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Land Of Smiles


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Results of a straw poll taken among customers at our guesthouse.

Poll lasted three weeks.

Respondents 37.

Impressions of Thailand.

Most frequent positive responses:

1st: Very beautiful country.

2nd: Very friendly and helpful people.

3rd. Love the food.

4th. Inexpensive

Most frequent negative responses:

1st: Litter on the streets.

2nd: Bad drivers (Especially mini bus drivers...but most of our customers are backpackers and use buses frequently).

3rd:Dog's poop and feral dogs everywhere.

4th:Don't like the food

5th:Odd smells.

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I once recorded the number of different smells I experienced in one block along a Chiang Mai road and it came to over 7. There were smells from various Flowers, fresh brewed coffee, raw sewerage, different cooking scents, other plant life such as trees, some dead animal decaying, vehicle exhaust and a few others. In Thailand, all your scents and experiences are on high alert.

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No surprises within the "negative" comments... only the "don't like the food" seems odd for people coming to Thailand and seems to indicate that they did not really inform themselves about where they go...

Otherwise I could not really disapprove with the littering in some areas, the dogs and especially the bad drivers...

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Been here too long I guess : I miss that smell you get on your first trip here as you walk past a sewer.

The other day I walked on some grass at the back our our condo development and thought it smelled funny - too fresh, green?

Must say my farts havent changed much though - pure as a Sunday Breeze. ;)

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Must have missed this survey. But ... Have to agree with the outrageously uncourteous drivers in Thailand. They do not even slow for pedestrians and it seems would rather commit vehicular manslaughter just to get to their destination 3 minutes earlier. Lack of enforcement which leads to a lack of education about driving.

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Wheres the box for "I am a stupid tourist and know nothing about the Thai smile or its milion s of meanings"

Why would not knowing that make a tourist stupid?

Why on earth would you care anyway about the millions of meanings for thai smiles if you are on a two week holiday? You would have to be stupid to expect people to.

Noise pollution is my pet hate. There is no need to blast karaoke at full volume at 6am. Ever.

Edited by Kananga
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Land of Smiles is past. Thai don't smile anymore, At least Not real.

Once i get out of the tourist areas i see a lot more smiles. If someone has precisely zero to gain by smiling then imho it is genuine.

Every tourist area in the world is full of insincere smiles because they are making their money trying to sell you something.

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Wheres the box for "I am a stupid tourist and know nothing about the Thai smile or its milion s of meanings"

Why would not knowing that make a tourist stupid?

Why on earth would you care anyway about the millions of meanings for thai smiles if you are on a two week holiday? You would have to be stupid to expect people to.

Noise pollution is my pet hate. There is no need to blast karaoke at full volume at 6am. Ever.

There is if your Thai because they really dont notice any noise at all, my wife can have a phone conversation next to a loudpseaker going full tilt.

All tourists are stupid.....arent they?

ps I am stupid and happy to say it....there see how stupid am i

Edited by travelmann
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Must have missed this survey. But ... Have to agree with the outrageously uncourteous drivers in Thailand. They do not even slow for pedestrians and it seems would rather commit vehicular manslaughter just to get to their destination 3 minutes earlier. Lack of enforcement which leads to a lack of education about driving.

To be fair, I would probably drive over someone that took three minutes to cross the road.


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Land of Smiles is past. Thai don't smile anymore, At least Not real.

Once i get out of the tourist areas i see a lot more smiles. If someone has precisely zero to gain by smiling then imho it is genuine.

Every tourist area in the world is full of insincere smiles because they are making their money trying to sell you something.

I think Carmine nailed it. I don't smile constantly either, but I'm always happy. Actually, my natural look is a sort of frown and it scares some people until they see my eyes. I've got hundreds of pictures of Thais with genuine smiles. Anybody who has studied people long enough can tell a genuine smile from a fake one that is put on. Thai children and teenagers are always smiling and having fun. It's not until they have to earn a living that they get serious. But, why worry about others. Who cares if a salesman is trying to sell you something you don't need. Just don't buy it but no need to be nasty about it.

I think the pollution bothers most tourists, and the beggers in the street. But, after a while you get hardened to it. It bothers me when I see children taught to beg, but there's not much any of us can do about it. Hopefully, some day the economy will change enough that people can actually earn a liveable wage. Unfortunately, that means the problem will only be moved elsewhere into another poverty stricken country. The wealthy always need a source of slave labour.

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My cousin once farted in 8 different keys in one hour. That must be close to a record?

Maybe this gent could record something useful next time we have Steak and Kidney Pudding, Roasties and cabbage?

I would recomend old jam jars with the tops screwed on tight .

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My cousin once farted in 8 different keys in one hour. That must be close to a record?

Maybe this gent could record something useful next time we have Steak and Kidney Pudding, Roasties and cabbage?

Perhaps you missed the qualifier 'Straw Poll'.

We have a guesthouse and are always striving to improve people's experience in Thailand. We consider feedback carefully and I tried the survey (just an A4 sheet in each room) as a means to identify perceived problems. Business is business and those who continually try to improve their service should eventually reap the benefits...socially, environmentally and financially.

I am sure someone found the results to be of some interest.

Your business apparently involves listening to people farting, getting drunk and posting puerile comments to people who have just a little more to contribute than you. In those endeavours it appears you are suitably qualified and I am sure you are proud.

And you question me about usefullness??!

Edited by Dave9000
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Dave, what's your point?

People will see Thailand in as many different ways as there are meanings to the "Thai Smile".

Fact of life.

Get over yourself!

There is nothing you could do to "improve" anyone's experience bar free ale and a free romp with a prossie, but then we head to the superficial and not the "Thai" if you will....

Noise pollution is my pet hate. There is no need to blast karaoke at full volume at 6am. Ever.

How about Slayer? Neighbour.....whistling.gif

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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Dave, what's your point?

People will see Thailand in as many different ways as there are meanings to the "Thai Smile".

Fact of life.

Get over yourself!

There is nothing you could do to "improve" anyone's experience bar free ale and a free romp with a prossie, but then we head to the superficial and not the "Thai" if you will....

Noise pollution is my pet hate. There is no need to blast karaoke at full volume at 6am. Ever.

How about Slayer? Neighbour.....whistling.gif

Quite simply, my point is that we are all capable of helping someone else have a good time. You are trying to perpetuate the myth that all tourists come to Thailand for beer and prostitutes. I probably come into contact with far more tourists than you do and in this thread, I merely reflected the opinions of a few tourists (37). Incidentally none of my guests who responded to the poll gave mention to booze and sex. Then again they are mostly young adventurous souls who have not developed your level of cynicism. As to helping improve their experiences, I have many strategies to do just that and our occupancy figures show we are doing something right.

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What's your guesthouse called dave?

Evergreen Guesthouse. Pai.

Never been to Pai. Is it nice? Isnt that the place all the hippies go?

Was a hippie hangout many years ago when the hill tribes were still growing opium. Nowadays it is a tourist hub; but thankfully it retains the charm of a small country village (popn 3000+-) Beautiful mountainous country, white water rafting, tubing, trekking, caves and canyons, elephants, waterfalls, hot springs, several distinct and very interesting tribal groups including the Karen longnecks etc...and for those so inclined (me, for starters) the Maehongson loop is one of the best motorcycle rides in the world.

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