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Making New Friends


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First of all, I'm is Pam from Bangkok. I'm 30 years old chinese-thai girl. I would like to make new lady friends from here to go to a restaurant or a bar and have good conversations.

I have some good Thai lady friends but our lifestyles are different. Since i'm studying full time and work part time. My friends and I finish work around 8 pm. We work in different places---sometimes across the town. After work, i would like to go out for a drink or two or enjoy a nice meal sometimes but they prefer to go home. I don't blame them but after working in an office 8 hours a day and i deserve some fresh air!

I study and work around Sukhumvit area but it would be nice to explore new areas in town. Even i'm a bangkokian, i don't go out much due to my previous work. I feel i'm missing something in life and i want to change that. I start to feel i'm getting old before my time.

I don't like going to a pub/ a bar by myself. I had a few bad experiences about it. Some people judge if you are sitting alone in a bar, u r BG... which isn't true. Why can't i enjoy a nice live music or my drinks like anybody else? Just because i come alone or I'm Thai?

I'm interested in movies (almost every kind except thriller), American series, knitting, crochet and reading some books. I start playing golf recently. None of my friends plays golf at all. Would be nice to have some friends to go with.

Thank you.

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Hi Pam and welcome to the forum, while I don't live in Bangkok I do visit from time to time and would be happy to meet you for a drink or something when I am in town.

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Hi pam, welcomeani.gif.......I'm a thai here too.

I and my friends, once graduated, we sort of have been drifting apart slowly over times due to our work and new interests,…and may be partly of my VERY liberal minded in most things. So I know what you're going through. I would like to meet you too and always am interested in making new friends who can converse in English fluently. However(in my honest opinion) I might be boring you to death because I don't drink or do bar, not into golfing either, and definitely knitting is going to finish me! tongue.gif

As for me I'm into stock trading, gardening, interior design, wondering into many night and weekend markets, and always looking for new funky arts.

But I will pass the word along to my cousins, they live in the CBD area, well whenever they're taking a break from their oversea study. Hmm….they don't drink and do bar either, but might have something else in common.

Warm regards and chok dee na ja


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Thank you for warm welcome ka Little muppet and Doji. I'm happy to meet you. :)

@Little muppet : where do u lived ka? My parent live in the suburb of Bangkok too but i study in downtown. It usually takes me hours to go to the university (in Sukhumvit area). Had to move, apart from my parent ( and my cat!). Anyway, my work schedule changes every month. Sometimes i have to go to work in department stores in Latphrao, Bangkapi, Pinklao, Ngamwongwan, or Jangwattana. Hope somewhere is nearby where you live and we can grap a cup of coffee or a meal sometimes ka.

@doji : I would like to meet you too ka. :) We can meet for a coffee or tea or anything you like ka. I won't bite. :D

Before i didn't go to bars at all but after 8-9 pm, seems i'm running out of places to go. I enjoy live music (almost every kind of music) and some bars have really good live bands. Bars in hotels are more like a lounge you can sit down comfortably and enjoy the music.

Only 1 thing to concern is drunk men both Thais or Foreigners. :bah:

Since you understand how i feel, I admit i feel quite lonely these days. I used to have friends around when i studied or colleagues in my previous work. You know how it feels like when you go shopping without your girl friends accompany you. :lol: (Even i still go shopping but it doesn't feel as good as you have a company).

I like learning new things too and if you would like to share your interests with me, i would be very happy to try ka.

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ok sure. honestly i havent been to bkk downtown for ages since the Central chaengwattana is open.coz its only 20 mins from home and it got everything there hahaha.

anyway , i will let u know if im happen to be in town. :jap:

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Hi ladies, i am new to this forum. (Been lurking around for some times but finally decided to sign up)

Let me introduce myself. I am a 32 year old malaysian chinese girl who is currently dating a 27 year old thai man. We met each other and started dating while he wasstill working in Malaysia 6 months ago. He has since gone back to Thailand. We are maintaining this long distance relationship.

i am not rich by farang standard, but being a professional working in a corporate world i do earn stable wages and higher salaries of course compared to him as he is earning a daily wage right now. (he's from isaan and the lower strata but with college education, i don't see him as the lower status)

we communicate mostly in english although his english vocab is probably about 200 words; i also put in effort to learn thai so we can communicate better.

currently we are in a "long distance relationship", him working in bangkok (earning a daily wage right now) me in malaysia, will meet each other once in 1 or 2 months. communicate mostly via phone or sms.

he already brought me to meet with his family and introduce me to them.

