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Needing information on what to say or not to say for a USA tourist visa for my Thai girlfriend. Thanks in advance for your advice.

I've been in Thailand for about 6 months on tourist visas. I am training for a sports competition in March. I have a business back in the states that brings me income while in Thailand. I met my girlfriend about 4 months ago and want to bring her to the USA for 4 weeks in February. We are both in our late 20s. She works at a company making about 15 K baht a month. She has a six year old daughter that won't be traveling with us and two bank accounts. We live in a town that doesn't have any banks nearby to transfer money in and out so maybe this is a problem? We will be moving soon to a location that is more built up that has her bank branch nearby so she can start using her bank. We have detailed travel plans throughout the southeast but no plane tickets yet. She doesn't want to buy her plane ticket until she is approved for the visa. Is it necessary to have plane tickets booked and paid for? We will be visiting my parents for a couple of weeks and also some of her prior co workers and they are all willing to offer an invitation letter. Please let me know her chances and anything she should or shouldn't say from my info. Thanks!


Don't buy the plane tickets. Your chances are about .01% of success, she has to prove beyond any doubt she will return to Thailand. check the 100's of other threads here on the same subject. Her child is not reason enough, Thai abandon their children all the time for a better life or new job. All those people advertising visa help will just take your money.


I would not buy the ticket as there is time if your successful.

It is possible & we were successful in getting my girl friend...now my wife

A tourist visa in 2007

Be honest is the best bet & show compelling reasons for her return to Thailand.

You may also quote as I did in my letter/paper work I prepared this passage from the US foreign affairs manual regarding entry visa's....

The US foreign affairs manual states the following & I feel we are an example of number one listed below …

(N11.1-1 of the Foreign Affairs Manual):

(1) Simply to meet the family of his and/or her fiance;

(2) To become engaged;

(3) To make arrangements for the wedding; or

(4) To renew a relationship with the prospective spouse

Good Luck & I will not say it is impossible but we went forward with a lot of paper for both her & myself showing my business & tax returns, her business, condo, car etc.(compelling reasons to return)

Some will tell you it is all down to her ability & her compelling reasons too. But seeing how long they looked at my info makes me think it helps to cover both parties abilities etc.

I also prepared letters guaranteeing she would be no burden to the US in anyway as she had medical,flight arrangements in & out as well as all expenses covered for her stay.

You do hear about a lot of folks getting turned down but do not let it dissuade you. Just go in prepared.

Do not go in half a$$ & then go through the reapply over & over as many try. It does not get easier instead it gets more scrutinized.


The fact that your GF is in her late 20s and you guys met about 4 month ago could be a show-stopper during the Visa interview at the US Embassy.

Being prepared to answer (sometimes very personal) questions, being polite and showing up nicely dressed might get her approved for a Tourist VISA. Proof of a good and steady employment history as well as a good amount of savings is an absolute must. Good Luck!


Keep strongly in mind that what you think is a forceful point for giving her a visa -- your relationship with her -- is in fact a very forceful point against a visa because you are only in Thailand for a short time and your ties are all to the US. The more you demonstrate the strength of your relationship, the more you demonstrate the likelihood she'll try to find a way to stay in the US. You need to concentrate exclusively on her ties to Thailand; by the book, that's all that counts for a tourist visa and the consular officials are going to go by the book. Like some others, based on what you've said I'm not optimistic this is going to get anywhere. (If you were living in Thailand long-term, then it'd be a different story.)


Thanks for all of the info. A couple of important things I forgot to add about our situation. I will be starting a year long thai course next month and will have a year long educational visa. My girlfriend has 10 rai and a shop on the land. Hopefully this will be enough to show that we will both be returning to Thailand. Once she sets up the appt. at the embassy, how long does the process usually take? Thanks!


Thanks for all of the info. A couple of important things I forgot to add about our situation. I will be starting a year long thai course next month and will have a year long educational visa. My girlfriend has 10 rai and a shop on the land. Hopefully this will be enough to show that we will both be returning to Thailand. Once she sets up the appt. at the embassy, how long does the process usually take? Thanks!

