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Thai Police Arrest Three Britons For Running Online Sex Show


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I understand selling porn is illegal in Thailand, but is filming or webcam streaming of yourself naked or performing sexual acts illegal? And if they aren't selling it in Thailand but are streaming it overseas and receiving payment from that country- not for individual items of pornography, but for the service of performing the acts, is that different?

I mean, it's not selling it within Thailand, or distributing it locally. It's like if making a drug was legal but selling it was illegal, so you make it and sell it somewhere that it IS legal, does that count? Do they have a separate law to cover sales that occur overseas?

Genuinely curious, not defending them, just wanting to understand the laws being used here.

You can be held for 90 days in Thailand without charge and then trials can easily take a further 18 months. If after all that time in the nick, you may be informed that, yes, indeed it was in fact not a crime and you may go. If you have not died of TB, diabetes, lack of medical care, beaten to death in the prison in the meantime.

If the police decide you are guilty here, there is little you can do except try to buy your way out.

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I guess the BIB were not getting their cut or perhaps they were the highway BIB, the ones that don't take a share of motorists wealth. ;)


Just amazing. Some British scum exploit Thais (sexual exploitation aside, B100,000 a day for them, B1,500 for the women) and are caught, arrested, etc. BUT it's still TIT and bad, bad Thai police.

I suppose if the police were selling mobile phone numbers of murdered children to the press, as they do in UK, that would be more civilized.

...anyone who has paid for any form of sexual favour is just as guilty of being exploitive...nuff said.

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I understand selling porn is illegal in Thailand, but is filming or webcam streaming of yourself naked or performing sexual acts illegal? And if they aren't selling it in Thailand but are streaming it overseas and receiving payment from that country- not for individual items of pornography, but for the service of performing the acts, is that different?

I mean, it's not selling it within Thailand, or distributing it locally. It's like if making a drug was legal but selling it was illegal, so you make it and sell it somewhere that it IS legal, does that count? Do they have a separate law to cover sales that occur overseas?

Genuinely curious, not defending them, just wanting to understand the laws being used here.

You can be held for 90 days in Thailand without charge and then trials can easily take a further 18 months. If after all that time in the nick, you may be informed that, yes, indeed it was in fact not a crime and you may go. If you have not died of TB, diabetes, lack of medical care, beaten to death in the prison in the meantime.

If the police decide you are guilty here, there is little you can do except try to buy your way out.

The voice of experience? Or yet another barstool know-it-all?

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What kind of penalties can this Welshman and two Englishmen expect?

The suspects were charged with violating the Computer Crime Act, carrying a penalty of up to five years' imprisonment, and distributing pornographic media.

above from:

Welsh man and four Thai women arrested for online porn ring

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Done already, he got a fine...5000 bahts

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What kind of penalties can this Welshman and two Englishmen expect?

The suspects were charged with violating the Computer Crime Act, carrying a penalty of up to five years' imprisonment, and distributing pornographic media.

above from:

Welsh man and four Thai women arrested for online porn ring

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Done already, he got a fine...5000 bahts

Not held for 90 days pending an 18 month trial? Must be a reporting error...

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Just amazing. Some British scum exploit Thais (sexual exploitation aside, B100,000 a day for them, B1,500 for the women) and are caught, arrested, etc. BUT it's still TIT and bad, bad Thai police.

I suppose if the police were selling mobile phone numbers of murdered children to the press, as they do in UK, that would be more civilized.

That's not an exploit, that's called business. If you read the whole article it says there are 20 girls working shifts throughout the day, that's 20 girls earning 5 times minimum wage which most business won't even pay that. (1500x20=30000....100000-30000=70000).

The article also stated that they are in a mansion. I can't really comment on how much a mansion costs but I am sure it is more than the 8000/month I pay for my half of the rented duplex.

Now they have a house and girls, oh wait they need the cameras, computers, transmitting equipment, lights, and all the props for the sets. I'm almost sure that stuff didn't come with the house or that they found it it on the streets.

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100,000b a day for a year . . .

What kind of penalties can this Welshman and two Englishmen expect?

did not think it was in violation of Thai laws

of course not . . . . wonder what their visa status is/was.

The "authorities" want their cut. These guys sound like they can buy their way out.

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I noticed they started blocking these type of web cam sites a while ago and heavily censor others such as camfrog, not a surprise they arrested people for it or that foreigners were involved. They were probably the ones typing the English chat while the dudes back home were jacking off

These kind of sites are pretty lucrative, guys back home pay several dollars per minute to just chat with a naked a chick. They also will give their favorite chicks gifts, it's crazy that these dudes give thousands of dollars to a chick they never even met.

Yea, so much better to come to Thailand and meet them first and then go back home and then start sending them thousands of dollars.whistling.gif

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Good riddance to these white garbage. What the bloody Thai Immigration and Police needs to do is to be more restrictive in the visas and more intense screening esp to people from Britain, America and Australia and also other European Countries as Thailand and also other parts of Asia are attracting the garbage from these countries.

What's got your knickers in a knot? One group of consenting adults is providing a service to another group of consenting adults, and the workers are being well paid - a lot better paid than planting rice for minimum wage that some time in the distant future might go up to B300.

