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Pineapple Plant


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I took the family to a hotel that's about 350kms from Bangkok (130kms past Kanchanaburi).

Quite a nice layout with lots of emphasis on plants and fruit (some of the rooms are designed like fruit).

Anyway, as we were leaving the owner (I think) gave us a pineapple plant. It's now sitting in my car port!

I'm no gardener so I'd really appreciate some advise as to how to plant it. Would it be better in the (small) garden or should I buy a large plant pot and put it in that? I guess that I'll only be able to buy compost from the local market - will that be ok?



Edited by bkkmick
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I don't know what to do with the pineapple but i personally would put it in a pot, they don't grow too big and you can still move it if you like.

Any chance of knowing more about the hotel? The website isn't that brilliant but the fruit shaped rooms look interesting.


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Hi Nidge

The rooms are actually well designed and built. All have air-con and a flat screen TV (Thai channels only). The food was great and there's big fridge full of beer.

There's not actually that much to do but it was a great place to unwind. There are plenty of peddle boats on the small lake for the kids to use (free) and there's swimming at a nearby waterfall. We took three of the 'fruit' rooms, 1000 baht each. We stayed Friday night and we were the only 8 people there. There were a group of 60 university students staying Saturday night. The staff said that they're generally empty during the week and busy at the weekends.

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Thanks bkkmick.

there's always plenty to do in that area if i put my bike in the back of the car. I love that part of thailand for biking. I'll check out that hotel once the rainy season has passed.

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My pineapples grow in the ground in a sunny spot. They appear to be very slow growing and after 2 years, they are still hanging on but no fruit! I just water it from time to time.

Whilst it is slow growing, it is easy to grow because my plants basically came from the tops (crown) of the pineapple fruits which I bought eat and has received very little care since they were put in the ground.

I did not use compost, as it went straight into the soil. If you do use compost I have found sometimes it is better to leave the compost out in the open and use only after a couple of weeks - some brands can be too "strong" for young plants when it comes straight out of the packaging.

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For me, space was not an issue so my plants are in the ground, although I have heard that they can grow in pots...they are bromeliads and so do not have deep roots, I think.

I can't remember if I ever fertilised the plants (probably means I did not). And I think it does not like soggy feet so I water very occassionally, more over dry months. They are surviving here becasue I think they are low-mainteance, certainly not due to any skills on my part, LOL.

Since I am neither an expert or have particularly green fingers, this might help: http://www.tropicalpermaculture.com/growing-pineapples.html

Good luck!

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