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American Fast Food In Thailand

Eun SOe

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I must say though, McDonald's french fries are the best but its god awful for your health

Yep, I guess you never heard of Belgian fries, the only real ones :o

Never had Belgian Fries but had Begian Waffles. I loved it.

umm.. Belgian Fires, are those the fries with meat gravy or vinegar on it? Regardless its good either way.

Where can I get Belgian ries anyway?

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I personally enjoy walking down the street and purchased food from a ma & pa's vending cart instead of McDonald & KFC.  For some reason it taste so much better.  Probably it because it so unclean  :o .  Am I crazy or does anyone else feel the same?

I must say though, McDonald's french fries are the best but its god awful for your health

I would push down a small person for some McDonald french fries right now. They don't have fast food in the part of the world I'm stuck in now but they will one day. I'm serious, show me some McD fries and a small person and I will push him down...

We wouldn't do that to you for fear of the small person kicking your arse :D

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I'll hold my hand up and say I actually like McD's. I probably like them more here than I did back home. It's nice sometimes after eating thai food everyday to have a nice exotic falang meal like a double cheese burger :o . I rarely if ever eat KFC....it's not like fried chicken is that hard to get here anyway.

I fully agree....but why don't you get your burger at a restaurant like Bob's Texas burger joint in South Pattaya Road? That's hat I call a burger...

cos its about 350 km from where I live in Nakorn Nowhere :D, my nearest Mc'd is about 70 km
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I personally enjoy walking down the street and purchased food from a ma & pa's vending cart instead of McDonald & KFC.  For some reason it taste so much better.  Probably it because it so unclean  :o .  Am I crazy or does anyone else feel the same?

I must say though, McDonald's french fries are the best but its god awful for your health

I would push down a small person for some McDonald french fries right now. They don't have fast food in the part of the world I'm stuck in now but they will one day. I'm serious, show me some McD fries and a small person and I will push him down...

We wouldn't do that to you for fear of the small person kicking your arse :D

There's a first time for everything. :D
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Like the fries, hate the clown.  I really, really hate clowns.  Violenlty so.  I mean I really freakin' hate them! :o

Hmm, wonder where Kayo is? :D

Two reasons: a very bad experience at a circus (they hide behind those smiles and then...POW! they jump out at you) and Pennywise from the Stephen King Book "IT". I also really don't like baloon animals...that ###### squeeking flips me out. :D

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Generally i avoid the stuff but defintiely for the hangover days some grease is just whats required and usually KFC or Pizza Hut hits the spot. Gotta say that i dont touch McDonalds though...not after watching Super Size Me!

May I belatedly suggest the traditional Thai meal of khao tom to counteract a night of heavy drinking. Many of a city's best khao tom shops open from midnight to the AM. Make sure they add a dollop of tao huu yii for maximum effect.

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Sometimes when you’re feeling a bit hungry, you just want something you can really sink your teeth into. Nothing wrong with satisfying that appetite with a nice juicy burger now and then, is there?


Want fries with that?

Supersize me!

Have yourself a break today!

We’re lovin’ it!

…And a 55-gallon drum of Diet Pepsi please.

Need more napkins!

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A friend has told me that McD's have a secret breeding ground somewhere in the African bush where they are experimenting with genetic modification to wild animals. Market research has indicated that Western palates will soon tire of their traditional meats and they want to develop new flavours and new sources of meat. Apparently, they have the go-ahead to factory farm species that are not yet threatened with extinction.

The giraffe is the animal that appeals the McD's the most because its vegetarian diet, taken from high off the ground where it is less soiled by other animal life, makes its flesh particularly tasty. The potential was spotted by high fliers from Harvard and is not, according to McD's university in Finchley Central, some head in the clouds or pie in the sky idea.

The only drawback with a giraffe is that, despite its height, it doesn't have much flesh. However, this is smaller than the drawback of an elephant, the second species on McD's list. So, genetics experts have been secretly lacing giraffes' diets with steroids and other body bulding chemicals and are almost ready to start 'harvesting'.

My friend has managed to get hold of a pic. of a modified giraffe which I have attached for members to see. Mmmmmm, looks tasty!


