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Thank You Samkamphaeng Police


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So many times we read stories that rubbish the BIB, I'd just like to post my own first experience with my local police force and it was all positive.

On Thursday i bought a new Honda PCX ( 72,000 Baht) On Friday morning i rode it into Sankamphaeng and parked it outside a shop,it had done just 21 Km. Just as I was leaving I heard an almighty crash. I woman on a motorbike pulling one of those 'rot ???) blue trolleys that they carry garden refuse in, had hit it and knocked it over. Broken brake lever, damaged mirror, lots of damage to the plastic.

UGH. he lady was middle aged and clearly not rich. I looked and saw damage to about 4 plastic panels and I thought of what it might cost in the UK, so it was unlikely she could afford much. I thought it would cost maybe 10,000 Baht. The police were called and immediately said she should pay. Then a more senior man came , took details and said, get prices and come to the police station tomorrow. ( my Thai is just about adequate butI I needed a This friend to help)

I went back to Nyom Panich this morning, got it priced and would you believe it the total was only 2900 Baht ( a front panel was only 430 Baht!!)

Back to the police station, The senior man called the lady. While we waited I taught the policeman how to say ' show me you licence', 'show me your documents' in English, he complained that in Thai schools they are taught to read and write but not to speak. When the lady arrived, complete with husband ,daughter and son in law we chatted.

I said i would pay 500 Baht and they agreed, all done amicably

We left, and at the car park I phoned my wife ( Thai) she spoke to the lady who said that she had had to borrow the money, so I gave her another 500 Baht.

We all left friendly, police/ lady and me. All done in a couple of hours.

Now just compare that with a similar incident in the UK. Forms, estimates ( and how much do you think it would cost there? I guess about 5 to 10 X more), delays, paperwork

So when people complain about things here, just remember, there are good policemen ( I think more than we allow for) and Thailand can be a great place to live.

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Am I missing something here?

The middle aged lady ran into your brand new chook-chaser causing 2,900 bahts worth of damage yet you gave her 1,000 baht.


Cos she was poor and had a good heart, a son and a mother to look after, she didn't work and her husband was a security guard earning?? 6,000 Baht/month?. They were trying to build a new house.

YES I know you will say it's a lies, but two Thais agreed and what would you do?

Edited by msg362
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Am I missing something here?

The middle aged lady ran into your brand new chook-chaser causing 2,900 bahts worth of damage yet you gave her 1,000 baht.


Cos he's the farang and he can afford more.....

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I don't understand it either. Actually I don't understand the point of the post at all. What do the S.K. Police have to do with anything?

They sorted it out for me, try reading it again and maybe just sometimes it's nice not to complain but praise.

Edited by msg362
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I'm think MSG is more pleased with cheaper costs of good repair in this country - which is laudable. I'm very thankful for it too. And I'm glad the police were nice and easy to get along with. I would, however, expect them to be on your side as the vehicle was parked and she hit it - you didn't do a thing to cause the accident. As for giving her money - I understand. I think we all have met nice people here who we've given something to at one time or another. If it's no sweat off your back, then good on you and glad you met some nice folks who wouldv'e liked to help for the damage they did, but couldn't. So, for all intents and purposes, this is a hahaha, mai pen rai kind of story. That's fine.

I would add though, that with the 1000B you gave away, you could have had a very nice lunch (and maybe a beverage?) at a new French eatery in town !

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She crashed into and damaged your properly-parked bike and you paid *her*?

It is *she* who should be posting the feel-good story, not you.

It would have been generous enough of you to decline any compensation from her. That's where I would have stopped. Paying her for her mistake is putting a big "sucker" sign on all the rest of us foreigners here.


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Good attitude and nice story.

In the West it would have been a huge hassle - good to hear everything was done friendly and sorted quickly.

I had a similar experience when our bike was hit by a pickup.The police came and we loaded it on the vehicle that hit our bike.Drove to see our mechanic - he gave a verbal estimate and it was all agreed and sorted there and then.

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She crashed into and damaged your properly-parked bike and you paid *her*?

It is *she* who should be posting the feel-good story, not you.

It would have been generous enough of you to decline any compensation from her. That's where I would have stopped. Paying her for her mistake is putting a big "sucker" sign on all the rest of us foreigners here.


+1. Don't be a tool, it's ok if u don't want her money, but paying her, come on. She's made a stupid mistake, let's not reward her for that, pls.

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I assumed he meant he discounted 1000b (from the 2900) not paid her directly ?? No ??

