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Hello all.

I have another question for anyone who may know the answer?

My GF and I have one previous succesful UKTV. We wil be appyling for another one soon. On the first UKTV we had to show her bank statements because she had previously been working up to the point of the VISA application, and we used her job and a letter from her boss as a means of support for the application.

Do we still need to supply my GF's bank statements if i show that I am the outright sponsor, and that she has not been working? And even if we dont need to show these statements, can the embassy still say that they require them?

Kind regards,



Bank statements are required to show that whoever is paying for the trip has the funds to do so. Therefore, if you are totally funding the trip and she is contributing nothing toward the cost then strictly speaking there is no need to provide hers.

Having said that, I would do so anyway, if only to stop the ECO wondering why she hasn't!


7by7 is spot on....include them otherwise may suggest you have something to hide

Personally I try to avoid giving them an excuse to either say no or to delay the whole process so give them what they want & more, if anything it should back up her current situation. Take a step back & if you think it will help then chances are it will so include in the application.

Reading between the lines I'm guessing you're now supporting her as she's now not working...don't forget to include all the Western Union, bank transfers etc from you to her with her visa application and if she's paid any of this in to her bank account then her statements will back this up....it's all about EVIDENCE!

Don't forget that if she's not working then you need to demonstrate that she has a reason to return eg she has kids, land she owns etc. We had letter from my then girlfriend's boss saying that she had a job to return to & had been granted an extended holiday...did the job nicely!

Good luck...


In a recent case it took the embassy 3 months to actually work out how the Thai banking system works they finally admitted they made a mistake in the end.

  • Applicant has a bankbook
  • Applicant does not update her bankbook for over 1 year so when she does it accumulates all funds deposited over a 1 year period (giving you a single read out)
  • Applicants bank book shows 245000 Thai Baht has been deposited in total over a one year period. (western unions supplied as a paper trail)
  • The processing visa officer decided it was a lump sum deposit whistling.gif
  • We fully explained it in our submissions however they chose to ignore it (so do not presume anything with the UK/BA in Bangkok)

Regards Paul

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