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FROC: How Not To Run A Crisis Operations Centre: Thai Talk


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Looks like Yingluck has taken Thaksin's word's "turn this crisis into an opportunity" to heart. I see she's already picked up PTT as a sponsor. Nice.

That appears to be the PTT Board Room in the Energy Complex, which is now FROC HQ.


Life of the party, aren't ya?


Reason for edit - to make it smilier.

Edited by joe beets
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YS has been proven ineffective.

Please put AV back in power and control.


Because he is likeable, capable, able, polite, clever, experienced, educated, "cool and calculated", decisive, caring and doesn't cry when things get "a little bit sticky".

A briefer version would be to say " everything that Yingluck ISN'T".

Does that answer your question?????

And all those things can stop a flood?

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Whether the million or so bangkokians should return yet I'm not sure. Water is hard to get and so are things like eggs. Makes me laugh when I see 100,000 bottles of water per day being distributed - that's a spoonful each. Same with 3 million eggs - a quarter of an egg for everyone then finished.

And imposing price controls exactly the kind of way to deny free enterprising traders to supply the situation.

Might I assume you wanted to write "BLACK MARKET PROFITERS" but because you are a good heart man you choosed a less blunt wording??????????????/ Or are you supporting those vile creatures who take advantage of the misery of others???????????

Completely wrong. There are companies capable to supply but they are far away and if production costs and shipment are exceeding the set price cap then... Nah, not worth it, leave it.

Edited by shunima
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Whether the million or so bangkokians should return yet I'm not sure. Water is hard to get and so are things like eggs. Makes me laugh when I see 100,000 bottles of water per day being distributed - that's a spoonful each. Same with 3 million eggs - a quarter of an egg for everyone then finished.

And imposing price controls exactly the kind of way to deny free enterprising traders to supply the situation.

Might I assume you wanted to write "BLACK MARKET PROFITERS" but because you are a good heart man you choosed a less blunt wording??????????????/ Or are you supporting those vile creatures who take advantage of the misery of others???????????

Waah! I hate Capitalism and free markets.

Government has all the answers.

Go join the hippies and occupy Wall Street.

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If HE would have not followed his agenda so overthoroughly, and would have opened some of the canals when Chao Phraya wasnt at 2,60 meters...well, I am not an expert, but there are some who say: chance lost!

And WHO is thinking, that what he says is worth more than flycrap? You? That makes him a reliable source for sure. First he is contradicting the government for everything they say (which I would understand in a "normal" situation- but not now!) and then he is contradicting himself. They say Bangkok is safe, he says, he is not so sure! They say Bangkok will flood, he says, they are overdoing it. Whatever they say, he counters.

Sorry, but no...that guy is by not a iota better than the rest of the morons.

And WWF is World Wildlife Fund...speaks millions, that you only know World Wrestling Federation!

Actually, I did know that WWF was the World wildlife Fund but it is also the World wrestling Federation. By referring to it as the latter I was able to poke fun at you without you cottoning on, apparently!!!

If who??? had not followed their agenda. The only agenda that is being folowed is Yingluck's and thats been a raging success, hasn't it (not). "If he (not sure if you mean Abhisit or your baboon here) had not followed his agenda so overthoroughly" as you put it, doesn't actually make any sense at all as they weren't following his agenda in the first place so you've got me well and truly confused with that one!!!!:blink:. This means then, that your follow up piece about opening up canals when the Chao Phraya wasn't at 2.60 metres is nonsense also - I'm blowing a gasket here trying to fathom out what you are on about!!!

The only ones contradicting themselves are "team Yingluck" and they are the ones trying to run the show!!

Well I have attempted (rather bravely I think) to reply to your posting but I am struggling to do it as it is absolutely gobblegook as far as I'm concerned, so I'm giving up on it before my brain has a seizure - I'm already feeling "comfortably numb"!!!:jap:.

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YS has been proven ineffective.

Please put AV back in power and control.


Because he is likeable, capable, able, polite, clever, experienced, educated, "cool and calculated", decisive, caring and doesn't cry when things get "a little bit sticky".

A briefer version would be to say " everything that Yingluck ISN'T".

Does that answer your question?????

And all those things can stop a flood?

No!!!! - but he would have implemented a sensible plan of action that would have lessened the effects and kept the people informed about events on a constant basis, as and when things changed. He would also have advised them on the best course of action to take and not have different spokespersons spouting out contradictory advice creating mass confusion as to what they were supposed to be doing!!!! That's the difference my friend!!:jap:.

