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Every year I feel more depressed coming back to the UK, every year there are more rules and regulations to follow, think i'd prefer less money but a less stressful life.

Waiting for the kids to finish school and college first........ one day

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Hi Lesley, well I dont' have alot of advice to give except make sure to do the things you enjoy while you are there, take your kids to fun places they wouldn't have the chance to go to here. And luxuriate in the good things you do have, no point in being miserable over something you really can't do anything about

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That's very good advice sbk, I should enjoy the present, always get the blues when I first get back, came back to a load of stress with our restaurant which didn't help.

Manarak, been looking for flights so I can start the countdown, on the flight home my girls were asking me 'when are you booking the flights to come back'

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I also suffer from "the grass is always greener" syndrome. It helps to write down what you dislike about where you are now and what you like about where you want to be. When you are where you wanted to be and you suffer from "the grass is always greener" syndrome then you look at the list of things you like about where you are and you dislike about the other place.

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I couldn't agree more Lesley, I feel at ease in Thailand and I'm also a happier person, It's always tears when at the airport coming home, last December was the worst time, leaving Samet to come back to Edinburgh burried under snow with everything ground to a halt and sub zero temps

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Lesley. manarak etc Just a quick note to let you know that it is still hot over here(in Bangkok).Not that nice Mediterranean hot but that "I always feel sweaty hot even though I've just had a shower" hot, and....I think a couple more thousand people have bought a motor bike (since yesterday!!!) so the traffic has not got any better,

Actually now I get to thinking about it... I was thinking theres heaps of reasons as to why you wouldn't want to live in Thailand.

But after those measly two -thats about my lot of complaining. For me I am hoping to live in Thailand with hubby for more years(decades??) to come-it is just all sooo goood. Feel free to PM me if you return to the Bangkok area(I am on the outskirts-BangSue-halfway between the underground and the Nonthaburi ferry stop)

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I used to feel the same, but now I do like the others said, and focus on the good at home when I'm here and the good in Thailand when I'm there. Actually, over the years I've started liking Thailand less and less and home more and more! Sure it's colder here, but I usually spend the winter in Thai and come back here in May, and leave again in December! I love that the weather actually changes from day to day :) and in the summer the sun doesn't set until nearly 10 pm! I love good, healthy fresh food, and the array of cheese and breads. I love a COOL breeze on a hot day, television in English, and being able to read the labels in the grocery store. Walking into a store and knowing the price without being assaulted by sales people, or being stared at by all of Tesco!! I love being familiar with every single thing around me, and knowing how/where/when to do everything! And I love not having to explain myself to everyone about why I am living in Thailand!

Most of all, my family is here. I miss my inlaws terribly when I am here, and I wish my family could get to know them, but it's nothing like how I miss my mom and dad when I'm over there.

Thailand is great, but home is great too, if you want it to be :)

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I also feel so much more free and laid back in Thailand, I have been finding being back in the UK quite isolating. You can't just turn up at a friends house for food like you do in Thailand, everyone has there own life behind closed doors!

I get so bored having to cook every night, I want to drive the bike to the end of the road and have Pad Krapow! I find that I avoid all the healthy food in the UK and eat all the things I missed while in Thailand like Fish and Chips, Cadbury's chocolate and cakes!

I think that I am finding it harder now though because my partner Ton has gone back to Thailand for 3 months and I am green with jealosy!! He remains quite smug to the fact that he is home!

But he'll have his cumuppance when he has to return in November to the snow!!!

Roll on April 2012 when we will be moving back! That's my countdown clock! :D

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g00dgirl, I guess the grass is always greener on the side where you arn't working and I should listen to my own words when I tell my kids when they say they don't want to leave thailand that maybe they would feel different if they were going to school there and not in the uk!!!! but like you Pedzie I feel more at ease in Thailand, winter is coming and if it's like the last 2 years we'll have lots of snow.

Raesum, I don't mind the hot and sweaty weather, I'm quite a long way from bangkok near ubon so I think the weather is a bit cooler there,

It is true sunspun, the tv satelite we have is really crap (not in thailand long enough to subscripe) so I do miss sky tv when we're in thailand and especially proper bread and cheese that isnt processed!! When we're able to we plan to do the same having winter in thailand and summer in the uk.

skinnymilinky, i feel laid back too in Thailand, I have alot of stress here running a restaurant, what part of Thailand are you going to live in?

It is true farang000999 there is lots of wonderful things here, I think it's the stress of running a restaurant that's marring my view of the uk, all the rules and regulations? that's regarding the restaurant, we're in the middle of a recession but we have to spend thousands on new licenses / courses / refits to keep up with new rules, regulations, we just seem to get one done and then there's another one to sort out. It's exchausting.

Well only 6 months til we can have a short break back to Thailand :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same as G00dgirl I guess, when in Thailand for a long period of time I start craving things from europe, missing family & friends and some general things and the way things are being handled in the west.

But when in Europe, I always want to get back to Thailand on the asap.

But for me after a couple of years, I'm glad with the best of both worlds idea....tbh Thailand is like paradise for many adn I am the l;ast to complain, I ave a very good life with my family in Thailand but a whole year no break in LOS, I think I would miss a lot from home...

So go as many times as possible and as SBK said try to enjoy the things u have in your current home...

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