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To All Condo Owners/Renters


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Would like some honest and detailed reports/opinions. I would like to know the noise level coming from the upper and lower units, and also side/neighbor units. Specifically, can you hear the people next door to you when playing music loud or TV level turned up? Like in a hotel room, can you hear the people walking/running from the upstairs unit? I assume you get some noise level from the entrance door when people walk by talking/laughing loud, am I right? We lived in a townhome back in the US that wasn't any better insulated than a cheap hotel room. I know the walls between units here are made of brick and concrete, but does that keep the noise level at zero.

Any replies will be helpful. Want to decide whether to buy a condo, but do not want to be sorry I didn't check in to this first.

Thanks all.

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Every one is different. Probably newer ones less well insulated in the never ending quest to build to a budget. Rent first - the supply of condos in CM isn't going to diminish any time soon.

I would say newer ones are much better built with newer building codes and earthquake requirements to follow. Few years back there was little or no codes or even building permits

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Based on my experience here in Chiang Mai living in many condos... it's not sooo much the neighbors you have to worry about it's the constant remodeling

of the condos. All the condos I've lived in are made from Concret / Cement and anytime someone is Drilling, Hammering, Banging, Sawing, ect...

you can hear it all over the condo. We live on the 14th floor and if someone is banging on the 8th floor it sounds like it is in YOUR condo.

At our condo it seems someone is ALWAYS remodeling, which means NOISE from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday.

Perhaps a BRAND NEW Condo would not have this much Remodeling activity going on, but not sure.... since it seems every time a new person moves in

they have to change the colors of the Tiles for GOOD LUCK.

Of course we could always move to a House and then we could enjoy the Roosters Crowing at 3 a.m. and the dogs barking 24 - 7.

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I would say newer ones are much better built with newer building codes and earthquake requirements to follow. Few years back there was little or no codes or even building permits

biggrin.gif Yeah, like when?

The ones I've seen going up could be brought down by an over zealous couple, bouncing around in the bedroom!

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I would say newer ones are much better built with newer building codes and earthquake requirements to follow. Few years back there was little or no codes or even building permits

biggrin.gif Yeah, like when?

The ones I've seen going up could be brought down by an over zealous couple, bouncing around in the bedroom!

Happy to drive around and show you. With increased steal reinforcements, structural walls, and post tention slabs, yes. Some with collums nearly 1m wide. They are out there. And yes, there are some cheep ones too. But you get what you pay for

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  • 7 years later...
On 7/16/2011 at 10:58 AM, JeffreyMcCollum said:

Most Condo's are single brick walls. Some like Jigsaw are steal studs with gypsom and airspace, The best in town are Grand Siritara near the airport that have double walls and insulation between. Can not hear a thing

Hi, I know this is an ancient thread.  But I’m looking to potentially buy a condo in Grand Siritara and would love to hear your feedback and reviews of that place.

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sex sounds carry at night and can keep you awake for hours.
the cheaper you go, the thinner the walls are and the louder it is.
Turn up in a g string and ask to join in. The beer gut farang will kill it
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