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Rare Breed Poultry In Thailand


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I have been trying to locate some Silkies and other rare breed poultry in Thailand not only for myself but for friends as well. I have seen old posts on here talking about Silkies but no one seams to know where they are now. Does anyone know of a rare breed chicken club in Thailand ? If you have any stock I would like to put a data base together to help people get in touch Any help would be Thanked to the hilt.

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Mods, he has made simple typing error. Can you change "rear' breeds to RARE breeds . I do believe he will get a much better response, if you can make that change.Thank You

Was already on it. Don't watch this forum very often but the title got me curious. :D

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Just had some news , I found a few Silkies, Polish, Cochin and Golden Seabright bantams. It would make your toes turn up at the end if I told you the cost, but at least its a start. Also I got a lead on some fancy ducks and there even more money, but you only live once.<br>

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  • 1 year later...

Any updates on this subject ?

I now have a good flock of Khaki Campbells, couple of Muskoveys for incubating and 3 geese for security :)

Would also like to get a few rarer breeds as we have a small coffee shop/restaurant and it would be nice for our customers to be able to see something different (not to eat)....

The 2 rabbits we had got munched by a dog whilst I was away, my fault for not building the pen walls high enough... Lesson learnt..

Info on different breeds would be good.. Prices/location etc

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