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Two Thai Men Sentenced To Hang For Drug Trafficking In Malaysia


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Two Thai men sentenced to hang for drug trafficking in Malaysia

Published on July 1, 2011

Kuala Lumpur - A Malaysian court has sentenced two Thai nationals to death by hanging for smuggling more than 20 kilograms of cannabis into the country, a news report said Friday.

Iproheng Yeetuwa, 37 and Mueseh Mahsae, 44, were caught in the northern Kedah state in 2009 with 21.6 kilogrammes of cannabis.

Both men claimed they were not aware of the drugs found in their tourist van, but the High Court judge ruled the defence was unsubstantiated, the New Straits Times reported.

Malaysia's tough drug laws prescribe the mandatory death sentence for significant quantities of most types of drugs.


-- The Nation 2011-07-01

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Two less dirt bags in the world.

Globally, they should try to rehabilitate drug users, and hang drug traffickers on national TV.

Would you also like them to be drawn and quartered and their heads to be displayed on pikes at immigration ?

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Two less dirt bags in the world.

Globally, they should try to rehabilitate drug users, and hang drug traffickers on national TV.

You have to be joking! Only uncivilised savages could hang people for smuggling cannabis.

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Two less dirt bags in the world.

Globally, they should try to rehabilitate drug users, and hang drug traffickers on national TV.

You have to be joking! Only uncivilised savages could hang people for smuggling cannabis.

Really? And how much do you smoke? I take it your opinion is that drug smugglers are civilised people?

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Two less dirt bags in the world.

Globally, they should try to rehabilitate drug users, and hang drug traffickers on national TV.

You have to be joking! Only uncivilised savages could hang people for smuggling cannabis.

Really? And how much do you smoke? I take it your opinion is that drug smugglers are civilised people?

There are drugs and there are drugs.

All drugs are potentially damaging to the health, especially if taken in excess and long-term. This includes alcohol of course and even coffee.

The point I, and the others above were trying to make was the relative harmlessness of pot compared with much harder drugs. Cannabis smoking does not, by and large, wreck lives.

I never buy it, but use it occasionally when in the UK as I have a friend who likes it a lot. I find it enjoyable, but it does not hook me in any way. Personal consumption of it is accepted in England. I do not, however, advocate it's useage as we should all aspire to being as drug free as is possible.

I would run a mile from it in Thailand, as the penalties for being caught with it are too draconian.

These two, possibly impoverished and not too bright Thai men DO NOT deserve to lose their lives for this relatively harmless crime. You do not take lives just to set an example, a life is a life.

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Two less dirt bags in the world.

Globally, they should try to rehabilitate drug users, and hang drug traffickers on national TV.

You have to be joking! Only uncivilised savages could hang people for smuggling cannabis.

Really? And how much do you smoke? I take it your opinion is that drug smugglers are civilised people?

Possibly as civilised as someone who wishes to see hangings on national TV. How do you equate being civilised with TV hangings ? Oh well I guess it would mean he wouldn't have to seek out his own snuff movies.....

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Both men claimed they were not aware of the drugs found in their tourist van, but the High Court judge ruled the defence was unsubstantiated, the New Straits Times reported.

I fully agree that cannabis is not a drug that destroys lives, or is horribly addictive. I also feel that the death penalty for cannabis smuggling is ludicrous. The courts stated reason for disallowing the defense put forward by these two men sounds very iffy too. If the men had been paid to deliver a vehicle, that had previously had the drugs hidden in it, to a third party who would then remove the drugs from their hiding place it is difficult to see how the two delivery men could possibly "Substantiate" their defence of ignorance.

It's difficult to form a judgement without knowing more about the facts of the case... If they knowingly broke the law, then they might reasonably be sent to prison but the death penalty for cannabis smuggling would be barbaric.

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