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Good Repairshop For Laptops

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About a year back my old Thinkpad laptops display stopped working. I took it to a couple of shops in Pantip Plaza that I'd seen

recommended here, but the problem was not fixable without a new motherboard. I also got the chance to spend some time in

Beijing, where I managed to get Lenovo there to take it in for a look, and after a day or two, they delivered it back to

me with the same message: new motherboard required. Too expensive for this old laptop I thought, so I've been using it as a

displayless server after that, since otherwise it was working fine.

Last week I took the laptop to a random repair shop in Pantip plaza again to get a new powersupply for it. While talking

with the manager (?) of the shop, I got the impression that he, apart from speaking fairly good English, also was a

bit knowledgeable about the Thinkpad, I for no good reason mentioned the display problem and my previous lack of success.

To get to the point, he was fairly certain the problem was either a) or B), and he could fix it in a day.

And he, or rather, "his expert" as he referred to one of his staff as, did it, at the estimated price.

May break down in a week or two for all I know, but so far, looks like it is working fine.

So let me recommend Mr. Khong at the "PW" shop at the second floor of Pantip plaza, close to one of the electric stairs.

Phonenumber: 08 9560 2584

I also saw they had a lot of CRT monitors they were soldering, so I'm guessing they repair most computer stuff.

Oh and btw, my other Thinkpad laptop, a T61 with a dockingstation, was stolen last week also. They didn't take the

battery for some reason though, so if anyone reading has a T61 and wants an extra battery ...

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