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Al-Qaeda Now In Thailand


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This is completely sickening...

From CNN's website: Al Qaeda links to Thailand blasts

Al Qaeda links to Thailand blasts

NARATHIWAT, Thailand (AP) -- Al Qaeda linked terrorists helped a Muslim insurgency carry out attacks on schools and security forces in southern Thailand, the country's new security adviser told The Associated Press.

It was the first acknowledgment by a senior Thai official that foreign militants have helped local separatists stage hit-and-run attacks over the past two years, resulting in the killings of 56 police and soldiers.

The government had previously dismissed violence in the Muslim-dominated south as the work of "bandits" and criminal gangs. But the organization of the firebomb strikes on the schools early Sunday indicate the attackers are foreign-trained extremists, officials and experts said.

"At present international terrorists are linked together like a network, with al Qaeda at the core," retired Gen. Kitti Rattanachaya, a special security adviser appointed after the assaults, told AP. "They might give moral, ideological or tactical support to each other. These groups know each other well, they were comrades-in-arms in Afghanistan."

Kitti, a former army commander for the southern region, said he believes the school attackers were from a local separatist group, Mujahideen Pattani. The assailants' organized manner show they had help, possibly from the Kampulan Mujahideen Malaysia, which has ties to the al Qaeda-linked regional terror network Jemaah Islamiyah, he said.

Even Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, long worried about tarnishing Thailand's image by association with terrorism, acknowledged the perpetrators of the school attacks were insurgents rather than common criminals. He has played down, however, any foreign links.

Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist country. Islamic insurgents seeking a separate state fought in the provinces for decades before fading away in the late 1980s. Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala and Satun _ which border Malaysia -- are the only Muslim-majority provinces.

The genesis of new terrorism in Thailand lies in the Afghan war when many Thai Muslim youth went to Afghanistan to fight the Soviet-aided communist government in the 1980s, Kitti said.

After the war ended in 1989, Thai fighters returned home -- just as Malaysian, Indonesian and Filipino Muslims did -- and "formed their own organizations" to conduct insurgencies, Kitti said.

The Thai government took no notice of the development, said Kitti, who retired seven years ago. "So we have come to the current situation. This problem happened because they do not accept the truth," he said.

In Sunday's attacks in Narathiwat, 21 schools in a radius of about 6 miles around an army engineers camp were set ablaze almost simultaneously with military precision. The attackers then moved on the camp, firing automatic rifles to keep troops pinned down. Four soldiers were killed.

Roads leading to the camp were blocked by felled trees, tires and nails to slow rescuers. After 20 minutes, the attackers vanished into the night with more than 100 stolen assault weapons.

Rohan Gunaratna, a terrorism expert and author of a book on al Qaeda, offered a grim analysis: "It's difficult to identify the exact perpetrators but certainly these are violent Islamist groups," he said by telephone from Singapore. "The fact that they have taken weapons shows they will use the weapons against the Thais."

Most southern Thais interviewed by AP said they want only to lead peaceful lives. Many who visited the burnt-out hulls of the schools this week were shocked at the devastation.

In one school, only the concrete frame of the two-story building remained. A pile of charred Arabic and Thai-translated textbooks lay in one corner, still wet from the water used to doused the fire.

Jehissmail Jehmong, an opposition Democratic Party member of Parliament for Pattani province, said some Thai militants who have returned home could be training young Thais in jungle camps in Thailand.

He said that Muslim youths are disaffected partly because of the government's insufficient funding for education in the south.

Religious schools in the south are overflowing because there aren't enough government schools, which continue to emphasize the Thai language instead of Yawi, the Malay dialect spoken by local Muslims.

"The people who don't go to school here, go abroad," Jehissmail said. "Then the influence from abroad seeps in."

In a bid to thwart such problems, Thailand's justice minister on Thursday won agreement of Indonesian authorities to monitor Thai students attending Islamic schools in their country in order to keep tabs on possible terrorist recruits.

Justice Minister Pongthep Thepkanchana made the request to Indonesian National Police Chief Da'i Bachtiar in Bangkok on the sidelines of a meeting on transnational crime held by Cabinet ministers of the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Islamic schools, known as madrassas, are considered breeding grounds for extremists. Several alleged terrorist leaders have been linked to such schools.

