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Kidney Stone

slippery when wet

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I am presently living i the UK but was rushed into hospital yesterday after crawling on the floor because of the extreme pain. The ambulance arrived after what seemed hours and gave me gas and an injection to dull the pain.

After having tests and a CT scan I was diagnosed with having a kidney stone of 2mm.

The doctor has told me that there is nothing that they can do, only wait for me to unirate the stone out and then sent me home.

Can anyone tell of their experirnces of urinating the kidney stone out and on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most painfull) rate the pain. Also if known what size in mm was your stone.

Thank you....slippery

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I have had kidney stones a number of times and being an English teacher at the time didn't have enough money to do anything but wait for the stones to pass.

I had three - according to x-rays - the last time and stayed in my room moaning and screaming for 4 or 5 days waiting for all of them to go through the tube that they pass through.

I have heard horror stories, but I have never felt anything at all when they actually left my body. The pain just stopped.

I don't know how big they were because I never actually saw one. :o

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Amazing! My father-in-law had kidney stones and first he had them shattered with ultrasound. Still painful but not as bad as it could have been. My dad had them and said it must be like the pain a woman feels giving birth. Extremely painful!

Options from the UMd medical center:

What to Expect at Your Provider's Office

If you are in extreme pain, your health care provider may give you a strong pain reliever. Then your health care provider will need a urine sample to check for infection and to see if your urine is acid or alkaline, which indicates the type of stone. You may need to collect your urine for 24 hours if this is not your first stone. Your provider will also take a blood sample.

With time, the stone generally passes out of the body by itself. If it doesn't or if you have severe pain, bleeding, fever, nausea, or can't urinate, your provider can shatter the stone with shock waves (an outpatient procedure), and the smaller pieces can pass with much less pain. Only rarely is surgery needed.

Treatment Options

Usually taking pain relievers and drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day, plus one at bedtime and another during the night, enables the stone to pass more easily. You may need to urinate through a strainer to collect the stone and give it to your health care provider for analysis.

Drug Therapies

You may need pain medication while the stone is moving through your system. After it passes, you may need other drugs so that you don't form stones again. Drugs may include

    * Narcotics to control severe pain

    * Allopurinol, 100 to 300 mg daily to control hyperuricemia

    * Potassium citrate, 100 mEq tablets twice daily to raise urinary pH

    * Hydrochlorothiazide, 25 to 50 mg daily for calcium type I stones

    * Cellulose sodium phosphate 10 g daily for calcium type I stones; to decrease bowel absorption

    * Orthophosphates for calcium type III stones; to inhibit vitamin B synthesis

Good luck and try to get them to shatter your stone first!

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you might also like to read how this complaint was dealt with in the days before anaesthesia.

Sam had his stone removed by Thomas Hollier of St. Thomas?s and Bart?s on March 26, 1658. He celebrated his survival of the surgery and the relief from pain every year on this date. ?Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self,? gives a well-researched description of this surgery, its risks, the preparations, the surgery itself, and the follow-up care. Here is the gory heart of her account, but read her book for the all the preparations?the foods and herb, the fast-binding done in place of an anesthetic?and the follow-up care?a really amazing passage in the book:

?The surgeon got to work. First he inserted a thin silver instrument, the itinerarium, through the penis into the bladder to help position the stone. Then he made the incision, about three inches long and a finger?s breadth from the line running between scrotum and anus, and into the neck of the bladder, or just below it. The patient?s face was sponged as the incision was made. The stone was sought, found and grasped with pincers; the more speedily it could be got out the better. Once out, the wound was not stitched?it was thought best to let it drain and cicatrize itself?but simply washed and covered with a dressing, or even kept open at first with a small roll of soft cloth known as a tent, dipped in egg white. A plaster of egg yolk, rose vinegar and anointing oils was then applied.?

He was cut for the stone by Thomas Holiyer, who was a surgeon at St. Thomas?s Hospital. We are told ?it came out intact, the size of a tennis ball. The proud (and lucky!) survivor had it set in a case, which cost him twenty-four shillings.? (Roy Porter, The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Mankind) He may have survived because he was first on the day?s list to be operated on (so the surgeon?s tools and hands were relatively clean), and because the operation was done not at the hospital but at the home of a relative. The incision was about 3 inches long and the extraction took less than a minute. (Liza Picard, Restoration London)
“In the winter of 1657-8 the trouble grew rapidly worse so that by March an operation could no longer be averted. Remember now that we are in a period when medical science had not invented (or discovered) anaesthetics and septic germs were rife. A major operation was more than likely to result in death rather than cure. No wonder he was worried about having the Operation!

“The surgeon was one Thomas Holier, assisted by a brilliant young Doctor Joyliffe. On 26th March the operation took place and was a complete success. In the same year Hollier cut thirty more for the stone and all lived, though soon after four others whom he operated on perished.”