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"Being likeable - in countries such as America is an extremely important attribute (most countries for that matter). The way they hold themselves, how much hair they have etc: are crucial towards their electability, ludicrously so perhaps, but true all the same!!!"

TIT! Not America! And I guess, Yingluck is not that ugly herself! Next point!

"I went to see him once in person on the two times that he came down to see and meet the people in Khanom to console them and keep their spirits up. Not a hint of the "photo opportunity seeking" behaviour of Yingluck or the blatant and disgusting printing of names and photo's by PT MP's on the relief supplies that came from from donor's kindness and generosity." Strange, but I don't recall her name on any of the donations. Why should she be held responsible, when some weirdo of the UDD or whoever re- labels packages? And you want to see him "in person"?! Wow...did he turn water into wine? No? Too bad...because that would help, right now!

The reason that the waters didn't reach Bangkok in this case is because water finds it immensely difficult to travel up hill and always travels down hill when there are no other external forces involved!!!!:D

Don't worry my friend you are not alone - you're mate Yingluck also appears not to understand physics: just look at her brain-wave!!!

I said the water didn't reach Bangkok, meaning that it didn't get anywhere near the proportions we see now. My "mate" Yingluck? Here we go again "You are not with us, so you are against us" If you read my post: where did I mention, that she did anything right or better? All I claimed was that Wombat didn't do anything better for sure! Step out of you black and white/ read and yellow -scheme for a second. I know: hard to do, when you so blinded by the excellency of your poster- boy AV!

Yingluck placed hundreds of boats in the Chao Phraya River to churn the waters with their propellers to increase the flow of water down to the sea. Yingluck was criticized for this by Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut, who called the operation a "waste of time" as there were high sea tide at the time. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!:blink:. It wasn't only a waste of time....it was ridiculous and you will not see me arguing about that! Next!

There is no question that he is more intelligent and articulate than Yingluck (and the entire contingent of "red MP's" put together).

I would say that 2 years exemplary service (especially with respect to the handling the economy) commands more respect than 2 months of cock-up after cock-up by this novice (now tell me what experience in politics Yingluck has)!!:D.

"Exemplary service"? Oh you are talking of the higest number of lest majest cases ever or the censorship on the internet or on TV and radio...especially of his ploitical opponents!? Yes....exemplary as examplary can be! Cock up after cock up? In 2 months? Not handling the flood of the century extremely well and making some mistakes, is not exactly what you can call cock up after cock up.

So what if he went to the Maldives - he is not the premier (rumoured to be in charge of the Government) and supposedly dealing with this crisis, is he.So why did the not admit it was a holiday and came up with this ridiculous "meeting the president on flood matters"- excuse? Maybe because it was morally wrong??

She pleaded with others (including Abhisit) to help and his suggestion of an emergency decree to bring in the army and restore order kinda fell on deaf ears didn't it!! Why?? because a certain paranoid khun Thaksin thought that they might stage a coup!!! Ha Ha Ha - is he for real??:lol:. And that was exactly ALL they came up with (except for contradicting anything the government said)! What a masterplan: put the Army in charge and everything will be great! Correct me, if I am wrong: isn't the Army (generally speaking) under the control of the government? And please tell me EXACTLY (and not in the usual wishiwashi like "they could have organized it better") what would have been the advantage of SOE and what would the Army have done, that the SHOULDN'T do in a non-SOE- situation?

On that, do they only allow males to go diving there??? I know that the capital is Male but always thought that it was known as "The Maldives"

Wow...that was hillarious...wait...no it wasn't!

I'm sorry, but I'm speechless, honestly :o!!!!!

I surrender, for the sake of my preserving my sanity!!!

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I returned to the office in time to get evacuated.

Bkk governor is right about the local evacuations.

Whether the million or so bangkokians should return yet I'm not sure. Water is hard to get and so are things like eggs. Makes me laugh when I see 100,000 bottles of water per day being distributed - that's a spoonful each. Same with 3 million eggs - a quarter of an egg for everyone then finished.

The only person that seems to have his finger on the pulse is the Bangkok Governor - and what party is he from???

This farce should be turned over to a temporary Democrat administration until things improve - hand over the reins Yingluck and let "the professionals" call the shots, in a unified and tight-knit disaster committee that can keep the people updated on matters and be given non-conflicting information on the real situation as things evolve.

