn up, it always seems to do. Your 21 years Old, the worlds Your Lobster (sorry Oyster)

I suspect most of us have anxieties from time to time, I'm pretty anxious myself at the moment. I leave my family on tuesday to go working.

Take it easy and go easy on those Meds .

  • 5 months later...

Guys! long time no see!! Happy Belated New Year ka!

What we were talking about?? LOL

So, I am going to Chiang Rai again next month, 11-14 for my 3rd time teacher volunteer!

I took the Sombat tour last time, and im thinking about to try new way such as train.

How much for the round trip train ticket? the VIP one.

Anyway, if anyone has a cool idea about the access, please kindly let me know ka!

And also, I am doing a used book donation for the kids, if you have any willing to donate some, feel free to contact me.smile.png

your kind support would be greatly appreciated!

Khob Khun ka!wai.gif



Anny: You can not take a train to Chiang Rai, but can get a train to Chiang Mai, then bus over here to Chiang Rai. I have no idea of cost for VIP train ticket to CM.

Good Luck, hope you are well.


Anny: You can not take a train to Chiang Rai, but can get a train to Chiang Mai, then bus over here to Chiang Rai. I have no idea of cost for VIP train ticket to CM.

Good Luck, hope you are well.

oh right! somebody informed me that!

there's only one way then.....sombat tour!clap2.gif

thank you very much for your information :)

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