And…documents…left by…McDowell, the Danville, Kentucky, specialist, one of the great surgeons in the history of this country [ were ] relied on to demonstrate that this was really a urinary stone operation. And it was…a brutal operation. Here’s a 17-year-old young man, constantly, almost chronically ill with lower-abdomen pains…, and they rush him to Danville, where…Ephraim McDowell, operates.

Now, the operation…was brutal. No antiseptic. And they only could give him brandy. They didn’t have any antisepsis to stop the poison. They held him down. His uncle was with him. They put him up on his shoulders. They used what was called a gorget. And if you look at the gorget, I mean, it looks like it sounds, a vicious knife. And they went between the scrotum and the anus, right through the prostate. How he ever survived is remarkable. But he did.

and perhaps consider how lucky we are to live in the age of anaesthesia.

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I had two. The first was a total surprise and after several trips to the emergency room for a IV of painkillers it was treated by two sessions of Ultrasound shock treatment. Three years later same thing happened, unmeasurable pain :o:D , trip to emergency ward, x rays, confirmation of Kidney stone...1 cm... :D ....Went to get shock wave therapy, hurt like hel_l!!! Definetely the worst pain I ever felt by far, thank god for intraveinous pharmaceuticals. Aparently 85% of stones pass by themselves, unless there is an infection and it must be taken out immediatly. For me, the first one wouldn't go naturally, and after 4 trips to emergency ward and living in fear of another "excruciating" episode, I decided for the shock treatment. Make sure you are in good shape, even with drugs some guys pass out.... :D

Drink lots of water...not just fluids but water...never let your urine become concentrated (dark yellow)..about 2 liters a day, more if exercising or in tropical climates. Reduce all poultry meats, and red meat, milk, cheese....

Edited by pluto_manibo
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I have had one.

The worst pain I have ever had. Lasted about 12 hours.

I will never forget it.

In the chemists here you can buy pills that dilate the whotsit tube ( forgot the name of it) so that the pills pass thru easily.

My nephew had 110 stones in ONE kidney. Had to have surgery.

He was only early twenties at the time.

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This affliction torments me almost annually. As for
dipped in egg white. A plaster of egg yolk,

Several years ago I awoke in the middle of the night experiencing the worse pain I've ever had. I was in Bkk and immediately went to Bkk memorial where the doctor on duty diagnosed 'stomach ulcer', gave/sold me the appropriate medicines & pain killers and sent me home.

a few days later I went for ultrasound and they found 9 stones and recommended the shock treatment @ 60,000 baht. Rather than being cut open to remove them I scheduled the shock treatment, couldn't take the pain anymore, even with the pain killers as their effect was lessening.

Three days before the scheduled shock treatment I turned to my herb books and found an herb that despels kidney stones. To my surprise, the herb is growing just behind our house so my wife gathered some and boiled them (low fire for a long while) then after cooling I drank it all that day and the following two days. Low and behold I passed them while urinating and it was quite painless as the stones had softened and shrunk.

Upon reading my herb books further I found that people who do get stones usually don't drink enough water.

Since then I've never had another stone.

In addition to drinking lots of water make sure and add lemon juice and you'll never have stones again....

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I turned to my herb books and found an herb that despels kidney stones. To my surprise, the herb is growing just behind our house ..............

and the name of the herb is ........................................

......ya nuat meow "cat's whiskers"

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I turned to my herb books and found an herb that despels kidney stones. To my surprise, the herb is growing just behind our house ..............

and the name of the herb is ........................................

......ya nuat meow "cat's whiskers"

One thing I didn't mention is that the dried herb isn't as effective as the fresh herb. The dried version isn't very bitter..."Bitter is Better"...

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So true, my father-in-law works quite hard (coconuts) and sweats alot. I am sure he doesn't drink enough water. Now, he has a related problem: Gout. Kidney stones are when the urine concentrates in the kidney, forming uric acid crystals which combine and become stones. Gout is when the crystals form in the joints. Very painful too.

So, as has been said before, drink lots of water.

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So true, my father-in-law works quite hard (coconuts) and sweats alot. I am sure he doesn't drink enough water. Now, he has a related problem: Gout. Kidney stones are when the urine concentrates in the kidney, forming uric acid crystals which combine and become stones. Gout is when the crystals form in the joints. Very painful too.

So, as has been said before, drink lots of water.

Acute gout is like nothing I could explain....started getting it at the age of 18.Had truck loads of cortisone injections (more pricks than a second hand dart board!!)

The Urates that form in the joints and kidneys can be helped by taking a drug called allopurinol..trade name Zyloprim.This helps rid the body of uric acid and also helps prevent kidney stones.

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My dad has gout and he swears by cherries. He starts to get a gout attack, eats alot of cherries (and I do mean alot) and swears it knocks it back.

