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Interesting Short Thai Doco On 9/11


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Firstly I want to apologise if anyone is offended by this post. That is not my intention. I hold no views on the subject matter I am posting on. I seek neither to inflame a sensitive issue or be an advocate or appologist for the subject matter content.

I read through a number of Chiang Mai webistes, some of which are Thai, and have the same broad cross section of views (and the odd loon) that one would find on boards in English. There are a number of Chiang Mai web sites with odd views, but I am not suggesting that the website that I refer to is odd. I have found it both useful, informative, and interesting. Today I was on the Islamic web site for Chiang Mai and it had a link from an article to a very recent, and in my opinion, very interesting and well put together documentary in an article titled " 9-11 from the perspective of Thai Muslims".

The doco is 20 minutes or so long, professionally put together, with good english subtitles and can be found at http://www.youtube.com/user/slimmono#p/u/1/XnU4Op84_Mc

I found it interesting and thought others might also.

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As an American, I was not upset at watching this vid, and do respect the views of the people involved. It's just another documentary to be taken with a grain of salt. Theories, conjecture, part truth and part fiction, we will never know the whole story, ever.

God bless all that lost their lives in 9/11, and to the countless others in far away lands of every nationality and religion as a result of this tragic day.

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Very true. The moon landing was an obvious fake, Glenn Beck blew up the WTC and the whole world is really controlled by giant lizards and the Illuminati.


You got it wrong, it was Huckabee.

and i still can't figure out why you can't see any stars during the moon landing.

Edited by KRS1
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