The police up here seem far more straight, but a small fender bender isnt where the rubber meets the road so to speak.. Get some biz conflict with a connected thai and the thugs out and see how they back you up (a buddy and ex poster on here had his wife kidnapped at gun point drugged etc and 2 nakhon si tammart hitmen put out for him over a land deal.. Police advice ?? Dont go home) or more heavy outcomes, I was closely involved when a drunk thai rider killed my buddys 15 year old daughter and the police tried everything to lose evidence and drop the case as soon as the guy was on the plane out of here.

Yes you meet good ones.. But in general to be a policeman in Thailand you HAVE to be corrupt, its the nature of promotions and how the system works. The best thing is to have as little to do with them as possible IMO.

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and the people you gave money to probably thanked Buddha so it's all makes some sort of sense now.

Yes, I forgot to add they all told me it happened because I had not taken the bike to the Wat and 'Tam Bon' ( had it blessed!) by the monks. Maybe some truth in that who knows in this country!

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I assumed he meant he discounted 1000b (from the 2900) not paid her directly ?? No ??

The police up here seem far more straight, but a small fender bender isnt where the rubber meets the road so to speak.. Get some biz conflict with a connected thai and the thugs out and see how they back you up (a buddy and ex poster on here had his wife kidnapped at gun point drugged etc and 2 nakhon si tammart hitmen put out for him over a land deal.. Police advice ?? Dont go home) or more heavy outcomes, I was closely involved when a drunk thai rider killed my buddys 15 year old daughter and the police tried everything to lose evidence and drop the case as soon as the guy was on the plane out of here.

Yes you meet good ones.. But in general to be a policeman in Thailand you HAVE to be corrupt, its the nature of promotions and how the system works. The best thing is to have as little to do with them as possible IMO.

Yes, sorry if it was not clear, I discounted it, she gave me 1900 Baht

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I assumed he meant he discounted 1000b (from the 2900) not paid her directly ?? No ??

The police up here seem far more straight, but a small fender bender isnt where the rubber meets the road so to speak.. Get some biz conflict with a connected thai and the thugs out and see how they back you up (a buddy and ex poster on here had his wife kidnapped at gun point drugged etc and 2 nakhon si tammart hitmen put out for him over a land deal.. Police advice ?? Dont go home) or more heavy outcomes, I was closely involved when a drunk thai rider killed my buddys 15 year old daughter and the police tried everything to lose evidence and drop the case as soon as the guy was on the plane out of here.

Yes you meet good ones.. But in general to be a policeman in Thailand you HAVE to be corrupt, its the nature of promotions and how the system works. The best thing is to have as little to do with them as possible IMO.

Yes, sorry if it was not clear, I discounted it, she gave me 1900 Baht

That's a more acceptable outcome rather than paying a wrongdoer for misconduct, even though it was an 'accident'. I'm a believer in good well and all of that, however, I am adamantly opposed to rewarding bad conduct even if it was by accident because it instills in the offender that should he/she in the future encounter a foreigner, there is a potential windfall by engaging in risky behavior. That's a message that need not be put out there.

We as foreigners are already at a disadvantage by virtue of the prejudice against us both in Thai law and in Thai society. We have accepted it by choosing to live here. However, I will never intentionally reward those who take advantage of said prejudices.

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Sounds like a good ending to an unfortunate ACCIDENT. Good on you for being forgiving that in turn lead to a solution that was workable for all. Life isn't all about money (and if you were as poor as her things might have ended differently) nor is it always fair, but it seems to all work out here if one goes with the flow, mai pen rai.

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The op should have offered to pay insurance on her bike, the next victim would be covered that way. Nice to help one person, but think of the potential number you could help with a little ingenuity.

Maybe we could set up a stall in Thapae Gate, asking all uninsured Thai drivers to come and get insured for free.

A sort of 'Sponsor a Thai drivers insurance' campaign.

Farang's could solve uninsured Thai drivers problems in a heartbeat.

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In the 70"s while working in Abu Dhabi my car was parked at my flat parking lot legally...one night I heard a commotion below my flat and saw another car smash into my car...Went down to investigate and instead of compensate me for the damage done to my car the driver and friends ( all locals ) insisted I paid for the damage to their car...much argument occurred, reason they gave was " you are a foreigner and if you are not here in my country my car would not be damaged...logic :lol:

They insisted on it or go to the police station to settle it....my local friend came down and told me it's now point going to the police...finally after much haggling I paid them a nominal sum...

