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Daughter Insurance


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Health Insurance companies operate the same in Thailand as in the West; they are law-abiding and ethical but the onus is on the customer to be honest about all pre-existing conditions and to read and fully understand the terms and conditions. Customers who complain about something not being covered have usually failed to understand the terms of their coverage.

I've used BUPA in Thailand for six years now and only ever claimed for outpatients visits whereas my wife was admitted once, fine - no problems. Our son is three and covering him with OPD is a disproportionately more expensive (children always are).

You just have to contact many companies for quotes and carefully compare the premiums with the policies - it's pretty transparent. The 'best' company will depend on individual circumstances. Comparing premiums is meaningless; you have to go through the coverage being offered with a fine tooth comb!

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i had Buppa Platinum as well for over 8 years, ( out patient only and no dental) for myself and daughter Never once had a claim

Is there dental riders available?? I have been told Thailand has no dental insurance plans by a multitude of Thai in 5 yrs of living here.

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Through my company, I have top class worldwide coverage insurance with Aetna. BUPA does similar thing.

It covers any place on earth, Thailand too. Before joining me in Japan my Thai family was covered too.

What a ripoff. No way I would buy that plan myself even if I had money to burn. All covered, it is 1,250$ a month. That is full coverage, dental included. Once I ran BUPA quotation for Thailand, that same one was 1,800$ a month (possibly because it is 1 customer not a company who can negotiate a group deal for all their expats).

When you start going down from the most expensive ripoff "plan", you end up with one where most likely ailings are not covered or are under "pay first 2,000 baht yourself" which means, good chance you never get anything, if lucky, for lifetime. What would cost more than 2,000B in a reasonable Thai hospital anyway? Would you need any insurance at all if you always pay yourself?

So, some cheap insurance that covers unlikely ailings, accidents, open heart surgeries, multiple hospital days.

What you may really need is not covered anyway so why pay big names?

See above, someone with BUPA has never made a claim.

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if not mentioned already it is highly likely that you'll have to have at least one parent covered in addition to the child. Insurance companies in my experience won't cover the child by themselves.

Note also that premiums up to 5 years old can be expensive, but drop substantially after that.

Bupa Thailand

Thai Health

and if you are in the market for a reasonable level expat health insurance plan (actually, they are pretty good), then William Russel out of the UK.

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