read a lot of bad stereotypes about thai men everywhere on the thai forums and internet, filled with a lot of negativity. At some point it sort of makes me feel worried about thai men in general. Are they all this bad??

i would like to believe still there are good and bad thai men (just the same as everyone else) everywhere. I do understand Thai culture, as with any other asian culture, stresses importance in family relationships. It is an admirable trait of them. My bf is very filial and loves his family very much and I respect that from him.

i know our relationship is going to face lots of odds in terms of our background, i don't even let my own family know as i know they will be dam_n against this. I am happy to be able to share with those ladies in this forum with thai husbands/boyfriends so that i will know more how to sustain my relationship. i really love him a lot, want to know more about thai men and family culture and want to make this work.

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@ Nadine: …..nice to meet you, and welcome

Sadly being in a relationship with someone doesn't come with a manual, and one size doesn't fit all. Keep working on it, if you love each other you will find ways to work it through somehow….with good communication, gives and takes and many compromises . Best wishes

@PAM:…..Luncheon and shoes scouting?……sounds great!!thumbsup.gif At the moment I live too far, I will pm you when I'm in town.

In addition: I don't know if you can plan your vacation several months ahead or not. Sometimes in Febuary I will be in Chiangmai, If you are free at the time we can meet up there also. That is, if you want to explore gardens and hillsides of Doi Intranon. My uncle is one of consultants for the king agricultural research project, Doi Intranon station, mostly it focuses on the rural development through growing cash crops instead of opium. I very want to go and see some of his works up there, you're welcome to come along, if you're interested in this kind of stuff. Just to give a head up, if you want to get out of bkk.

Let's keep in touch until then,


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@PAM:…..Luncheon and shoes scouting?……sounds great!!thumbsup.gif At the moment I live too far, I will pm you when I'm in town.

In addition: I don't know if you can plan your vacation several months ahead or not. Sometimes in Febuary I will be in Chiangmai, If you are free at the time we can meet up there also. That is, if you want to explore gardens and hillsides of Doi Intranon. My uncle is one of consultants for the king agricultural research project, Doi Intranon station, mostly it focuses on the rural development through growing cash crops instead of opium. I very want to go and see some of his works up there, you're welcome to come along, if you're interested in this kind of stuff. Just to give a head up, if you want to get out of bkk.

Let's keep in touch until then,


@Doji : It would be nice to see you ka.

I will be in Chiang Rai from Feb27th until Mar16th. It's not far from CM. Let me know when you will be there :lol:

@Nadine : I think there are good and bad Thai men as men all over the world. I have heard stories about bad Thai men but i've never dated that type of guys myself.

My ex Thai bf is a very nice guy. He is very well-educated. He doesn't drink. He doesn't smoke. He never cheated me. He was very nice to me. We broke up because he's a mommy's boy. :D His mother was really the pain in the __. Now we are still good friends.

Other Thai men i dated were very nice too. There is no stereotype of Thai men so far as i have seen.

I wish you good luck with your Thai bf ka. ;)

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welcome nadine. as Pam said. men r just the same everywhere. i have seen some bad thai men but they r not related to me at all (saw them from distance lol),i also have seen very good thai men,these guys r my friends' bf . so it is depends on wat kind of environment u met the man :) ,if u know wat i mean.


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@Pam: oh yippeee!

@Nadine:…..Why would your family be against you two? …Just curious

It's not like you're going to marry him tomorrow or anything. You2 are stll dating and who knows it may turnout to be just a puppy love that's all,or eternal love as time will tell.

Is it because you are chinese and he's not?....you're making money more than him?....he's from poorer background?,…He's darker than you?,....or they just don't want you to eventually move too far away from them (like going to live in Thailand), if you two do get marry?

I have another cousin, he's quite smart and we suggested to him that he should do his master degree in the US, to know/experience the new world outside his comfort zone, and learn a thing or two from the west. But his mom wouldn't hear of it, she said that she's afraid he will marry a farang girl and won't come back. ermm.gif

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doji, I live in Chiang Mai and would be happy to meet you and introduce you to many of the very nice women that live here. That invitation is open to any of the women who may travel up here as well. Chiang Mai has a pretty large expat female population and one of the nicest things about the groups I know is that it is all very well integrated and there are both Thai and foreigners mingling at events and parties.