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A friend has told me that McD's have a secret breeding ground somewhere in the African bush where they are experimenting with genetic modification to wild animals. Market research has indicated that Western palates will soon tire of their traditional meats and they want to develop new flavours and new sources of meat. Apparently, they have the go-ahead to factory farm species that are not yet threatened with extinction.

The giraffe is the animal that appeals the McD's the most because its vegetarian diet, taken from high off the ground where it is less soiled by other animal life, makes its flesh particularly tasty. The potential was spotted by high fliers from Harvard and is not, according to McD's university in Finchley Central, some head in the clouds or pie in the sky idea.

The only drawback with a giraffe is that, despite its height, it doesn't have much flesh. However, this is smaller than the drawback of an elephant, the second species on McD's list. So, genetics experts have been secretly lacing giraffes' diets with steroids and other body bulding chemicals and are almost ready to start 'harvesting'.

My friend has managed to get hold of a pic. of a modified giraffe which I have attached for members to see. Mmmmmm, looks tasty!


Uh...Don't know how to say. Just only think how human think and who will gonna eat it?

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The Dude must agree with haha that Taco Smell rules. Sadly though the day will never come that we can step up to the plate in BKK and order up that Taco Supreme....

.....There could never ever be a more massive Dude Digging situation if someone could ever get White Castle over here. White Castle is the most awesome outstanding fast food ever imagined.

Have to agree with The Dude – Taco Bell, and White Castles rule all. Every trip back to the US I get Taco Bell at my arrival airport before transferring for final flight. Then I get White Castles on the drive home. On my return trip I pick up some more Taco Bell before getting on my departure flight from the US – for me cold Taco Bell beats warm airline food anyday.

While stuck here in Thailand I do have MCD, or BK every so often, but not so much KFC. It saves me from having to cook if I want farang food.

I always get I big kick out of people complaining about American globalization in regard to food and music. It’s not like they are forced to buy this stuff. If it were all junk then it would not be everywhere (junk having nothing to do with the actual nutritional value). It is no five star restaurant but it has a market and no one is forced to buy it. H_ll unlike in the US in many places (Thailand, China) people are actually paying a premium to eat at McD over what they pay for local food.

Also in regard to Taco Bell – when I heard last year that they were opening Taco Bells in China I could hardly believe my ears. It was too good to be true – well it turned out to be too good to be true. The Taco Bells they have opened in China are nothing like the fast food Taco Bells in the US. They are more like a Chi-Chi’s, or Don Pablo’s – a sit down and order type Mexican restaurant – decent Mexican food for China, but no Taco Bell by any stretch of the imagination.

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The Dude took a trip from his US home to England in the summer of 1979 to see a friend and attend a rather large Led Zeppelin concert at Knebworth.

It's scary to learn that you were so close to me and I didn't know! :D

I understand that any part of the carcase can be called 'chicken' or 'beef' as appropriate. So, it's anyone's guess what actually goes into some of these meals. McD's seem to be cutting back on their packaging of late and that can sometimes make things in the car a bit messy. A good thing about KFC, though, is that they give you a box to put your greasy bone into when you're finished eating.

Whilst never feeling the need to push over children or miggets for a McDonald's, I can highly reccomend their 'Salty McNuggets'


Now where did that greasy bone go???................ :o:D

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I always get I big kick out of people complaining about American globalization in regard to food and music.  It’s not like they are forced to buy this stuff.  If it were all junk then it would not be everywhere (junk having nothing to do with the actual nutritional value).  It is no five star restaurant but it has a market and no one is forced to buy it.  H_ll unlike in the US in many places (Thailand, China) people are actually paying a premium to eat at McD over what they pay for local food.

If you know how to present your products with a desirable lifestyle, you can sell pretty much anything.

That's indisputably what Americans are good at - selling stuff. Now if they'd only stuck to selling fast food and music I wouldn't complain so much.

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I always get I big kick out of people complaining about American globalization in regard to food and music.  It’s not like they are forced to buy this stuff.  If it were all junk then it would not be everywhere (junk having nothing to do with the actual nutritional value).  It is no five star restaurant but it has a market and no one is forced to buy it.  H_ll unlike in the US in many places (Thailand, China) people are actually paying a premium to eat at McD over what they pay for local food.

That's indisputably what Americans are good at - selling stuff. Now if they'd only stuck to selling fast food and music I wouldn't complain so much.


