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Cant Afford Overstay Fee Due To Ripoff Scam

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Are you still on Koh Tao? Do you have any valuable (i.e.: laptop, camera,...) that you could put as collateral for a private loan?

If it's the case, PM and I'll put you in contact with someone on the island who might be able to help you

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Even you pay the fine at the airport you will be detained until they check on you and your profile to make sure you don't have any criminal records in the kingdom. Once you pay the fine and you are clear they will let you leave the kingdom without any problems. I don't think you should take any risk going to airport without fine.

That is simply not true. I have paid the fine before and I was only detained for as long as it took to pay the fine and sign the paperwork (about 3-5 minutes). Possibly they check on the computer for outstanding warrants but criminal history checks in Thailand are not computerised.

I agree with your advice, however. To go without money for the fine would be extremely foolhardy.

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File a police report about the fee and rent issue and ask them to get your money back - i.e. your suing them - tell them you can't afford to leave without the funds. The deposit would have re painted several rooms. Go ahead and tell them about your overstay issue its not like they won't find out anyway. Tell them you want to pay your fines and leave - they might take a cut but hay what you got now.:jap:

That would be a civil lawsuit, which in the end will cost a lot more and doesn't help him in the short time he has.

Not necessarily a civil lawsuit. If the police were motivated they could definitely find a criminal charge against the owner. I agree, though that it is a bad idea. The owners clearly have more money/influence than the OP has and this is what is likely to influence the police. Thai police sometimes act out of kindness but in this case it is rather unlikely.

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Ok,look be very carefull on this one.If you speak to any thai officials,make sure first thing you do not tell them you were working,unless you have proof of a work permit.If you do,and you don't have a work permit it will be another charge.Being honest is usally the best policy,but in this case they have you by the short hairs.Now the U.S.embassey does make emergency loans for exsteme circumstances i.e.tickets ect..But this is not quick and they will want a half a dozen numbers of people they can call ( friends family ) on your behalf for a loan. If nobody ponies up,they might help you,ive herd of them helping with tickets but truethfully not sure about overstay fees.The days of embassies coming to the rescue are over.The fact is you have broken the law,and as stated by by a few other people who probably know more than me,you have to pay there is no way around this.The thai immagration has the ability to cut your overstay fine a bit,but they will want at least 65-75 % of it and maybe they will let you fly out maybe !!!!! One other quick note if you leave and don't pay all the required overstay fines you will probably be black listed.Sorry bra and good luck.

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The embassy will make it as difficult for you as possible. They will insist that you must have a friend or relative in the States who will help you out, who can wire you money through the State Department. They will be very sceptical when you claim otherwise. But if your claim is true, and convincingly so, they can provide, as part of a repatriation loan, funds to pay your overstay penalty. The relevant rules on repatriation loans specifically provide that they may cover "Visa fees, airport departure fees, and/or immigration penalties required for departure, but not funds for an improper or illegal purpose, such as payment of bribes." See http://www.state.gov...ation/86600.pdf , which will also tell you about the paperwork involved in a repatriation loan, including the requirement that you be determined destitute.

Remember, they have the authority to do this, but are not obligated to do so. To repeat, it's critical that you are truthful, and convincingly so.

Great post and great advice!

Yes. OP,do yourself a favour and take this advice.

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very interested in the out OP if possible can you let us know, the over stay thing well you got to pay just wondered how emabssey will react in this situation. any ideads why landlady took 11000 off you.USA emergency services number maybe worth a call to see how the land lies.

Hours of Operations: Monday – Friday,

7:30 am - 11:00 am and 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, excluding official holidays.

Tel: +66-2-205-4049

E-mail: [email protected]

Edited by NALAK
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I am seriously freaking out. Will the embassy help me with this? Truth be told I dont have any real family. I left home at 14... Thats over 15 years ago now. Im just an independent nomad who is now caught in a web that seems impossible to escape from. Are there any other ways out of the country without a border? I cant even stand the thought of Prison. My flight leaves in 2 days and I have to be on it. I feel like I have no control of this situation. I just want to rewind to a week ago and be sat on the beach with a Singha. There is absolutely no way on earth to raise that kind of money in 2 days. I will have to go to the embassy tomorrow and pray my ass off.

understand your thoughts on the prison, i visited the ones in Pattaya a few times built for 15 have nearly 100 in some times, 1 broken old fan 1 toilet and no sympathy from police. your heading there if you dont get it sorted, get onto consulate ASAP, dont even try leaving over a border other wise you will be in big trouble when you try and exit neighbouring country.

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A series of unfortunate mistakes, I can't quite understand how after being here for nearly a year you thought that you could get a 30 day extension in a travel agency!

Nobody get's to your age (29 you say) and has no friends in the world who can help, also it would be pretty difficult to spend a year in Thailand and not have any friends at all who can help you, unless you are a hermit.

You will need to sell or pawn something to get the money if the consulate won't help you, anything has to be better than going to jail in Thailand. Surely you have something of value that you can offer as security for a loan ??