Bring in the army to restore order (they should leave their tanks back in the barracks) and normality, as much as can be hoped for will be restored!!!!

Now who's going to ask Thaksin?????:jap:.

Everyone who even remotely uses his head to "think", knows that this baboon is no better than YS and her team.

She has her agenda (keep the reds happy) he has his agenda (keep the Bangkokians happy) and because both are not willing to let go a bit and have more problems with making each other look bad, is exactly why we are where we are.

And again (for the 1000s time): what in the name of the WWF do you want with the state of emergency. If everybody would be doing their job (the BIB for example) nothing of this crap is needed.

"She has her agenda (keep the reds happy) he has his agenda (keep the Bangkokians happy)"

Answer me this - Just which of the two is of the most pressing urgency at this particular moment in time, whilst Bangkok sinks beneath the water????? - I think the baboon wins this one in the "battle of priorities!!

How come "this baboon" seems to know what is going on and people listen to what he say's, and then importantly, take heed of what he say's!!!!

Just whitch option is the better of these two - standing inside your house in 1 metre of water because Yingluck's ignorant "jokers" (all fighting to be the king-pin saviour) had told them "don't worry, Bangkok will not flood" OR a baboon saying the water will reach your area/province in the next 8 hours so gather as many of your valuable possessions together and evacuate thereafter????

So you think that this government is cocking up just to make the opposition look bad!!!!:lol: - please enlighten me on how you have come to this absurd and baseless conclusion!!!:blink:.

Why bring the World Wrestling Federation into the fray???? I fail to see where they fit into the equation here :).

" If everybody would be doing their job (the BIB for example) nothing of this crap is needed"

Thats the ENTIRE point!! they cannot do their jobs because they are incapable of doing so. They are totally out of their depth, inept and completely irresponsible with all that squabbling going on whilst people are losing their property, livelihoods and even lives!!

Your example of the police "not doing their job" is a bit of an own goal as far as this argument goes as they are none other than Thaksin's mates and relations" - put in place as his "enforcers" to counteract the army!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha :D.

If all these "crappy people" weren't there and Abhisit was - THEN you would see how much better things COULD have been!!!!!!!:jap:.

Apparently you are quite bored.

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If HE would have not followed his agenda so overthoroughly, and would have opened some of the canals when Chao Phraya wasnt at 2,60 meters...well, I am not an expert, but there are some who say: chance lost!

And WHO is thinking, that what he says is worth more than flycrap? You? That makes him a reliable source for sure. First he is contradicting the government for everything they say (which I would understand in a "normal" situation- but not now!) and then he is contradicting himself. They say Bangkok is safe, he says, he is not so sure! They say Bangkok will flood, he says, they are overdoing it. Whatever they say, he counters.

Sorry, but no...that guy is by not a iota better than the rest of the morons.

And WWF is World Wildlife Fund...speaks millions, that you only know World Wrestling Federation!

Actually, I did know that WWF was the World wildlife Fund but it is also the World wrestling Federation. By referring to it as the latter I was able to poke fun at you without you cottoning on, apparently!!!

If who??? had not followed their agenda. The only agenda that is being folowed is Yingluck's and thats been a raging success, hasn't it (not). "If he (not sure if you mean Abhisit or your baboon here) had not followed his agenda so overthoroughly" as you put it, doesn't actually make any sense at all as they weren't following his agenda in the first place so you've got me well and truly confused with that one!!!!:blink:. This means then, that your follow up piece about opening up canals when the Chao Phraya wasn't at 2.60 metres is nonsense also - I'm blowing a gasket here trying to fathom out what you are on about!!!

The only ones contradicting themselves are "team Yingluck" and they are the ones trying to run the show!!

Well I have attempted (rather bravely I think) to reply to your posting but I am struggling to do it as it is absolutely gobblegook as far as I'm concerned, so I'm giving up on it before my brain has a seizure - I'm already feeling "comfortably numb"!!!:jap:.

He-who screwed up as well as the government- is the govenor of course, whos only agenda was to keep the water out of Bangkok AT ALL COSTS, even at a time wher it was still POSSIBLE to drain some MORE water out through some klongs.

And he is contradicting the government and in doing so often contradicting himself. Beacuse every change in direction THEY make, he follows up! So if THEY tell the exact opposite of whet they said 3 days, before...he also does that. Fom "Bangkok will stay dry" to "every distrct will be flooded" to "it will not be that bad" to "help- we are all doomed".