What's to complain about? :D:o:D

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Also in regard to Taco Bell – when I heard last year that they were opening Taco Bells in China I could hardly believe my ears.  It was too good to be true – well it turned out to be too good to be true.  The Taco Bells they have opened in China are nothing like the fast food Taco Bells in the US.  They are more like a Chi-Chi’s, or Don Pablo’s – a sit down and order type Mexican restaurant – decent Mexican food for China, but no Taco Bell by any stretch of the imagination.

Note that Taco Bell is part of the Yum! Brands, Inc. company (A&W All American Food, KFC, Long John Silver's, Pizza Hut & Taco Bell) The Thailand franchises are managed out of the Yum! China company. Sad to hear they are implementing the Taco Bell franchise differently in China. It seems it would be better to start off with the fast-food/take-out formula and then migrate it upscale to the sit-down format?

Speaking of Belgian fries, which are indescribably delicous due in part to the two-stage frying technique, can anyone name the number one condiment used on these fries? Well, most natives (same goes for the Netherlands and Germany) I observed lathered on the mayonnaise. I figure this comes from the "What does not kill me makes me stronger", or "Hey, how much worse, for my health, can they be with mayo?" schools of thought?

The deal on those mega-burgers is that if you can finish one, typically in some prescribed time limit, you do not have to pay for it.

For those who might want to understand the "White Castle" experience, check out the film, "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle."

{I was a little disappointed in the local showing of "The Big Lebowski" on Star movies last night as fully half the sound track was missing! The F-bomb was missing! I am curious what the Thai subtitles had for the F-word? And of course there was a mention of "In 'n Out" in the film! A favorite exchange, between the private detective trying to track down Bunny and the Dude,:

Private Det.: Hey, relax man, I'm a brother shamus.

Dude: Brother Shamus? Like an Irish monk?

For me, "The Big Lebowski" is an update (comedic) of "The Big Sleep". There is a real Dude by the way, his name is Jeff Dowd.}

And lastly, what's up with those 'speed-eaters'? Have you ever seen the champions? They're small, and generally thin. Takeru Kobayashi of Japan, the man who's won the annual July 4th Nathan's hot dog eating contest like 5 years in a row (ate 49 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes), weighs 65 Kg, and the second place finisher, Sonya Thomas, a 37-year-old Korean-born resident of Alexandria, VA (ate 37 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes) weighs in at a whopping 45 Kg! I see they have these speed-eating contests here (Thailand) on TV, and it seems like this relatively small woman is the perpetual champion. It doesn't matter what the food is, she seems to always win.

p.s. I had the best fried chicken last night. There is a man with a push-cart on my soi, and he has a deep-fat fryer, and he cooks up excellent fried chicken, wings and legs only (faster to cook), and the batter looks to be rice-flour based? Very yummy with a ranch or blue-cheese dip! This cart is extremely popular, all Thai customers, except for me of course. My BMI is probably higher now than the 22.5 it was before I indulged?

Edited by lomatopo
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Picture this girl with dark skin and you can imagine what Thai girls will look like in 20 years - well the rich ones that eat that McDonalds and KFC crap.

What is that hanging just blow her hemline almost to her ankles?

Edited by mbkudu
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Does The Dude dig Wendy's over Carl's Jr.? Because a Wendy's square hamburger with ranch dressing and swiss cheese does not rule over a bacon guacamole Santa Fe burger from Carl's Jr.. Nor does a Big Mac compare to the Carl's Jr bacon burger with lettuce, tomato and onion for only 99 cents.

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Does The Dude dig Wendy's over Carl's Jr.?  Because a Wendy's square hamburger with ranch dressing and swiss cheese does not rule over a bacon guacamole Santa Fe burger from Carl's Jr.. Nor does a Big Mac compare to the Carl's Jr bacon burger with lettuce, tomato and onion for only 99 cents.

Man...that's starting to sound pretty good, aughie! :o

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Fortunately, in Hua Hin, we've pretty much missed out on these outlets. MCD's have been trying for years to get a franchise, but it eventually went to BK. There's the equivalent of Pizza Hut as well.

That's as far as it goes - for now.

The BK is generally pretty busy with westerners on hols getting their daily fix of whatever.

Home from home,eh?

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