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Chiang Mai Air Museum


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I am 99% certain it is still open, but the few farang volunteers who held regular walking tours have ceased, for a while anyway.

Take a Thai speaker to the Suthep Rd end of the "Wing 41" military road and park at the guard hut on the right, just before the men check your windscreen pass.

Ask the man on duty if you can see "Tango Squadron" which is what the museum is called in Thai.

If it's a Yes he will want your i/d with a photo on it (eg passport) and give you a temporary pass.

Drive in (strict speed limit and no overtaking), look out for the small old planes visible on your right, then turn right at the next gate, which is almost always closed.

As this is "air side" there is always an airman with a gun on this gate. Show him the pass and he should let your through.

Turn right at the first junction and stay as far away from the taxi-way as possible, and park up by the old Dakota.

If the front hangar doors are closed, the small back doors are likely to be open. A helpful, elderly semi-retired officer is often there, with his very limited English.

Return the way you came and don't foget to swop your pass for your i/d at the hut.

All the above applies only to weekdays, 8.30am to mid afternoon (you have to be out by 5.30pm) and can be 'unavailable' if there is a military exercise or other disruption.

Having said all that, it's well worth seeing!

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The people at the information desk in the airport can normally phone and see if anyone is in. If they are you should be able to visit. Its not a traditional museum with opening hours, you just wander around the hangars really. Childrens day is good if you like aircraft. Some of the Tango Squadron aircraft are wheeled out, other bits ,ultra lights, ga stuff, UH1's and various current RTAF aircraft which are musuem pieces in their own right. A little airshow is put on, your standing on the ramp below the tower, TG 747's taxing by. Good if you like aviation.

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  • 6 months later...

I have just a few days left in Chiang Mai, but I just found out about this 'museum'. I'm an aerospace engineer, and even an unguided visit would be interesting. (My Thai language skills are quite limited.)

Does anyone know if they will be open this Thursday or Friday? I know some folks with Wing 41 stickers, but not sure if they can drive for me. Any way around that requirement? (Anyone know a taxi or minivan driver with a sticker?)



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Hearing about this makes me want to go to so I had my gf check into it and this was her report:

"I contacted the air force museum , his name is Khun Chaiyong. He said we can visit there on Monday 23rd and Friday 27th 9 am - 4.30 pm and we have to give him confirmation before visiting. You can post on Thai Visa that anyone would like to see this museum , please contact him directly 089 636 9146 , Khun Chaiyong."

So....there you go. We're going to go probably on Monday.

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I've heard the event is from 9:00 to 12:00 noon tomorrow (Thursday, 19 April). Aerobatic airplanes and F-16 fighters flying around. Should be noisy.

There was another thread on this forum about it.

As a matter of interest, we happened to see a billboard yesterday advertising an air show tomorrow the 19th. Does anyone have any info? We zipped past the billboard rather quickly and could not get any additional info.

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