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Here's a similar article at The Nation's website: Attackers had 'outside help'

Attackers had 'outside help'

Jan 09, 2004

Security adviser sees hand of regional terror groups in unrest

The government yesterday linked this week's wave of bloody attacks in the South to international terrorist networks and called for Indonesian and Middle Eastern countrieshelp to monitor the activities of Thai Muslim students who it believes may be receiving terrorist training abroad.

Government security adviser Kitti Rattanachaya told the Associated Press that the deadly attacks were carried out by a local separatist group with the help of al-Qaida-linked terrorists.

The government has for years claimed that ordinary bandits were behind a string of attacks in the Muslim-majority southern pro-vinces.

Kitti said the professional manner of the new attacks showed the assailants had outside help, possibly from Kampulan Mujahideen Malay-sia (KMM), which is believed to have ties to al-Qaida-linked regional terror network Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

"At present, international terrorists are linked together like a network, with al-Qaida at the core," he said.

Defence Minister Thamarak Isarangura said some leading local militants might have personal relations with international terrorists.

Justice Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana said after a meeting with Indonesia's national police chief, General Da'I Bachtiar, that Jakarta had agreed to keep a close eye on Thai Muslim students attending religious schools in Indonesia to stop them being recruited by terrorist networks.

Islamic schools in Indonesia have been accused of propagating fundamentalist ideology and having connections with many leading militants in the region.

Bachtiar said Indonesia had no information on whether Thai students were involved with Muslim radicals but would keep a closer watch at the request of Bangkok.

The Indonesian government still could not confirm if the recent violence was linked with regional terrorist networks such as JI, he said.

Deputy Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh told reporters in Pattani that the government had made similar student-watch requests to Middle Eastern countries.

"But we are not saying they [the students]are doing something wrong. It's merely a standard security procedure," he said.

More than 60 gunmen attacked an Army base in Narathiwat on Sunday, killing four soldiers and stealing some 300 military weapons.

Suspected separatists also set fire to 20 schools in the province on the same day, while two officers were killed trying to defuse a bomb in Pattani on Monday.

On Wednesday, a group of unidentified gunmen pelted a police station in Yala with heavy fire.

Meanwhile, the massive manhunt for those responsible for the latest attacks continued yesterday, with two more suspects detained.

A total of five suspects have been detained since Sunday, while some 30 people have been questioned in connection with the attacks which have humiliated the country's security agencies.

Gerakan Mujahideen Islam Pattani (GMIP), or the Pattani Islamic Mujahideen Movement, has been cited as the prime suspect.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said some insurgents involved in Sunday's attack had fled the deep South to hide in an area near Ramkhamhaeng University in Bangkok, while their leaders had already sneaked out of the Kingdom.

Sources said GMIP leaders had fought in Afghanistan and were influenced by the international Jihad movement which emerged in the 1990s.

GMIP leader Nasori "Sori'' Saesaeng, also known as Ae Wae Keleh, fought in Afghanistan after the Soviet troops pulled out, the source said.

Saesaeng has close links with KMM, which was founded by his associate Zainol Ismael in 1995 - the same year Saesaeng set up GMIP across the border in Thailand. The cross-border link still remains, the source said.

Malaysia's Minister of Home Affairs Chor Chee Heung, in Bangkok yesterday for an Asean meeting on transnational crime, said Malaysia would "give cooperation at the highest level" to help Thailand with the manhunt.

"We will do our utmost to ensure that the so-called bandits will not enter into Malaysia,'' said Chor, adding that the Malaysian government had no information on whether the attacks were linked to militant groups in his country.

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Membrane, there are Al Qaeda in almost every country, and they strike for many often incoherent reasons. They are a disbanded group of thugs who know nothing more, and want to bring their hate of life to your table.

My view is- good. Why? Because the world will stop looking at them like a bunch of hate america goodnicks, and come to the realization that the war is theirs as well.

Even Saudi Arabia is starting to offer somewhat of a fight in place of their normal rhetoric.

It isn't about America, we just get the attention as the greatest nation.

In time this will all be borne out, and even the plachons and B-Fly's of the world will have a hard time denying.

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Membrane, there are Al Qaeda in almost every country, and they strike for many often incoherent reasons. They are a disbanded group of thugs who know nothing more, and want to bring their hate of life to your table.

