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Thailand To Become A Hub For International Education


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Can we start with a national hub of education first? Starting with journalists?

Thailand is the only country in the world with the largest number of international schools.

Yes I read this twice myself just to be sure it made no sense. Perhaps this journo is subtley making a point. What I think the sentence is trying to communicate, is that there is a higher percentage of International establishments operating in Thailand, expressed as a percentage of the overall number of schools. And if this is indeed the case, it just reinforces the widely held fear that the Thai education system (i.e. the Govt. provided service) stops a few yards short of pathetic. Go and look at the curriculum in Singapore if you want to see a vast difference. If you were able to instantly vapourise all the calculators in Thailand, I solemnly believe the country would shut down.

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Prime Minister Yingluck said "(Thailand's) international education is second to none".

After making this statement.

And coming from Chiang Mai, I would imagine that Sacred Heart school has caused the Prime Minister of Thailand great embarrassment around the world and I'm sure she will step in at some point to rectify the damage done.

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And yet another hub? Yawn... :boring:

How about sprucing up local education first before eyeing "international education"?

And what is this supposed to mean anyway:

"Thailand is the only country in the world with the largest number of international schools."

If even local journalists cannot construct one single concise sentence in English, then this new hub (I really have come to hate this word!) ought to be nothing but a bad joke.

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........the integration of the ASEAN nations will make it easier for foreign investors

who are raising their families to consider Thailand their second home ........

I thought we are only guests here....... :o

She means foreign investors who pump in millions/billions of baht, then the rules change.

However, she might be considering letting a foreigner buy a talang wah of land to build a dog kennel on.

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Prime Minister Yingluck said "(Thailand's) international education is second to none".

After making this statement.

And coming from Chiang Mai, I would imagine that Sacred Heart school has caused the Prime Minister of Thailand great embarrassment around the world and I'm sure she will step in at some point to rectify the damage done.

Well said. The PM's statement also clearly explains why she has received her own "international education" abroad. Perhaps instead of "(Thailand's) international education is second to none" she meant to say "(Thailand) is none but second (class) in terms of international education".

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........the integration of the ASEAN nations will make it easier for foreign investors

who are raising their families to consider Thailand their second home ........

I thought we are only guests here....... :o

She means foreign investors who pump in millions/billions of baht, then the rules change.

However, she might be considering letting a foreigner buy a talang wah of land to build a dog kennel on.

... or a basketball court for their child.

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Prime Minister Yingluck said "(Thailand's) international education is second to none".

After making this statement.

And coming from Chiang Mai, I would imagine that Sacred Heart school has caused the Prime Minister of Thailand great embarrassment around the world and I'm sure she will step in at some point to rectify the damage done.

Well said. The PM's statement also clearly explains why she has received her own "international education" abroad. Perhaps instead of "(Thailand's) international education is second to none" she meant to say "(Thailand) is none but second (class) in terms of international education".

No Thai who can afford it, will choose to be educated in Thailand..............just look at those who have opted for an education abroad.

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Prime Minister Yingluck said "(Thailand's) international education is second to none".

What a laughable story :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Second to none ??????

where teachers can graduate and don't even know what WW II was about??????

Yingluck , you are right.... second to none..... no one else is in this low a category

.... and this on the days after the Sacred Heart Nazis parade with the expensive uniforms made or bought and all with out the knowledge of the teachers????? and the write up by the Nation staff is obviously by a product of this second to none system

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You would rather have your kids educated in VTE than BKK? Are you serious?

header should read

Thailand WANTS to become a hub for international education.

Fact is that LAOS in the north east is far more likely to become the hub from neighboring Thailand educational prospects than vice versa.

Our children's dependent status hold us back from sending them to Vientiane.

for sure when they can require a PM visa in Laos (permanent Resident)expected to be legally finalized the end of this year...and carefully monitoring the development in Thakek (new bridge arrival)of international schools we choose for Laos.


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The saddest part about this news article is how it so pathetically misinterprets the data. I recall reading how the Thais were bursting with pride when it was discovered that Bangkok had more internet cafes than New York. The poor saps interpreted this to mean that Bangkok was much more modern and digital than New York and th bragging began. No one (in Thailand) seemed to notice that there simply was not the need for internet cafes in New York since so many people there were already digitally connected at home and at work. It was like bragging that proof of how advanced a country is can be demonstrated by how many telegraph offices it has!

The underlying fact is that the education system here is so awful that absolutely everyone that can possibly afford it looks for some alternative to what the government provides. Does that seem like a reason for someone to bring their family to Thailand? Get serious. Thailand has a reputation for many things, but exceptionally good education is not one of them.

So why doesn't the government get a clue from this?