Keeping the water out of Bangkok FAILLED (unless Patpong = Bangkok) for HIM as well as for THEM!

Oh...and as we learned today, a lot of Klongs were illegally blocked. I will have to dig a little deeper, but...klongs...Bangkok...govenor...I assume there is a connection there!

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"Being likeable - in countries such as America is an extremely important attribute (most countries for that matter). The way they hold themselves, how much hair they have etc: are crucial towards their electability, ludicrously so perhaps, but true all the same!!!"

TIT! Not America! And I guess, Yingluck is not that ugly herself! Next point!

"I went to see him once in person on the two times that he came down to see and meet the people in Khanom to console them and keep their spirits up. Not a hint of the "photo opportunity seeking" behaviour of Yingluck or the blatant and disgusting printing of names and photo's by PT MP's on the relief supplies that came from from donor's kindness and generosity." Strange, but I don't recall her name on any of the donations. Why should she be held responsible, when some weirdo of the UDD or whoever re- labels packages? And you want to see him "in person"?! Wow...did he turn water into wine? No? Too bad...because that would help, right now!

The reason that the waters didn't reach Bangkok in this case is because water finds it immensely difficult to travel up hill and always travels down hill when there are no other external forces involved!!!!:D

Don't worry my friend you are not alone - you're mate Yingluck also appears not to understand physics: just look at her brain-wave!!!

I said the water didn't reach Bangkok, meaning that it didn't get anywhere near the proportions we see now. My "mate" Yingluck? Here we go again "You are not with us, so you are against us" If you read my post: where did I mention, that she did anything right or better? All I claimed was that Wombat didn't do anything better for sure! Step out of you black and white/ read and yellow -scheme for a second. I know: hard to do, when you so blinded by the excellency of your poster- boy AV!

Yingluck placed hundreds of boats in the Chao Phraya River to churn the waters with their propellers to increase the flow of water down to the sea. Yingluck was criticized for this by Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut, who called the operation a "waste of time" as there were high sea tide at the time. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!:blink:. It wasn't only a waste of time....it was ridiculous and you will not see me arguing about that! Next!

There is no question that he is more intelligent and articulate than Yingluck (and the entire contingent of "red MP's" put together).

I would say that 2 years exemplary service (especially with respect to the handling the economy) commands more respect than 2 months of cock-up after cock-up by this novice (now tell me what experience in politics Yingluck has)!!:D.

"Exemplary service"? Oh you are talking of the higest number of lest majest cases ever or the censorship on the internet or on TV and radio...especially of his ploitical opponents!? Yes....exemplary as examplary can be! Cock up after cock up? In 2 months? Not handling the flood of the century extremely well and making some mistakes, is not exactly what you can call cock up after cock up.

So what if he went to the Maldives - he is not the premier (rumoured to be in charge of the Government) and supposedly dealing with this crisis, is he.So why did the not admit it was a holiday and came up with this ridiculous "meeting the president on flood matters"- excuse? Maybe because it was morally wrong??

She pleaded with others (including Abhisit) to help and his suggestion of an emergency decree to bring in the army and restore order kinda fell on deaf ears didn't it!! Why?? because a certain paranoid khun Thaksin thought that they might stage a coup!!! Ha Ha Ha - is he for real??:lol:. And that was exactly ALL they came up with (except for contradicting anything the government said)! What a masterplan: put the Army in charge and everything will be great! Correct me, if I am wrong: isn't the Army (generally speaking) under the control of the government? And please tell me EXACTLY (and not in the usual wishiwashi like "they could have organized it better") what would have been the advantage of SOE and what would the Army have done, that the SHOULDN'T do in a non-SOE- situation?

On that, do they only allow males to go diving there??? I know that the capital is Male but always thought that it was known as "The Maldives"

Wow...that was hillarious...wait...no it wasn't!

I'm sorry, but I'm speechless, honestly :o!!!!!

I surrender, for the sake of my preserving my sanity!!!


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And all those things can stop a flood?

<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); "><br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">No!!!! - but he would have implemented a sensible plan of action that would have lessened the effects and kept the people informed about events on a constant basis, as and when things changed. He would also have advised them on the best course of action to take and not have different spokespersons spouting out contradictory advice creating mass confusion as to what they were supposed to be doing!!!! That's the difference my friend!!:jap:.

