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Want To Kick Out Thai Girl Staying With Me.


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Actually, I wanted some comments from other women in Thailand, which was the reason I posted it in there.

Christ, a women's point of view, that is the last F'n thing you need...as a few others have stated she is holding you or attempting to hold you an emotional hostage...F' buddies my a@@ few and far between in Asia unless the lady is already a kept women and well this one is not so she is looking for an emotional and financial sugar daddy just going about it a different way, taking a different approach as there is more then one way to catch a fish....a women's point of view, might as well just kill yourself now, that is like asking the enemy to look over your battle plan before the attack :unsure::blink:...yeah as stated before lock up all your valuables and go on a long motorcycle ride for a week or so then when you return find a new place to live as she is not going to forget your address anytime soon...

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I feel like I didnt give enough information about said girl. Which is why a lot of ppl are making assumptions.

I do agree that she probably is looking for something long term and was hoping for that with me, even tho from what signals I've given her she should know the chances if that happening are very low.

As long as she is pleasant I can still enjoy her company and as shes leaving on the 17th anyways, its really a moot point now.

Thanks for all the input.

Altho p4p can be fun, its nice to have a stable sexual partner for shorter or longer periods of time depending on if you enjoy their company enough :)

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Actually, I wanted some comments from other women in Thailand, which was the reason I posted it in there.

Christ, a women's point of view, that is the last F'n thing you need...as a few others have stated she is holding you or attempting to hold you an emotional hostage...F' buddies my a@@ few and far between in Asia unless the lady is already a kept women and well this one is not so she is looking for an emotional and financial sugar daddy just going about it a different way, taking a different approach as there is more then one way to catch a fish....a women's point of view, might as well just kill yourself now, that is like asking the enemy to look over your battle plan before the attack :unsure::blink:...yeah as stated before lock up all your valuables and go on a long motorcycle ride for a week or so then when you return find a new place to live as she is not going to forget your address anytime soon...

Before you go further on your misogynistic diatribe, please do read forum rules.


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I feel like I didnt give enough information about said girl. Which is why a lot of ppl are making assumptions.

I do agree that she probably is looking for something long term and was hoping for that with me, even tho from what signals I've given her she should know the chances if that happening are very low.

As long as she is pleasant I can still enjoy her company and as shes leaving on the 17th anyways, its really a moot point now.

Thanks for all the input.

Altho p4p can be fun, its nice to have a stable sexual partner for shorter or longer periods of time depending on if you enjoy their company enough :)

That pretty much sums up a lot of relationships... including long time marriages. Everybody has different expectations, and even between good friends it is hard to accomplish. However, if you can establish a group of P4P girl friends who enjoy your company you can have the best of both worlds. You are still young and there are many part time hookers who would much prefer a steady. nice young guy as a customer than a few old men... providing they don't lose any income in doing so. I know several gals like that and consider them to be friends. I just don't buy them big homes and motorbikes.

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Actually, I wanted some comments from other women in Thailand, which was the reason I posted it in there.

Christ, a women's point of view, that is the last F'n thing you need...as a few others have stated she is holding you or attempting to hold you an emotional hostage...F' buddies my a@@ few and far between in Asia unless the lady is already a kept women and well this one is not so she is looking for an emotional and financial sugar daddy just going about it a different way, taking a different approach as there is more then one way to catch a fish....a women's point of view, might as well just kill yourself now, that is like asking the enemy to look over your battle plan before the attack :unsure::blink:...yeah as stated before lock up all your valuables and go on a long motorcycle ride for a week or so then when you return find a new place to live as she is not going to forget your address anytime soon...

I should have been clearer and said that the few women I know who have their f'buddies are all farang, some living in Asia, some back home.

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Actually, I wanted some comments from other women in Thailand, which was the reason I posted it in there.

Christ, a women's point of view, that is the last F'n thing you need...as a few others have stated she is holding you or attempting to hold you an emotional hostage...F' buddies my a@@ few and far between in Asia unless the lady is already a kept women and well this one is not so she is looking for an emotional and financial sugar daddy just going about it a different way, taking a different approach as there is more then one way to catch a fish....a women's point of view, might as well just kill yourself now, that is like asking the enemy to look over your battle plan before the attack :unsure::blink:...yeah as stated before lock up all your valuables and go on a long motorcycle ride for a week or so then when you return find a new place to live as she is not going to forget your address anytime soon...

Before you go further on your misogynistic diatribe, please do read forum rules.