I'm reminded of a visit I made to China about 25 years ago. While talking very quietly and in private with my government tour guide, I was told that the government had a problem. They were unable to provide jobs for all the people as promised, so they looked the other way as some small private enterprises sprang up. Things like small street stands and the like. It didn't take long before the government noticed that these people went from destitute and unemployed to sudddenly making much much more money than the government workers, and they saw that this was causing a problem.

So the government studied the situation to see what they could learn from this display of two different economic models that were working side by side under identical conditions.

I don't know how long it took, or how many brains, but finally the light went on and the government had the solution.

They decided to raise taxes on the private businesses so that they would make as little money as the loyal government workers!

Don't know why that story comes to mind, but ...

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Can we start with a national hub of education first? Starting with journalists?

Thailand is the only country in the world with the largest number of international schools.

If say, 8 countries (including Thailand) had 491 International schools then Thailand wouldn't be the ONLY country in the world with the largest number of schools!!!! Who said anything about 'likelihood'???? :rolleyes:

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ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds....

And then some.

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ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds.... ROTFLOL ..... absurdity knows no bounds....

And then some.

Sorry I missed that can you repeat it?:jap: ROTFLMAO

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Here is a picture of the entrance to one of leading International schools in this country, So many of our current and indeed past politicians have entered its hallowed portals and strolled through its echoing corridors smitten with awe at the cultural and educational atmosphere the building exudes. Then partaken of the heady draught of education that is offered

These privilieged few have gone on to lead the country and created a dream society the like of which cannot be matched anywhere else in our world.

.Some have been flushed with success and risen to sit upon the throne of power within the world of sanitary engineering.

Some have risen to the top of the creative accounting industry.

Some have become the leading dream weavers and based themselves in foreign parts so as to spread their gospel to others.

Their list of accomplishments is indeed endless, all flowing from the cornucopia of our wise politicians who lead the country onward without fear or concern for themselves.knowing that one has indeed derived a financial safety belt if all should go wrong.


Edited by siampolee
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Can we start with a national hub of education first? Starting with journalists?

Thailand is the only country in the world with the largest number of international schools.

Yes I read this twice myself just to be sure it made no sense. Perhaps this journo is subtley making a point. What I think the sentence is trying to communicate, is that there is a higher percentage of International establishments operating in Thailand, expressed as a percentage of the overall number of schools. And if this is indeed the case, it just reinforces the widely held fear that the Thai education system (i.e. the Govt. provided service) stops a few yards short of pathetic. Go and look at the curriculum in Singapore if you want to see a vast difference. If you were able to instantly vapourise all the calculators in Thailand, I solemnly believe the country would shut down.

Oh so true, it amazes me that when i ask how much for some item all over phuket and speak thai clearly and slowly they have to tap out on a calculator how much it is and show you, then when you give them say 300bht for a 295bht item they start tapping again to find out they need to give you 5bht ,and these are college grads, amazing Thailand.

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why are there so many private schools should be the quesition ? , and it is because the thai education system is rubbish !

They should be looking at brining thai based schools upto an international standard

as an example, it costs an average of 9.096 GBP a year for a child in state education in the UK ... why dont the goverment allocate a 500K budget per child per school, and raise the standard?

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Thailand is the only country in the world with the largest number of international schools. The trend has taken a new turn in the past decade when expat communities began to grow and Thai nationals were allowed to be enrolled in these schools.

oops! wrong again:


ooops double wrong again - The link is for IB accredited schools - i.e. ones that are able to offer and examine for the IB qualifications. IB accreditation (or lack of) doesn't mean the school isn't international. It just means that school can't offer the IB program - It maybe able to offer IGCSE / A levels however and have different accreditation.

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why are there so many private schools should be the quesition ? , and it is because the thai education system is rubbish !

They should be looking at brining thai based schools upto an international standard

as an example, it costs an average of 9.096 GBP a year for a child in state education in the UK ... why dont the goverment allocate a 500K budget per child per school, and raise the standard?

Pay 500K for a farmers son to be educated - don'tcha know we need people to shovel pig shit and sweep the road?

Born into servitude and die in poverty, sad but true, and as guests its not for us to interfere in this 'balance'

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why are there so many private schools should be the quesition ? , and it is because the thai education system is rubbish !

From what I've been reading the last couple of days the private schools are equally rubbish, but because they're private and fee paying, people feel (hope) they might be getting something a little different for their money.

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Another day another hub.

I would just add that the education standards in Thailand are not high enough to meet international standards. For example a Thai honors degree is not equivalent to a UK, US or Canadian one. Thus begs the question whats the point of studying in Thailand? You will find Thai qualifications are not high enough and will need to do further study, most likely in your target country, to meet standards.

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