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Public Warned Of A New Cult

Jai Dee

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Is it that different giving money to Ra-aliens than to giving it to the Vatican, Vatican is seriously corrupt, we all know that. wink.gif

Everyone wants money and is out to get it - it's in our nature as humans (animals).

Whats with the (animals)? Are you implying because people always want money, that makes us animals? Because i havent seen any monkeys fighting over a dollar bill lately :D

Wouldn't money be one of the things that seperates us from animals?

Im not sure what you are, but I am most definatly a mammal. Which makes me an animal :o

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I tend to frown upon cults (read: any religion) on the whole as one of the main evils of the world..I honestly think that if we did have any cults the world would be in a much better state.

Normal humanity, education and the rule of law is enough to teach moral values. You will have evil people with or without storys of Invisible Friends, but it would be one less thing that split the world if they were gone. The difference between a Conqueror and a mass murderer is number of people killed. Same goes with the cults, if this new cult was around a long time ago and went on killing sprees as other cults did then they would be a "legitimate cult" by now.


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What if this cult is true tho?  Ive heard about ancient manuscripts from superior beings apparently saying make humans talk in different languages to make it difficult to communicate.  Then theres the triangular shaped dots on the moon, which could be linked to the pyramids!

I've got some triangular shaped dots on my dic* which can be linked to a certain Venus hill. Who knows maybe my member is part of something bigger after all.

Wouldn't surprise me if it's led by some superior being beyond my control.

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Other cults are just an excuse for drunken debauchery in the name of some mythical entity.

Besides, everyone knows that the Aliens are not going to visit earth until we finally develop the warp engine (or an equivalent variation) !

(oops, I've said too much already. Please look into this shiny light for a sec.......)

Thanx, I needed that,


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Is it that different giving money to Ra-aliens than to giving it to the Vatican, Vatican is seriously corrupt, we all know that. wink.gif

Everyone wants money and is out to get it - it's in our nature as humans (animals).

Whats with the (animals)? Are you implying because people always want money, that makes us animals? Because i havent seen any monkeys fighting over a dollar bill lately :o

Wouldn't money be one of the things that seperates us from animals?

Well, ok not money but I saw some dying to get a visa card. :D


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According to its belief, humans on Earth have been created by extraterrestrial beings. Moreover, the cult is persuading others to donate money.
Sounds same same.

BTW, Bhudism is a philosophy, not a religion, is it? Doesn't a religion need a god?

Slurping cognac off the naked bodies of female vestal virgins is the only cult I could imagine being worthy of joining. Organized religion? Never.

I like that.. where can I join :D

Aahhhh.. for the good 'ol days of dancing naked around the fire... :o

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religion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-ljn)


Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

The life or condition of a person in a religious order.

A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

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I'm confused. It says the public HAD been warned. That's puts it in past tense meaning that the warning was given BEFORE the article was written. So just when and how was the public previously warned about all this? And if the public already knew about the warning, then why bother to write the article rehashing it again?

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Cults usually only murder or kill a small number of people. Organized religions kill millions. Christianity and Islam are perfect examples of this.

Brilliant! :D

Dawling, you looked absolutely fabulous in that magenta evening dress :o .

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Is there proof that there is god?

There is plenty of proof that human beings are both stupid and arrogant and desperatly, pathetically desperatly need, not want - NEED to know what happens when they die because they can't comprehend anything beyond their comprehension.

We are also good storytellers. :o

Yeah... Perhaps if we were to spend a little more time looking at ourselves in the NOW we may not ned to spend so much time on the religious/afterlife, creation/evolution, etc.. as happens now.. Like this thing going on in the states right now about wether to teach creationism or evolution..... I say, If you can´t decide, why not teach/guide into more self awareness....

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Of course we were made by aliens, at least thats the way the bible, torah and the koran tell. Lets see I think it starts "in the beginning" god creates the earth in a few days time and then rested for a day. Since god was of nonterrestial origin, we must've been created by alien intelligence.

Hence the statement we were created by aliens seems correct, at least to those who believe in the biblical version. :o

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Okay then, Some highly advanced culture came to a beautiful place in the universe, created within seven days, a him and her chimpanzee and inserted the knowledge to screw up the planet within a given period and send all personal wealth to a certain bank account. GOD HELP US ALL

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That’s an interesting link, but how does that fit in with the new alien cult in Thailand or the government warning about it? What isn’t known about the neolithic “moon” image is the actual orientation of the carved images. Is it correct? Or was it tilted to fit the moon?

All it shows are a few curved lines, etc., that could represent anything.


It could be half of a stylized face.


I have my own theory about it though.


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Okay then, Some highly advanced culture came to a beautiful place in the universe, created within seven days, a him and her chimpanzee and inserted the knowledge to screw up the planet within a given period and send all personal wealth to a certain bank account. GOD HELP US ALL

Well I not a member of any of the religions I mentioned, its their dogma not mine I was commenting on. The way I see it your dogma ran over my karma. :o

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AmeriThai is right - I read that article, and I can't believe people are that gullible...actually, yes I can. The claim that these ancients knew a lot about the movement of the moon, stars, and earth etc being based completely on this carving, cannot be right...surely they can't be serious?