Not my thing personally, but whatever pulls your trigger is fine by me within the "normal" limits, if there are such things.

BTW when you start restricting visas to the "better" class of farang, expect the same to happen - about time thais were restricted from owning real estate and operating businesses in the countries that you mention.

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Good riddance to these white garbage. What the bloody Thai Immigration and Police needs to do is to be more restrictive in the visas and more intense screening esp to people from Britain, America and Australia and also other European Countries as Thailand and also other parts of Asia are attracting the garbage from these countries.

What's got your knickers in a knot? One group of consenting adults is providing a service to another group of consenting adults, and the workers are being well paid - a lot better paid than planting rice for minimum wage that some time in the distant future might go up to B300.

Yes...only problem is that it's illegal. Small detail, of course.

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Good riddance to these white garbage. What the bloody Thai Immigration and Police needs to do is to be more restrictive in the visas and more intense screening esp to people from Britain, America and Australia and also other European Countries as Thailand and also other parts of Asia are attracting the garbage from these countries.

What's got your knickers in a knot? One group of consenting adults is providing a service to another group of consenting adults, and the workers are being well paid - a lot better paid than planting rice for minimum wage that some time in the distant future might go up to B300.

Not my thing personally, but whatever pulls your trigger is fine by me within the "normal" limits, if there are such things.

BTW when you start restricting visas to the "better" class of farang, expect the same to happen - about time thais were restricted from owning real estate and operating businesses in the countries that you mention.

They are breaking the law for a start and also what they are doing is against the morale values of Thailand.:whistling:

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Only neophytes pay for porn! :lol:

Question <deleted> is a neophyte and assuming that your a male, you have never ever paid for sex? If you are a female you have never been out on a awesome date/with breakfast?

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So why do you guys think they are exploiting Thais running this. the girls were making 1500 baht a day i don't call that exploitation that's a bloody good living in my book for them. Besides they probably were happy to do it and as well. If they were doing this out of a house in the UK you wouldn't say they were exploiting the girls there would you!

Too bad they shut it down one of the girls looks alright i would've taken a peak.

I could only find one post that mentioned exploitation!!

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Only neophytes pay for porn! :lol:

Question <deleted> is a neophyte and assuming that your a male, you have never ever paid for sex? If you are a female you have never been out on a awesome date/with breakfast?

I have never paid for sex and I am a male. Never been down to a point where I have had to go out and buy it. Not all men have to pay for sexual gratification.

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Yea, so much better to come to Thailand and meet them first and then go back home and then start sending them thousands of dollars.whistling.gif

At least those guys got some actual sex with a human being out of their thousands of dollars spent, and not just masturbating in to a sock at their computer desk :lol:

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Is this the webcam ? It looks huge.

Normal size for a pro setup, the ones everyone else uses has a Micky mouse lens and cannot produce clear HD video. seems like they could afford the good gear. Poor buggers in the west cant just go outside their frond doors and pick up anything worth screwing, so they have to resort to seeing these clowns doing it on TV, very poor substitute if you ask me.

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Just curious but how do you know which ones are honest and which ones are corrupt? You know there is an old saying, "if there's smoke there is probably a fire somewhere."

Oh sh-- the massage parlor I am in now is on fire. LOL

PS: It ain't slander if it is true.

But you know instead of slandering poor Thailand (where oh where does it get such a bad rep????? I think everyone should think of a funny story to tell and start a topic. I'll even start the first one. Now we all know policemen don't take bribes here because that would be illegal right. So the other day I got caught with no helmut and would you believe it the cop refused to take my request to handle it so I had to go to the police station. The fine is now 400 baht but I told the cop at the desk I was on my way to the dentist as I had just broken my tooth which was true. So the cop says to me, "ok I give you a discount how about 200 baht?" I said to him how about 100 baht and he said ok. So all you guys slandering the poor Thai police I say leave them alone.

If you work it right instead of bribing them just play let's make a deal. LOL

I am not defending the pocile but I have to say that the usual bla bla bla police didn't get their cut is so blazay. Would it be a surprise to you that not all police in Thailand are corrupt? That some if not most have integrity and honor their jobs and their responsibilities. These guys got caught because 1. They are idiots and second the police were tipped off. I know there are many corrupt cops in Thailand but not all. Show some respect eh?

You all should be careful slandering the police force in this country, Generalizations could be seen as Slanderclosedeyes.gif

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I guess the BIB were not getting their cut or perhaps they were the highway BIB, the ones that don't take a share of motorists wealth. ;)


Just amazing. Some British scum exploit Thais (sexual exploitation aside, B100,000 a day for them, B1,500 for the women) and are caught, arrested, etc. BUT it's still TIT and bad, bad Thai police.

I suppose if the police were selling mobile phone numbers of murdered children to the press, as they do in UK, that would be more civilized.

Well said Suradit, UK farangs have nothing to boast about when it comes to the police.

You can't seriously be trying to compair the police and criminal justice system in Great Britain and Thailand and imply they are on the same level. If that is your argument your sadly misguided and wrong.

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