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Today i'm going out with my friend. She's applying to work full time at the same clinic i work so she will be busier as much as i am very soon. We are going to shopping a bit then going to Oskar Bistro. Once she starts working, we may not have time to go out much anymore. *sob sob*

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@Heather:......Big thx for your kind invitation ka. It will be my pleasure to meet you and a few others up there.I will certainly let you know of my arrival a few days ahead, just to make sure you will be free also.

@Pam......Have sanook sanook time w/ your friend na ja

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@Nadine:…..Why would your family be against you two? …Just curious

It's not like you're going to marry him tomorrow or anything. You2 are stll dating and who knows it may turnout to be just a puppy love that's all,or eternal love as time will tell.

Is it because you are chinese and he's not?....you're making money more than him?....he's from poorer background?,…He's darker than you?,....or they just don't want you to eventually move too far away from them (like going to live in Thailand), if you two do get marry?

I have another cousin, he's quite smart and we suggested to him that he should do his master degree in the US, to know/experience the new world outside his comfort zone, and learn a thing or two from the west. But his mom wouldn't hear of it, she said that she's afraid he will marry a farang girl and won't come back.


Can I say all of the above? :(

I am from a middle class family, a white-collar working class and my bf is in blue-collar. My family is just way too over-protective of me. Although I am already 32, they never treat me like a sensible adult who is capable of making good decisions. My family will say to me, as long as the guy earns less than me, they must be after my money. (Not as if I have a lot of money to be cheated in the first place, but my family still will think that way) Don't ask me why. Maybe this is a traditional chinese, snobbish style of thinking that "we are better than the rest"? :(

It happened to my previous relationship (eventhough my ex is a chinese but earns less than me; it was also doomed from the start once I let my family know, naively, hoping to get their blessings.

I moved out from my family house 1 year ago to go to KL to work, and at least now I have slightly more freedom to do whatever I want without their surveillance.

To me, as long as the guy is sincere and true to me, I am happy. As long as he's willing to acknowledge and commit to me and willing to work this out, I am the happiest person in the world. That's why when my bf acknowledged me and took me home to introduce to his family, I am already very contented. Easily pleased person i am :D

So far, he's working and earning his own and I am working and earning for my own, money wise we don't interfere with each other. Maybe we are still new in the relationship and it's still too early to tell.

Therefore, I will still rather keep my relationship a secret from my family, until we are more stable. I want to protect this relationship since I have already failed in many with my family's interference.

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I feel for you, Nadine. I can't say I'm that surprised of the reasons. Same same thing is going on everyday in Thailand too, being asians (doesn't matter in malaysia or thailand) we do share similar ordeal and interference from our parents...just more or less degree, depending on each individual family.

Do you think the relationship will have higher chance of success and time to blossom, if you somehow be able to work in Thailand, or …you both can work in another third country? Just the thought

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I feel for you, Nadine. I can't say I'm that surprised of the reasons. Same same thing is going on everyday in Thailand too, being asians (doesn't matter in malaysia or thailand) we do share similar ordeal and interference from our parents...just more or less degree, depending on each individual family.

Do you think the relationship will have higher chance of success and time to blossom, if you somehow be able to work in Thailand, or …you both can work in another third country? Just the thought

I am learning the Thai Language now and trying to take it one step at a time :) If possible I hope to be able to work in Thailand too :)

Meanwhile, I am coming over to BKK for a short trip this weekend. Would like to know if there is any sort of prepaid internet broadband (in the form of a SIM card) available that I can purchase and use? Appreciate your advice, thanks!

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If you can connect your phone as a modem then getting a Thai prepaid sim with an internet package is your best bet, if not, AIS sells a dongle that works pretty good I have heard.

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Just come have little lurking here, :)

Welcome for new members, I am one more Thai woman here ka. but shamed, bit too busy with my work, so rarely come spending time here as I done before.

Mostly I can just read, no replying due to staying out and running around all the time.

Well, will try catching up as I can na ka... Nice to meet you all ja.

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hello ladies. please let me introduce myself. My name is Abby and I have been a lurker for a long time. To make the long story short I have been going to and fro Bkk & Manila since 2007 since my husband works here. I am a makeup artist by profession. Would love to meet each and everyone of you :)

Been thinking of studying basic Thai language so I can go around.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi great to see your keen to meet new friends.. The internet is a great tool to network and meet great new friends to make your life more fullfilled.. pm op for link to facebook page for expats

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Hello Abby. :) Nice to meet you ka. I live not far from Ratchada and this month i work in Central Latphroa on saturdays and sundays so if you have time and want to practice Thai, just let me know so we can have a cup of coffee. Anyway, Central Latphroa is really crowded. I hardly breathe lolz.

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