No need, if the post was out of line for the subject as an admin I would assume you would immediately delete? My opinion disagree ok, but point me in the directions of the rules because you disagree? come on....

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Actually, I wanted some comments from other women in Thailand, which was the reason I posted it in there.

Christ, a women's point of view, that is the last F'n thing you need...as a few others have stated she is holding you or attempting to hold you an emotional hostage...F' buddies my a@@ few and far between in Asia unless the lady is already a kept women and well this one is not so she is looking for an emotional and financial sugar daddy just going about it a different way, taking a different approach as there is more then one way to catch a fish....a women's point of view, might as well just kill yourself now, that is like asking the enemy to look over your battle plan before the attack :unsure::blink:...yeah as stated before lock up all your valuables and go on a long motorcycle ride for a week or so then when you return find a new place to live as she is not going to forget your address anytime soon...

Before you go further on your misogynistic diatribe, please do read forum rules.


No need, if the post was out of line for the subject as an admin I would assume you would immediately delete? My opinion disagree ok, but point me in the directions of the rules because you disagree? come on....

If you read the rules you will also see public discussion of moderation is against forum rules. I was merely pointing out the rules before this thread degenerated into even further denigrating broad generalizations.


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OP, I think she planned on this being more than it's turned out,she, (as you description) is emotionally immature, (theirs a first for an Asian woman) 'pull tin pin' mate. You don't have to be a <deleted> about, (I don't think you are) just make a clean move, and don't look back, as of this moment secure all valuables, just to be safe.

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It figures the only sensible replies are coming from women.

To the men who think that everything is paid for, get over yourselves please. If you can't attract a decent kind woman who is interested in you personally maybe you need to take a good hard look at yourself first to determine why that is since there are certainly many decent kind women out there.

As for the original issue, well I must say I am surprised that you are interested in a woman's opinion since it won't be kind. It seems that you look at this girl as nothing and treat her as such and then wonder why she is angry. As for advice, well, you made your bed, lie in it.

Exactly, Heather.

Reaping what you sow. Kharma credits, etc.

Least to mention the blatant and catty self-importance and shallowness of this individual.

Lady heather looks to be on the side of truth and considered thinking, and yet she is not. The academic position is on the side of the men who think everything is one way or the other, paid for. Indeed, the use of the word 'cheap' to describe women quick to be bedded is no accident.

This groundbreading piece of academic research takes the issue from an economic point of view.

Sexual economics.PDF

I think it misses out on explaining the brute material realities (the evolutionary biology literature handle this), and the political posturing of the "immaturity of men", the unwillingness of men to settle down (the Political Economy literature deals with this). But take a look-- it is a mere 75 pages long or so, and even delves into the nature of prositution as a low-order substitute.

But let us look at Lady Heather's reaction (for it is more than a response). The venom is only half-hidden. She starts by narrating a binary of women (the Madonna versus Whore) but in her language of the "decent kind" woman. The narrative then argues this woman is not after a payment (for they will be interested in "you personally").

Then the moment of the revealing is encountered. Lady Heather twists back on her own position to demand from the OP a payment in kind for the decent girl.lady heather witheringly argues "look at this girl as nothing and treat her as such", but this necessarily means he must pay. For what is more than nothing. He does not wish to give her an emotional connectivity. He--as all men-- wants sex. He does not seek emotional attachment, this would be a cruel by-product. The woman demands this. This means the sex act is more highly desired by the man than the woman. She then, exacts a payment from him.

It is precisely because the OP is resisting this payment that so upsets LadyHeather. She cannot even consider the possibility of the woman actually giving out as a gift. There must be a-- contractual-- give and take. That contract can be a marriage or a one-ff eoncouter. The difference between the two is simply the number of men involved.

The ultimate irony of all this, is the men moaning on this forum probably do not even believe what they are saying, but say it from a resigned cynicism brought from past failures (such as marriages). Yet they are spot on. But they are also the ones who will leap into marriage again.

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It figures the only sensible replies are coming from women.

To the men who think that everything is paid for, get over yourselves please. If you can't attract a decent kind woman who is interested in you personally maybe you need to take a good hard look at yourself first to determine why that is since there are certainly many decent kind women out there.

As for the original issue, well I must say I am surprised that you are interested in a woman's opinion since it won't be kind. It seems that you look at this girl as nothing and treat her as such and then wonder why she is angry. As for advice, well, you made your bed, lie in it.

Exactly, Heather.

Reaping what you sow. Kharma credits, etc.

Least to mention the blatant and catty self-importance and shallowness of this individual.