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Player.... sarcasm is lost on you ? I only eat 1000 B lunches 1-2x /week, tops !

I'm glad the OP only cut the payment by 1000 B vs accepting nothing and then paying HER 1000 B. Wouldn't it have been much better to say "I gave her 500 OFF" ? Instead of simply "I gave her 500" ? Not everybody can write clearly...

Overall I give the OP a pass for just being a nice guy in a good mood. We've all been there.

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Player.... sarcasm is lost on you ? I only eat 1000 B lunches 1-2x /week, tops !

I'm glad the OP only cut the payment by 1000 B vs accepting nothing and then paying HER 1000 B. Wouldn't it have been much better to say "I gave her 500 OFF" ? Instead of simply "I gave her 500" ? Not everybody can write clearly...

Overall I give the OP a pass for just being a nice guy in a good mood. We've all been there.

I agree it was not clear. One problem I have that the font on my (24") Mac in miniscule and i often have great difficulty reading what i have written I've just measured the 'n', it's 2 mm high!, that ,combined with mutlifocal lenses make for interesting compostions sometimes!

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Player.... sarcasm is lost on you ? I only eat 1000 B lunches 1-2x /week, tops !

I'm glad the OP only cut the payment by 1000 B vs accepting nothing and then paying HER 1000 B. Wouldn't it have been much better to say "I gave her 500 OFF" ? Instead of simply "I gave her 500" ? Not everybody can write clearly...

Overall I give the OP a pass for just being a nice guy in a good mood. We've all been there.

I agree it was not clear. One problem I have that the font on my (24") Mac in miniscule and i often have great difficulty reading what i have written I've just measured the 'n', it's 2 mm high!, that ,combined with mutlifocal lenses make for interesting compostions sometimes!

command "+"

will make your font increase in size in most browser applications like firefox and chrome

command "-"

will decrease the font size

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Good for you msg :-) you created a good outcome for everybody and I'm sure the local police will remember your kindness, wouldn't be surprised if that other lady invites you and your wife to their housewarming which is always an important affair, maybe you will meet someone there who is good for your or your wife's business, good karma all round, and you've also helped the image of farangs which is justifiably low in some quarters. Those PCXs look great :-)

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Player.... sarcasm is lost on you ? I only eat 1000 B lunches 1-2x /week, tops !

I'm glad the OP only cut the payment by 1000 B vs accepting nothing and then paying HER 1000 B. Wouldn't it have been much better to say "I gave her 500 OFF" ? Instead of simply "I gave her 500" ? Not everybody can write clearly...

Overall I give the OP a pass for just being a nice guy in a good mood. We've all been there.

I agree it was not clear. One problem I have that the font on my (24") Mac in miniscule and i often have great difficulty reading what i have written I've just measured the 'n', it's 2 mm high!, that ,combined with mutlifocal lenses make for interesting compostions sometimes!

command "+"

will make your font increase in size in most browser applications like firefox and chrome

command "-"

will decrease the font size


Edited by msg362
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I assumed he meant he discounted 1000b (from the 2900) not paid her directly ?? No ??

The police up here seem far more straight, but a small fender bender isnt where the rubber meets the road so to speak.. Get some biz conflict with a connected thai and the thugs out and see how they back you up (a buddy and ex poster on here had his wife kidnapped at gun point drugged etc and 2 nakhon si tammart hitmen put out for him over a land deal.. Police advice ?? Dont go home) or more heavy outcomes, I was closely involved when a drunk thai rider killed my buddys 15 year old daughter and the police tried everything to lose evidence and drop the case as soon as the guy was on the plane out of here.

Yes you meet good ones.. But in general to be a policeman in Thailand you HAVE to be corrupt, its the nature of promotions and how the system works. The best thing is to have as little to do with them as possible IMO.

Yes, sorry if it was not clear, I discounted it, she gave me 1900 Baht

Now that you've clarified, I commend your actions and hope to use your example to show my kids how every day events, even those that start off badly, can be turned into positive human interactions.

BTW, in you browser, under Safari (or Firefox or any other browse) ->preferences ->appearance you can permanently set a minimum font size. Fonts in all web pages will be clearer.


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Isn't it wonderful that there are so many gullible lovely expats living in Chiang Mai. ;)

This SAYS it all - never a truer word spoken in jest - do you play golf as well OP and tip the caddies 500 baht instead of the going rate? NO WONDER they all think foreigners are rolling in dosh!

I dont understand why thanks to the police they were happy you could sort it out yourself

Each to their own!


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