Read about it: Health Library: Gout

Cherries may well be an effective remedy for many gout sufferers! A letter in Prevention magazine by Dr. Ludwig W Blau Ph.D relating how eating a bowl of cherries one day led to complete relief from pain sparked off the interest in cherries in the treatment of gout (7). Dr Blau's gout had been so severe that he had been confined to a wheelchair. One day, quite by accident, he polished off a large bowl of cherries and the following day the pain in his foot was gone. He continued eating a minimum of 6 cherries every day and he was free from pain and able to get out of his wheelchair. Dr Blau's research led to many other people suffering from gout who reported being helped by cherries. This effect has also been reported with strawberries and may be due to the fact that these foods help the body eliminate uric acid. (8)

Wonder if it would help with kidney stones too? Also heard about apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and honey. Drink a small glass everyday.

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My dad has gout and he swears by cherries. He starts to get a gout attack, eats alot of cherries (and I do mean alot) and swears it knocks it back.

Read about it: Health Library: Gout

Cherries may well be an effective remedy for many gout sufferers! A letter in Prevention magazine by Dr. Ludwig W Blau Ph.D relating how eating a bowl of cherries one day led to complete relief from pain sparked off the interest in cherries in the treatment of gout (7). Dr Blau's gout had been so severe that he had been confined to a wheelchair. One day, quite by accident, he polished off a large bowl of cherries and the following day the pain in his foot was gone. He continued eating a minimum of 6 cherries every day and he was free from pain and able to get out of his wheelchair. Dr Blau's research led to many other people suffering from gout who reported being helped by cherries. This effect has also been reported with strawberries and may be due to the fact that these foods help the body eliminate uric acid. (8)

Wonder if it would help with kidney stones too? Also heard about apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and honey. Drink a small glass everyday.

There are heaps of natural remedies that can work. My Doc in NZ said that many of his patients were having great results taking fish oil capsules...go figure. :o

As bad as the gout might be, you definatly don't want a combination of Gout and Kidney stones, so I stick to the quacks medication.Might try a few cherries too though. :D

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My dad has gout and he swears by cherries. He starts to get a gout attack, eats alot of cherries (and I do mean alot) and swears it knocks it back.

Read about it: Health Library: Gout

Cherries may well be an effective remedy for many gout sufferers! A letter in Prevention magazine by Dr. Ludwig W Blau Ph.D relating how eating a bowl of cherries one day led to complete relief from pain sparked off the interest in cherries in the treatment of gout (7). Dr Blau's gout had been so severe that he had been confined to a wheelchair. One day, quite by accident, he polished off a large bowl of cherries and the following day the pain in his foot was gone. He continued eating a minimum of 6 cherries every day and he was free from pain and able to get out of his wheelchair. Dr Blau's research led to many other people suffering from gout who reported being helped by cherries. This effect has also been reported with strawberries and may be due to the fact that these foods help the body eliminate uric acid. (8)

Wonder if it would help with kidney stones too? Also heard about apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and honey. Drink a small glass everyday.

I've tried all of these for Arthritis which they are supposed to help also.

No luck at all.

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I've tried all of these for Arthritis which they are supposed to help also.

No luck at all.

How about Fish oil...Omega 3 is the name...if I remember correctly. :o

Most doctors say to eat certain types of fish and avoid the oil capsules and I did at home.

Fish works for me, but anything that tastes good and has the right oil has to come from abroad and is too expensive.

You can eat cheap sardines here but BLEECH! :D

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I've tried all of these for Arthritis which they are supposed to help also.

No luck at all.

How about Fish oil...Omega 3 is the name...if I remember correctly. :o

Most doctors say to eat certain types of fish and avoid the oil capsules and I did at home.

Fish works for me, but anything that tastes good and has the right oil has to come from abroad and is too expensive.

You can eat cheap sardines here but BLEECH! :D

I have known more about Gout than any Doctor that I have spoken to here...In fact one Doctor gave me some advise that directly contradicted a Professor from home that used to lecture med school students on the subject. :D

Try cod liver oil......used to be a cure for everything! :D

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My father-in-law insists on going out to do hard work every time he starts to feel better (coconuts) --he hardly needs the money. According to what I have read, hard physical work can aggravate.

Any remedy for stubborness? :o

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My father-in-law insists on going out to do hard work every time he starts to feel better (coconuts) --he hardly needs the money.  According to what I have read, hard physical work can aggravate.

Any remedy for stubborness?  :o

Yop can tell him that even if his gout is getting better, if he still has pain then every time he moves he is doing damage to his joint.Uric asid crystals are needle like in shape.Imagine what no 8 sandpaper does to the knuckle of a chiken bone..after a while there is not too much left.

If he's a stubbon old bugger, just make sure he drinsk <deleted> loads of water.Anti inflamatories help heaps too....like naprosan and voltarin. The copy ones are quite cheap here and work ok. :D

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