This cult issue in Thailand is getting silly - it's not about Buddhists being worried about a new cult, it's about the government being concerned about ANY new group that could pose a political threat...nothing whatsoever to do with religion or any other form of cult belief.

Control...control...control... that is the issue.

[edit] Well I just re-read my above post and realise some could get the wrong impression from my comments re the carvings - I should point out that I am simply saying that I think there MUST be more to the evidence than this - we must be missing a LOT of information, as the random carvings of a few lines, and the fact that every now and then the moons light shines down the tunnel, and HAPPENS to fall on the stone carving AS WELL as everything else in the tunnel could not in any way imply that the builders of the tomb were some early form of scientist. I do think that the ancients had a lot more knowledge than we give credit for, but we need much more rigorous investigation and stronger proof to establish the basis for such a claim in any one case...and I don't see enough from what is reported in this case to make me think the claim is justified.

....just a clarification... :o

Edited by Greer
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Culture Minister URAIWAN THIENTONG (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง) said the Ministry of Culture will keep a close eye on RA ALIEN (ราเอลเลี่ยน) Cult, while insisting that the authority will certainly not endorse such ideology.

Surely the cult concerned isn't RA ALIEN, but the Raelian religious cult. They have a website http://www.rael.org/index.php?elan=English which explains their views (though it appears to being blocked). The Wayback Machine has copies of their site, though: English and Thai.

You can read the Wikipedia write up on them here

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Culture Minister URAIWAN THIENTONG (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง) said the Ministry of Culture will keep a close eye on RA ALIEN (ราเอลเลี่ยน) Cult, while insisting that the authority will certainly not endorse such ideology.

Mrs. URAIWAN revealed that RA ALIEN Cult has propagandized information about aliens through the internet and various documents. According to its belief, humans on Earth have been created by extraterrestrial beings. Moreover, the cult is persuading others to donate money.

The Culture Minister said personally, she does not accept this cult and their beliefs, particularly concerning adoption and abortion. She has assigned the Religious Affairs Department and the Culture Monitoring Center (ศูนย์เฝ้าระวังทางวัฒนธรรม) to keep a close eye on this group of people.

She has also warned the general public to use good judgment before accepting this cult.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันพุธที่ 26 ตุลาคม 2548

What gives the the Culture Minister (or anyone else, for that matter) the right to decide what people can or can not believe in? Either a case of a stupid politician or a journalist who wasn't capable of reporting.

Most likely a combination of both - TIT..... :D


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Culture Minister URAIWAN THIENTONG (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง) said the Ministry of Culture will keep a close eye on RA ALIEN (ราเอลเลี่ยน) Cult, while insisting that the authority will certainly not endorse such ideology.

Surely the cult concerned isn't RA ALIEN, but the Raelian religious cult. They have a website http://www.rael.org/index.php?elan=English which explains their views (though it appears to being blocked). The Wayback Machine has copies of their site, though: English and Thai.

You can read the Wikipedia write up on them here

If they are the Raelians then they are a cult. Weird bunch. They claim to be cloning people's dead babies.

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Other cults are just an excuse for drunken debauchery in the name of some mythical entity.

Besides, everyone knows that the Aliens are not going to visit earth until we finally develop the warp engine (or an equivalent variation) !

(oops, I've said too much already. Please look into this shiny light for a sec.......)

Thanx, I needed that,


Evidently you haven't been reading the news. Aliens were spotted in Mae Chan (north of Chiangrai) about a month ago. When approached they floated off and police were called. The men sweared that they were not on laew kaew. Is there a thai scientist that has developed the "warp machine" in Mae Chun?? I wonder. :D

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Evidently you haven't been reading the news.  Aliens were spotted in Mae Chan (north of Chiangrai)  about a month ago.  When approached they floated off and police were called.  The men sweared that they were not on laew kaew.  Is there a thai scientist that has developed the "warp machine" in Mae Chun??  I wonder. :o

I'm sure drinking had absolutely nothing to do with the sighting. Floating aliens and other strange things sre frequently seen at a number of different locations.


Edited by AmeriThai
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most people don't know that they are going to die someday. religion is one of those things that exist to confuse the mind so that they don't know that.

imagine the world where everybody was "aware" that they were going to die someday.

would you settle for less than your fellow man?

would you be content with what you had?

would you tolerate things as much as you currently do?

if you were "aware",

would you sit in traffic for hours a day?

would you listen to someone complaining all day?

would you work on the same job for 40 years?

would you even bother to parent children?

personally, I don't like religions, but I am "aware" that there is a reason for the madness.

mankind would not exist as it does now if it wasn't for the existence of religion.

mankind might not even exist.

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This has nothing to do with aliens but the religion thing came through strongly here so I will relate this story for your amusement...or other ??!! A few years back I got free tickets to go and see a new live performance of JC Superstar in Sydney..........yes it was all high tech lights and lasers etc..........one scene showed JC himself opening his robes to expose his heart........and then a laser light beammed down from the roof behind the audience and shined directly onto the heart making it seem like 'divine light' I guess. As this happenned, the middle aged couple in front of me stood up with their arms outstretched and screamed with utter delight that this was really happenning.......I decided it was time to leave as the freak bus had unloaded its passengers !! Gees !

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