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If you are a U.S. citizen, as I assume you are, the first thing you need to know is that the U.S. embessy will NOT lend you any money. They've been scammed to many times buy U.S. citizens who showed up wanting money to go home...often after they boozed and whored the funds they had away. I'm not saying that is you, I just want you to understand what the embessy will tell you.

What they probably will do is try to arrange for you to recieve some funds from relatives or from your bank account in the U.S. if you have a source of money there. This is not charity, and if they think you can PAY for the cost of seding a fax to your bank, they will want you to, They can arrange for you to pick up the money at or through the embessy...and it will be secure...so you won't have to worry about that part.

Now if for some reason, you DON'T have funds in the U.S. you can bring to Thailand to pay your bills or the overstay fine....thaen you are in deep doo-doo as they say. The embessy MAY arrange for a loan for you, but ONLY if they are sure that when you return to the U.S. they will have a legal way to get this money returned to them. And they MEAN it. And this is entirely their decision, so don't expect it, they will only do it if they believe your story and there is NO OTHER way to get you out of Thailand. Either way, expect a lot of lecturing by the embessy authorities. From their point of view, you will be an annoyance to them that they would rather not have to be bothered with...rather like a dog turd on their front doorstep.

So, however it goes, don't expect it to be a pleasent experience...but a neccesary one.

So, the bottom line is....you need to go to the U.S. embessy with your passport/ Do NOT EVEN ATTEMPT to lie or scam them...they are your last faint hope of getting out of your predicament tolerably well off...so if they even THINK you are trying to lie to them...you're out of luck...and they are your last hope.

You need to be prepared too, for the possibility of spending some time in detention by the immigration...the Immigration Dentention Center or IDC I believe it is called if you can't come up with the money to pay your overstay fine.

The "good news" is that the max fine for overstay is 20,000 Bant. If you can manage that...you will be alowed to leave. You will have the overstay stamped into your passport but it does not stop you from coming back to Thailand later.

Good luck.

And NEVER come to Thailand, when you can afford it, without a paid up return ticket in hand. Then if worse comes to worst, you can bail and run away as fast as possible...even if you have to leave much of what you own behind. Posessions are only trash you paid for before...you can leave them anytime.


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Is anybody here in BKK? I do have stuff to sell or give as collateral. I have a taylor guitar and a HD waterproof video camera. I only need 10,000 more as I managed to sell my dive computer yesterday but its hard to sell stuff without a pawn shop. where can I sell stuff? im on khaosan now awaiting my fate. Im afraid to go to the embassy or the airport. Any ideas guys? AND thank you all for the sound advice. I need a valium..

Edited by mrkohtaodiver
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Thailand does have pawn shops ...


The Bangkok city gov. also has their own government run pawn shops, they have many locations throughout the city and English language Website

Pawn Shops

If you can not get the emergency loan from Embassy or if the process will take to long to complete and you would miss your flight. It would be best to pawn some items.

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Immigration at the Airport will not let you leave and board a plane without paying the overstay.

I speak from personal experience of having mistakenly overstayed two days instead of one.

I had gone to an ATM in the morning to pay for my hotel bill and have just enough to cover my expences to leave Thailand so I would not have too much extra baht to have to hang on to or exchange at the airport.

I did not realize I had accidently left my ATM card in the machine until I was already at the airport.

I had just enough cash on hand for the taxi and a one day overstay of about 500 baht.

I told the Immigration and the airline reps that I had lost my ATM card in a machine and did not have any more money to pay the overstay without that ATM Credit Card.

They were all very polite and helpful to arrage my flight the next day, but I would still have to pay the overstay before boarding and departing. Which I did the next day to include an additional day of overstay.

The OP needs to take responsability for his own failure to ensure his visa was valid long enough without overstay fines and that there is money enough to leave Thailand.

Sorry to the OP, but best to sell or hock anything of value, and or borrow from friends or relatives.

The Embassy may help, but doubtful the OP will convince them since the OP is traveling to Hawaii to get a job, and not to home.

How is the OP going to survive when arriving in Hawaii ? Things are a lot more expensive there than anywhere in the USA.

Ask around Khao San Rd for any local Pawn Shops, or try to sell the stuff yourself on the streets there.

Edited by KimoMax
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Thailand does have pawn shops ...

The Bangkok city gov. also has their own government run pawn shops, they have many locations throughout the city and English language Website

If you can not get the emergency loan from Embassy or if the process will take to long to complete and you would miss your flight. It would be best to pawn some items.

Thank you for this!

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Is anybody here in BKK? I do have stuff to sell or give as collateral. I have a taylor guitar and a HD waterproof video camera. I only need 10,000 more as I managed to sell my dive computer yesterday but its hard to sell stuff without a pawn shop. where can I sell stuff? im on khaosan now awaiting my fate. Im afraid to go to the embassy or the airport. Any ideas guys? AND thank you all for the sound advice. I need a valium..