If approved the visa will arrive by mail in a month. If denied much faster. My first time with my Thai wife tried for a tourist visa they looked at the paper work and said not enough money in her bank account in 30 seconds. Second time, with 500,000 in her bank account and after two years of being married and myself having a Thai work permit they kept her passport and mailed it to us a month later with a visa.


The arroganz of the homeland of paranoya has no limit. They told my wife right away in her face, that she is not good enought to visit US. I'm (born) Swiss Citizen (traveled and lived legally many times to US) and married her in 2007. She has a Shengen multiple visa, business in her name, excellent Bank records, business licenses in her name (since 2006), but she is not good enought for US. All what we asking was 3 weeks in Hawaii (because i have friends there). I gess, forget it. The chances are almost zero. I don't understand what they think who they are?

In my opinion a total scam! Of corse, the visa fee they keept. 200 applies (200 x 4'500 Baht) every day and almost noone will pass? In every country in the world? I think, Obama makes money.


I'd like to do the same thing with my friend. Purpose of the trip is to meet my family and sightseeing. I live in the middle east, and go to USA once a year for about a month. I'd like to take my Thai friend with me, but heard the tourist visas are a major headache.

I plan to retire in Thailand in about 5 years and I've been living in middle east for about 9 years now. I don't know if MY plans will sway the immigration people to show ties to Thailand for her. Especially if a child is not enough.


I've known her for about 7 years. We both own separate condos in Bkk. Mine purchased last year, hers two years ago. We have had a joint bank account for 5 years which she used while working and now we use so I can transfer money for our expenses there. There is enough money in that account for her to travel and she has a bit of savings in fixed accounts. I make a considerable amount of money as a petroleum engineer and have substantial financial assets. I have not lived in the USA for 9 years.


She quit her job 1.5 years ago.

I'm looking for her to travel with me in April/May 2012. What do all you experts think about my situation on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being my best chance? Any advice for me? I'm guessing I should go the sponsor route although I hate giving out all the financial data.


It's a long shot... A friend of mine here in Thailand wanted to travel to the USA for one month to visit friends. She is 36 years old and worth about 3 million Baht. Took her something like 14 months (and several trips to Bangkok) before she was finally approved. But I've met Thais here in Chiang Mai, like a nurse in her mid-20's that I know, who was given a tourist visa to travel to Las Vegas and Miami for two weeks on vacation. She got it in no time. So I guess anything is possible.


I live in the middle east, and go to USA once a year for about a month.

I take it that as you live in the Middle East, you have no history of long-term residence in Thailand (no Non-Immigrant visas in your passport)? Much of the anecdotal evidence appears to indicate that Thai partners stand a better chance of approval if their relationship is with someone who resides and works in Thailand, as this is considered a stronger reason to return than cash in the bank or family ties.


in my opinion it would be easier for her if you took yourself out of the equation. let her get a tourist visa on her own merrit, why complicate it with details regarding short term relationships etc..


I have been down the USA visa deal and had success after a bit of problem but with knowing her 6 months my guess is come back in 3 or 4 years for that Visa, Keep records of being together such as photos that show you together in different places,if you rent a condo have that contract in both names,xmas cards that your family sends addressed to both of you, if you travel together to Singapore or some place passports showing travel abroad together are helpful,etc. What the USA Embassy told me many years ago. We are not here to judge your moral's so marriage is not a big deal. We are looking for proof of a long term continuous relationship with proof she will be returning to Thailand. Marriage can help prove that but it is not a major part. If you get rejected it makes it harder the second time so while nothing is impossible it would be much better to wait several years on that visa.


Tell her to go to Mexico and run across the border. Seems to be the best way to get into the USA. :blink:

On a serious note, good luck. I've seen guys who have been married for several years have their wives denied, while single girls get a visa on their own for a holiday with little hassle. Doesn't make any sense to me.

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