Lady heather looks to be on the side of truth and considered thinking, and yet she is not. The academic position is on the side of the men who think everything is one way or the other, paid for. Indeed, the use of the word 'cheap' to describe women quick to be bedded is no accident.

This groundbreading piece of academic research takes the issue from an economic point of view.

Sexual economics.PDF

I think it misses out on explaining the brute material realities (the evolutionary biology literature handle this), and the political posturing of the "immaturity of men", the unwillingness of men to settle down (the Political Economy literature deals with this). But take a look-- it is a mere 75 pages long or so, and even delves into the nature of prositution as a low-order substitute.

But let us look at Lady Heather's reaction (for it is more than a response). The venom is only half-hidden. She starts by narrating a binary of women (the Madonna versus Whore) but in her language of the "decent kind" woman. The narrative then argues this woman is not after a payment (for they will be interested in "you personally").

Then the moment of the revealing is encountered. Lady Heather twists back on her own position to demand from the OP a payment in kind for the decent girl.lady heather witheringly argues "look at this girl as nothing and treat her as such", but this necessarily means he must pay. For what is more than nothing. He does not wish to give her an emotional connectivity. He--as all men-- wants sex. He does not seek emotional attachment, this would be a cruel by-product. The woman demands this. This means the sex act is more highly desired by the man than the woman. She then, exacts a payment from him.

It is precisely because the OP is resisting this payment that so upsets LadyHeather. She cannot even consider the possibility of the woman actually giving out as a gift. There must be a-- contractual-- give and take. That contract can be a marriage or a one-ff eoncouter. The difference between the two is simply the number of men involved.

The ultimate irony of all this, is the men moaning on this forum probably do not even believe what they are saying, but say it from a resigned cynicism brought from past failures (such as marriages). Yet they are spot on. But they are also the ones who will leap into marriage again.

wow, you actually can write like zzzzaa or what ever his name is thinks can write.

well said though

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It figures the only sensible replies are coming from women.

To the men who think that everything is paid for, get over yourselves please. If you can't attract a decent kind woman who is interested in you personally maybe you need to take a good hard look at yourself first to determine why that is since there are certainly many decent kind women out there.

As for the original issue, well I must say I am surprised that you are interested in a woman's opinion since it won't be kind. It seems that you look at this girl as nothing and treat her as such and then wonder why she is angry. As for advice, well, you made your bed, lie in it.

Exactly, Heather.

Reaping what you sow. Kharma credits, etc.

Least to mention the blatant and catty self-importance and shallowness of this individual.

Lady heather looks to be on the side of truth and considered thinking, and yet she is not. The academic position is on the side of the men who think everything is one way or the other, paid for. Indeed, the use of the word 'cheap' to describe women quick to be bedded is no accident.

This groundbreading piece of academic research takes the issue from an economic point of view.

Sexual economics.PDF

I think it misses out on explaining the brute material realities (the evolutionary biology literature handle this), and the political posturing of the "immaturity of men", the unwillingness of men to settle down (the Political Economy literature deals with this). But take a look-- it is a mere 75 pages long or so, and even delves into the nature of prositution as a low-order substitute.

But let us look at Lady Heather's reaction (for it is more than a response). The venom is only half-hidden. She starts by narrating a binary of women (the Madonna versus Whore) but in her language of the "decent kind" woman. The narrative then argues this woman is not after a payment (for they will be interested in "you personally").

Then the moment of the revealing is encountered. Lady Heather twists back on her own position to demand from the OP a payment in kind for the decent girl.lady heather witheringly argues "look at this girl as nothing and treat her as such", but this necessarily means he must pay. For what is more than nothing. He does not wish to give her an emotional connectivity. He--as all men-- wants sex. He does not seek emotional attachment, this would be a cruel by-product. The woman demands this. This means the sex act is more highly desired by the man than the woman. She then, exacts a payment from him.

It is precisely because the OP is resisting this payment that so upsets LadyHeather. She cannot even consider the possibility of the woman actually giving out as a gift. There must be a-- contractual-- give and take. That contract can be a marriage or a one-ff eoncouter. The difference between the two is simply the number of men involved.

The ultimate irony of all this, is the men moaning on this forum probably do not even believe what they are saying, but say it from a resigned cynicism brought from past failures (such as marriages). Yet they are spot on. But they are also the ones who will leap into marriage again.

wow, you actually can write like zzzzaa or what ever his name is thinks can write.

well said though

And not far off from flaming, nastiness and generally derogatory BS about women, I think. And, I think I have had more than enough of this.


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