So you HONESTLY believe that this man is a saint, don't you? He would have kept people informed? He would have concealed the truth and ridiculed like everyone else to look good, save face and get the votes in the next election- like everybody else. And the only thing I ever heard from the Dems was "call the SOE"! Wow! Masterplan!

And now go back to your AV-shrine and pray to him for all of us, that this nightmare will be over soon. Maybe he can part the water!

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Q. How do you turn a threat into a crisis and then into a catastrophe?

A. Fill all positions of authority with relatives, malleable close friends and ass kissing toadies, whose only qualifications are that they are relatives, malleable close friends and ass kissing toadies.

Then wait for a natural disaster.

Sit back several thousand miles away with some chilled oysters, a glass of wine, and admire your handiwork .......... in silence.

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Q. How do you turn a threat into a crisis and then into a catastrophe?

A. Fill all positions of authority with relatives, malleable close friends and ass kissing toadies, whose only qualifications are that they are relatives, malleable close friends and ass kissing toadies.

Then wait for a natural disaster.

Sit back several thousand miles away with some chilled oysters, a glass of wine, and admire your handiwork .......... in silence.

you forgot... while sitting in a spinny chair, stroking a cat

Edited by nurofiend
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Q. How do you turn a threat into a crisis and then into a catastrophe?

A. Fill all positions of authority with relatives, malleable close friends and ass kissing toadies, whose only qualifications are that they are relatives, malleable close friends and ass kissing toadies.

Then wait for a natural disaster.

Sit back several thousand miles away with some chilled oysters, a glass of wine, and admire your handiwork .......... in silence.

Whilst drafting the budget bill that would mitigate the destruction and death you wrought for future years, Meanwhile a new idea hatches in the back of his mind.... Blood Diamonds For The Poor! Yeah, we could sell that. Sure, why not? Just need to manufacture the right emergency.

Edited by serenitynow
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Then he thinks to himself...mmm i'm sick of this devil guy getting all the credit, i've been doing my best to be evil about everything afterall.

"Evil" is such a divisive word. I think he sees himself as someone wo like to "frontrun opportunity".

nah, he's an evil genius...

having the foresight to set it all up like he has for years and biding his time in luxury waiting for the flood of the century.

i'd say he even planned the coup as part of the greater scheme of his domination.

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Q. How do you turn a threat into a crisis and then into a catastrophe?

A. Fill all positions of authority with relatives, malleable close friends and ass kissing toadies, whose only qualifications are that they are relatives, malleable close friends and ass kissing toadies.

Then wait for a natural disaster.

Sit back several thousand miles away with some chilled oysters, a glass of wine, and admire your handiwork .......... in silence.

you forgot... while sitting in a spinny chair, stroking a cat

and skyping to his clone.

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Then he thinks to himself...mmm i'm sick of this devil guy getting all the credit, i've been doing my best to be evil about everything afterall.

"Evil" is such a divisive word. I think he sees himself as someone wo like to "frontrun opportunity".

nah, he's an evil genius...

having the foresight to set it all up like he has for years and biding his time in luxury waiting for the flood of the century.

i'd say he even planned the coup as part of the greater scheme of his domination.

Maybe he didn't need to wait. Watched and implimented James Bond films from his island hideaway.

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Looks like Yingluck has taken Thaksin's word's "turn this crisis into an opportunity" to heart. I see she's already picked up PTT as a sponsor. Nice.

That appears to be the PTT Board Room in the Energy Complex, which is now FROC HQ.


Which now has 20cm of water outside it and rising....

Did the fools last a week at their new flood free offices?

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Looks like Yingluck has taken Thaksin's word's "turn this crisis into an opportunity" to heart. I see she's already picked up PTT as a sponsor. Nice.

That appears to be the PTT Board Room in the Energy Complex, which is now FROC HQ.


Which now has 20cm of water outside it and rising....

Did the fools last a week at their new flood free offices?

Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

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YS has been proven ineffective.

Please put AV back in power and control.


Because he is likeable, capable, able, polite, clever, experienced, educated, "cool and calculated", decisive, caring and doesn't cry when things get "a little bit sticky".

A briefer version would be to say " everything that Yingluck ISN'T".

Does that answer your question?????

Sums it up well.

He may be overly cautious and consider things long on some subjects, but on others he just does what's needed. Light years removed from the demoralizing Cluster FROC we are witnessing now.

