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About Thai Ladies

khon s'pore

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i remember reading a travelling guide book, it speaks of thai culture. something that i find funny is that, it states that in thailand, couples seldom hold each others hand in public because of the thai culture or religion. is it true?

having said that, i've been to bangkok several times now and i notice many times, there r very few couples holding hands in public. i guess it might be for some reasons, can any1 tell me more abt such things???

Just so curious. It's really amazing thailand!! :o

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i notice many times, there r very few couples holding hands in public. i guess it might be for some reasons, can any1 tell me more abt such things???

well in TH , we believe that decent girl should not present or do something like that (love expression) in public area .. and furthermore.. we'd marry be4 so we can do that (from custom ,traditional and folkway)

but for now things change , world is closer plus influent from west countries..so we can see fusion custom and lifestyle

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On the surface Thais want to present a clean image, but get beneath that surface its all casual sex, borrowing money,asking if you've eaten yet, lies lies and more lies.

And when Thais know that you know that (I am half Thai) they get rather edgy.

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On the surface Thais want to present a clean image, but get beneath that surface its all casual sex, borrowing money,asking if you've eaten yet, lies lies and more lies.

And when Thais know that you know that (I am half Thai) they get rather edgy.

ahh interesting indeed DJ Pat .. yes.. some Thai people act like what you just said..

ohh poor boy.. seem you never met some nice people ..

but im not that surprise why you always meet that kind of people (form your nature and your lifestyle)

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Saying that though I see a lot of female friends that are Thai holding hands and putting arms round each other.

When I studied Psychology I learnt that all nationalities have their own "Body Space" preference. English natives like the most body space. (This is to English people) Have you ever noticed when taking the elevator you tend to feel uncomfortable stood close next to someone or when eye contact is made with a stranger? Next time you take the elevator try it.

I say this because when I'm in Thailand I noticed that every Thai I have made a friendship with stand so close to you and sometimes almost sit on your lap! My stepmum and her family are always like that with me I feel like I'm suffocating with it at times, they like to hold my hand down the street and put their arm round me as a friendly gesture :D

Sometimes I've only just met someone and they are standing so close I carn't breathe. But that is Thai females being friendly. I've noticed my brothers male Thai friends are just the same so I wonder why it is different for couples? :o

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On the surface Thais want to present a clean image, but get beneath that surface its all casual sex, borrowing money,asking if you've eaten yet, lies lies and more lies.

And when Thais know that you know that (I am half Thai) they get rather edgy.

ok .. im really curious ,DJ Pat

fact is i respect your parents ..(as decent TH people respect senior people)

you said u re half TH ..mean you have dad or mom is a TH

well .. what u siad in this thread..

mean .. your mom (if she is a TH)

1 she trick on your farang dad

2 she cheat on your farang dad

3 beneath her surface its all casual sex

4 she is a liar ..always lie lie and lie ..

am i right? its just logic .. try to translate from what u said

and im sorry if im wrong :o

Edited by BambinA
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that my father was a US soldier (I'm 32) and my mother was a whore, I won't bother telling you now.

mean .. your mom (if she is a  TH)

1 she  trick on your farang dad    NO!

2 she  cheat on your farang dad    NO!

3 beneath her surface its all casual sex   NO!

4 she is a liar ..always lie  lie and  lie .. NO!

and  im sorry if im wrong  :o

SO... how can you say like this ??

On the surface Thais want to present a clean image, but get beneath that surface its all casual sex, borrowing money,asking if you've eaten yet, lies lies and more lies.

And when Thais know that you know that (I am half Thai) they get rather edgy.

it's not stereotype ..and atleast your mom is not ..am i right?

and i really believe that 90% of TH girls are good enuf and deserve to respect

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i notice many times, there r very few couples holding hands in public. i guess it might be for some reasons, can any1 tell me more abt such things???

well in TH , we believe that decent girl should not present or do something like that (love expression) in public area .. and furthermore.. we'd marry be4 so we can do that (from custom ,traditional and folkway)

but for now things change , world is closer plus influent from west countries..so we can see fusion custom and lifestyle

Also in the Philippines . no PDA(public displays or affection). i think it goes back to the war times and didnt want to be thought as a working girl .

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But I think my generalisation falls into the lower class Thais category from my own experiences.

Fair comment Pat, altho I doubt 'class' has much to do with ethics and you might add, ppl from anywhere, not just Thais.

well in TH ,  we  believe that decent girl  should  not  present or  do something like  that (love  expression) in public area ..

I'll probably get bricks thrown at me from this crowd- but this is part of the charm of Thailand compared to western countries. I hope it lasts.

But public groping from some Nana BTS station entrants for one example doesn't exactly help the farang with thai image either.

Got on the skytrain tonight, full of Thai office workers returning home after a long day at work and this sweating gorilla gets on, loud as hel_l, groping his rent-a-date all over, like he was still in the bloody bar... Hey, I'm no prude but this made me :o

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I'll probably get bricks thrown at me from this crowd- but this is part of the charm of Thailand compared to western countries. I hope it lasts.

I am with you in this one. The first time I went to Thailand I was ashemed by how some farang girls behave in a country with a culture so different to ours ( Maybe is not that different but that is what I think). I lived so time in Brighton and I never saw so many girls doing topless down there as I saw in Ko phi phi ( the funny think is that someone told my that a high % of the population is muslim :D...I think this shows very little respect for that culture...)

However I have sometime seen thai girls throwing themselves to farang male not as many though. Most of the thai girls I know do not show much affection in public. But even though I do not like snogging in public I think holding hands is very sweet...and I love it :o

Edited by Glauka
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B&S you forget the trend of thai(s) shagging each other on one of the BKK coaches. PDA is ok, and I think more thai(s) do it than you realize. As far as watching it, preferablely not, but it happens I just ignore it personally.

Agreed (I'm not that naiive;) but believe me, you couldn't have ignored this display Brit. Neither could the two Thai kids with their grandmum chastising them for gaping. Also the farang guy with his Thai GF beside me, both of them shaking their heads. Impossible to ignore this grunting, slobbering, loud groper and farkin embarrasing. What must the Thais think of US sometimes I wonder? :o

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B&S you forget the trend of thai(s) shagging each other on one of the BKK coaches. PDA is ok, and I think more thai(s) do it than you realize. As far as watching it, preferablely not, but it happens I just ignore it personally.

Agreed (I'm not that naiive;) but believe me, you couldn't have ignored this display Brit. Neither could the two Thai kids with their grandmum chastising them for gaping. Also the farang guy with his Thai GF beside me, both of them shaking their heads. Impossible to ignore this grunting, slobbering, loud groper and farkin embarrasing. What must the Thais think of US sometimes I wonder? :o

What they will think it will depend on their moral values. What I think about this kind of behaviour depend on my moral values and I think that some people will respect me more or less depending on how I behave. I think some people which more extreme moral values will find some of my behaviour a little too much and other people will think that i am too conservative...

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B&S you forget the trend of thai(s) shagging each other on one of the BKK coaches. PDA is ok, and I think more thai(s) do it than you realize. As far as watching it, preferablely not, but it happens I just ignore it personally.

Agreed (I'm not that naiive;) but believe me, you couldn't have ignored this display Brit. Neither could the two Thai kids with their grandmum chastising them for gaping. Also the farang guy with his Thai GF beside me, both of them shaking their heads. Impossible to ignore this grunting, slobbering, loud groper and farkin embarrasing. What must the Thais think of US sometimes I wonder? :D

Yeah I agree thats a bit much - I kind of imagine just a long snog and that was the end of it. Sounds like they were on the verge of a shag. :o

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