You can put an ad up quickly on craigslist for thailand. Make sure to say must sell immediately, price accordingly and leave a telephone number. You could also go to the beer bars where there are expats and use a little white lie like "medical emergency for wife" and sell the items. I wouldn't suggest this unless I saw no other option including "overstay visa need money". At worst you might get a cold beer but I think someone may buy your items. Good luck and let us know how you make out.

Edited by losworld
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Is anybody here in BKK? I do have stuff to sell or give as collateral. I have a taylor guitar and a HD waterproof video camera. I only need 10,000 more as I managed to sell my dive computer yesterday but its hard to sell stuff without a pawn shop. where can I sell stuff? im on khaosan now awaiting my fate. Im afraid to go to the embassy or the airport. Any ideas guys? AND thank you all for the sound advice. I need a valium..

Go to the US Embassy as there is no need to be afraid of them. It will take time for them to help you. Putting it off will only lead to more trouble. (There are several pawnshops in the KSR area but they will loan you very little.)

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Even you pay the fine at the airport you will be detained until they check on you and your profile to make sure you don't have any criminal records in the kingdom. Once you pay the fine and you are clear they will let you leave the kingdom without any problems. I don't think you should take any risk going to airport without fine.

That is simply not true. I have paid the fine before and I was only detained for as long as it took to pay the fine and sign the paperwork (about 3-5 minutes). Possibly they check on the computer for outstanding warrants but criminal history checks in Thailand are not computerised.

I agree with your advice, however. To go without money for the fine would be extremely foolhardy.

Yea the latter statement is correct,if he has all the fine he simply reports to the airport and pays it at immagration

and he'll only be there long enough to verify how long his overstay is and to pay.

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Thailand does have pawn shops ...

The Bangkok city gov. also has their own government run pawn shops, they have many locations throughout the city and English language Website

If you can not get the emergency loan from Embassy or if the process will take to long to complete and you would miss your flight. It would be best to pawn some items.

Thank you for this!

Glad I could help and wish you the best...

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The US embassy closes at 2pm, so if you're in KSR it sounds like it's already too late to go there today.

You could try begging. Make a sign explaining your situation, and beg for the remaining cash. You have your ticket to prove you're leaving. Might make enough, might even get lucky and a single person will give or loan you enough. You can get a canal boat to MBK for 10 baht so it's not much to try.

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The way I would play it...

Get yourself to the embassy and rant about it to them. When they tell you they can't help, act insane. Sit on the desk. Refuse to budge until they give you an emergency lone. US embassy is subject to US law and if they take action which could lead to a USA subject being locked up in a physcotic state and potentially killing himself or endagering others they may be looking at a lawsuit that would cost more that the immigration fine you have to pay.

Make yourself a problem that is worth paying to get rid off.

Extremely bad advice ---- (particularly if you ever plan on having a passport again!)

Agreed...who let this idiot in? Worst thing you can do is to make a scene. Just like the idiots on an airplane that throw temper tantrums. How far does it get them?.

Your right dont listen to that tard,fact is he broke the law,and the days of the embassy coming to the rescue are over,plus emergency loans take a minimum of 7-10 days

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You guys are really helpful so thank you. Can anyone do me a quick favor and go to the pawn website. ( i cant post links yet) and tell me which one is closest to khaosan road? thank you!!

the only one i know for sure that takes odd ball stuff is on the corner of soi 101 in lat prao,good people there bought a few trinkets and they always told me if i needed to sell anything it was no problem

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Here is a pawnshop if you look on the right of the page down the bottom they have many branches check which one is closest to you good luck.

I dont know which one is closest to me . I am trying to figure it out. Bangkok is hard to navigate! Thanks =)

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Ask someone who knows the area or put them in Google maps from your own location.

Here is a pawnshop if you look on the right of the page down the bottom they have many branches check which one is closest to you good luck.

I dont know which one is closest to me . I am trying to figure it out. Bangkok is hard to navigate! Thanks =)

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Ask someone who knows the area or put them in Google maps from your own location.

Here is a pawnshop if you look on the right of the page down the bottom they have many branches check which one is closest to you good luck.

I dont know which one is closest to me . I am trying to figure it out. Bangkok is hard to navigate! Thanks =)

the lat prao one 1.5 hrs by bus 45 by taxi and closes at 500 pm on the corner of soi 101 cant miss it.what day do you fly?

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we all are full of suggestions, some superb, some great, some so-so et cetera....

and here is a fellow farang, whom almost all of us, just begin to hear of him and his predicament very recently....

just how many farang offers this farang a personal helping hand....?

how many did you say.... who offered him personal assistance....?


as much as i like to.... i did not offer him any personal assistance either!

and everyone.... including many of us.... assume that.... farang is affluent.... ! ;)

when a thai decides to go underground and becomes unaccountable in the u.s., that person, male or female, is referred to as 'robinhood'....

if the op decides to reciprocate and becomes a thai robinhood.... pm me.... you will be completely safe for a season.... at least.... B)

but i won't encourage this.... much better to face the music.... now.... just be humble and eat the humble pie.... report yourself to the wireless road, as i first suggested.... :unsure:

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