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Looks like Yingluck has taken Thaksin's word's "turn this crisis into an opportunity" to heart. I see she's already picked up PTT as a sponsor. Nice.

That appears to be the PTT Board Room in the Energy Complex, which is now FROC HQ.


Which now has 20cm of water outside it and rising....

Did the fools last a week at their new flood free offices?

Maybe that should tell you something about the situation as whole. Maybe it is not as linear and predictable as some think it is. Red or yellow!

Doc, really that is a stretch.

I knew this was coming based on the description of where they were going to move to. A foregone conclusion, that just happened days earlier than I expected.

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"Being likeable - in countries such as America is an extremely important attribute (most countries for that matter). The way they hold themselves, how much hair they have etc: are crucial towards their electability, ludicrously so perhaps, but true all the same!!!"

TIT! Not America! And I guess, Yingluck is not that ugly herself! Next point!

"I went to see him once in person on the two times that he came down to see and meet the people in Khanom to console them and keep their spirits up. Not a hint of the "photo opportunity seeking" behaviour of Yingluck or the blatant and disgusting printing of names and photo's by PT MP's on the relief supplies that came from from donor's kindness and generosity." Strange, but I don't recall her name on any of the donations. Why should she be held responsible, when some weirdo of the UDD or whoever re- labels packages? And you want to see him "in person"?! Wow...did he turn water into wine? No? Too bad...because that would help, right now!

The reason that the waters didn't reach Bangkok in this case is because water finds it immensely difficult to travel up hill and always travels down hill when there are no other external forces involved!!!!:D

Don't worry my friend you are not alone - you're mate Yingluck also appears not to understand physics: just look at her brain-wave!!!

I said the water didn't reach Bangkok, meaning that it didn't get anywhere near the proportions we see now. My "mate" Yingluck? Here we go again "You are not with us, so you are against us" If you read my post: where did I mention, that she did anything right or better? All I claimed was that Wombat didn't do anything better for sure! Step out of you black and white/ read and yellow -scheme for a second. I know: hard to do, when you so blinded by the excellency of your poster- boy AV!

Yingluck placed hundreds of boats in the Chao Phraya River to churn the waters with their propellers to increase the flow of water down to the sea. Yingluck was criticized for this by Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut, who called the operation a "waste of time" as there were high sea tide at the time. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!:blink:. It wasn't only a waste of time....it was ridiculous and you will not see me arguing about that! Next!

There is no question that he is more intelligent and articulate than Yingluck (and the entire contingent of "red MP's" put together).

I would say that 2 years exemplary service (especially with respect to the handling the economy) commands more respect than 2 months of cock-up after cock-up by this novice (now tell me what experience in politics Yingluck has)!!:D.

"Exemplary service"? Oh you are talking of the higest number of lest majest cases ever or the censorship on the internet or on TV and radio...especially of his ploitical opponents!? Yes....exemplary as examplary can be! Cock up after cock up? In 2 months? Not handling the flood of the century extremely well and making some mistakes, is not exactly what you can call cock up after cock up.

So what if he went to the Maldives - he is not the premier (rumoured to be in charge of the Government) and supposedly dealing with this crisis, is he.So why did the not admit it was a holiday and came up with this ridiculous "meeting the president on flood matters"- excuse? Maybe because it was morally wrong??

She pleaded with others (including Abhisit) to help and his suggestion of an emergency decree to bring in the army and restore order kinda fell on deaf ears didn't it!! Why?? because a certain paranoid khun Thaksin thought that they might stage a coup!!! Ha Ha Ha - is he for real??:lol:. And that was exactly ALL they came up with (except for contradicting anything the government said)! What a masterplan: put the Army in charge and everything will be great! Correct me, if I am wrong: isn't the Army (generally speaking) under the control of the government? And please tell me EXACTLY (and not in the usual wishiwashi like "they could have organized it better") what would have been the advantage of SOE and what would the Army have done, that the SHOULDN'T do in a non-SOE- situation?

On that, do they only allow males to go diving there??? I know that the capital is Male but always thought that it was known as "The Maldives"

Wow...that was hillarious...wait...no it wasn't!

I'm sorry, but I'm speechless, honestly :o!!!!!

I surrender, for the sake of my preserving my sanity!!!


Aha!!! - oh yes, I remember them!! That Norwegian pop group from the 8o's with "Take on me" as their most well known and notable song!!!

They finished their 20 odd year career last year with a world tour, before disbanding - Aha!!! bless um!!!:jap:.

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