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Man In Uk Wants Divorce From Thai Girl Who Left Him


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The ones who make it sound as if he can just go into a court after two years are talking rubish. He has to prove to the court the papers have been personally served. If unable to this must apply to the court and appear for permission for alternative service. If this is given...and it may not be unless he can prove a determined search for his wife..he must advertise in the local press in Thailand, provide proof of this and get it accepted by the court and then can apply for a divorce.


If you're talking about Thailand, not all that complicated, and not "rubish" (sic). When my now wife got divorced from her first husband, the Thai lawyer caused a "notice of divorce action" to be published in a Thai language newspaper that's available all over Thailand. FYI, he chose a pretty much obscure paper to do this in, one that is more specific for legal notices, but being so, meets the Thai court's definition of "wide circulation" and was therefore accepted. This added a couple months to the divorce process. But, all painless.


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hmmm, seeing as this geezer, your 'fried', is on the bones of his arse and possesses nothing worldly or material, I wouldn't worry about the fact that he was married. Unless he wants to get married again (repeat the mistake?). I doubt Mrs. Isaan is going to pop out of the woodwork down the line and sting him. After all, if he is not returning to Thailand, whats the worry? He may find that she has already gone about the process of annulling the marriage from her end. I am sure that can be done for 500THB in the right hand.....maybe that is worth as check before going any further. How to check with the Thai registry? ...

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The very best advice given in this thread is to make use of the Citizens Advice Bureau. They will give advice (obviously) and will even help fill in the forms - all free of charge if your friend is not well off.

BEST ADVICE SO FAR , THANKYOU wink.gif good to see a man who genuinely wants to help another person in need

In the OP's post above, he commends the suggestion that his friend should make use of the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Didn't do much for me in my hour of need :unsure:.In fact, sod all.

couldnt agree with you more transam, they are usless !!

And in this post, the OP tells us that he considers the Citizens Advice Bureau to be useless.

Mai khao jai.

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Hmmm, how "legal"" was the Thai marriage, recorded etc? Did she not have to produce her ID card and does your friend have a copy of the marriage documents, my only thought if he has the documentation would be to approach the Thai embassy in London and enlist their help in tracing her and either )1 getting her to divorce him or 2) get the marriage annuled on the basis she left after less than one year but not sure if that is viable but would be worth a visit to the embassy to check out his options.

My other thought is if the marriage was not recorded at the British Embassy then it may not be recognised in UK therefore he is free to move forward with his life.

Don't rush into using big name lawyers, US$1,000- is a lot of money if it's just to process document, there's lots of other help around. MAny people suggest Essan Lawyers (maybe it's Issan Lawyers) , who are apparently quite professional and have very reasonable costs, and there are other options rather than high cost / high profile lawyers.

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if you look up British Law on google he is English advisor who works presumably with Thai lawyers. he knows about Thai divorce law and is in pattaya. at least you would get accurate info and options. i have used them a few times including a divorce, it was pointed out to her i was entilted to half her assets in Thailand since marriage and wanted 350,000 for my share of her house, i got off scott free not 1 baht did she get, and no i did not buy the house but it twas a nice one.

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The British Embassy in Bangkok will still have all her details including a copy of her ID and house registration.

If he had any sense he would have made a copy of these documents too. ( I did with my ex wife )

I had problems with my ex wife after I took her back to the uk for 2 years BUT I followed her back here when she returned to Thailand with our daughter.

I was lucky to meet a complete stranger ( Thai ) online and told her my problem ( trying to find my ex wife and daughter ) Lucky she had a friend in the Thai ID office and not only located my ex wife within 24 hours she also told me her registered address and when she first registered there.

I contacted my ex wife and threatened to send an open letter to her village marked " DIVORCE PAPERS "

She was terrified at this thought because she said it would bring shame on her family.

So after a lot of delaying tactics I finally got her to a local Amphur office and had a clean divorce 2 hours later ( Do you both want a divorce ? YES!! OK sign here.)

Simple as that

BUT you both have to agree

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