I agree with everything you say SoCal, except for one thing: I think Al Qaeda is a highly organized network with ample funding, and a strong, very well thought-out agenda.

And in my opinion, it looks like that agenda is this: The first step is wherever they are in the world, they want to demand their own state or region in which they can "live together peacefully". From there, they can continue to consolidate over time, and get stronger and stronger. Once they are strong enough, they can encroach on outlying areas and finally turn the world into to one planet for Islam.

The extremists have two important characteristics that make this happen:

1) They are very evangelical and have a strong desire to "spread the word" and get new converts

and that is coupled with

2) They have a total disregard for human life--if it's the life of an infidel, a non-believer.

Put those two together and you have a group that is absolutely driven on growing, getting stronger and at the same time with a blood-lust to kill off their opposition. Well-organized. Well funded. Highly dangerous.

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Is it good to have violent terrorist thugs in all countries? What say you all?

Countries that will not tolerate the damnation of the youth by posioning them with drugs to promote what is primarily an Islamic Radical agenda. The death to the world economy and all infadels via cowardly criminal acts of killing people of innocence is nothing is not a political agenda, it is a crime. To remove highly organized criminals, that have show the willingness to kill babies is a top priority.

I commend PM Thaksin on his efforts and would totally agree with getting help from the U.S. that now has great expertise in getting the job done,. Hey, the deck of "cards of the most wanted" is pretty much finished. bin Laden will fall.

I have a differnet view of the same goals as So Cal.....I just want all stops pulled out and a world wide hunt. I'm fit for my age and excercise often and would gladly serve against these terrorist thugs!

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Even Saudi Arabia is starting to offer somewhat of a fight in place of their normal rhetoric.

SoCal, I would guess that you have no idea about Saudi Arabia or the relationship between The S.A government and A.Q.

There is only one thing that AQ hate more than America and Israel, and that is the Saudi Royal family.

It is in their own interests that they have cracked down on militants and they have been extremely active in the WOT.

Just because you are only now hearing on CNN about their activities doesn't mean that they are only just "starting to offer somewhat of a fight in place of their normal rhetoric". The Saudis take swift and firm action against any suspects.

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Khun & Membrane,

Let me clarify, to me there are two Al Qaeda. 1) Being the group that brought us 9/11. And while not broken up, they are certainly a little disjointed by the relentless pursuit. These are the guys who have the funding and the grand plans. They are still strong, but have certainly been dealt a blow. 2) These are groups of muslim fanatics who may have been an Al Qaeda cell, trained with them, or partnered with them in some way. These are the little guys who are acting for the same cause, but largely acting on their own ie- the recent bombings in Turkey. These guys can find plenty of funding, but they have no grand plans- suicide truck bomb this, and suicide truck bomb that.

Group 2 is the band of thugs I refered to earlier. While not completely, they have been seperated from the head (grp 1.)

Let's be perfectly clear. These people do not want peace, a Palestinian state, etc. They want war. They are terrorist, who can care less of the "collateral damage" that they even bring their own people.

Khun, without a doubt they are world wide. They are in Russia, and China, and in fact as I say everywhere. If I say I am glad about this, it is probably out of spite for all those who blame America and it's people for the action of these terrorists. I know it will take all of the world's efforts, including that of the majority of muslims, if there is ever to be a hope of peace. The sooner everyone realizes this, and stops blamming America (I am not saying that America is without fault), the sooner this will all end.

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Need to repost the link to some articles:


This one was interesting:

- [url=http://emperors-crap.com/

Uh huh.. all this "reported" in a web site that looks like it was hand-coded by a high school student somewhere. Right... well, hey--it's on the web, so it must be true! :o

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Let's be perfectly clear. These people do not want peace, a Palestinian state, etc. They want war. They are terrorist, who can care less of the "collateral damage" that they even bring their own people.

Agreed. I see you point and understand.

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Need to repost the link to some articles:

- http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/madein.htm

This one was interesting:

- http://emperors-clothes.com/misc/lefigaro.htm

Uh huh.. all this "reported" in a web site that looks like it was hand-coded by a high school student somewhere. Right... well, hey--it's on the web, so it must be true! :o

Uh huh ... as true as the articles you linked from the CNN or Nation Web Site.

So after reading them, did you learn anything ?

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Then try again, thoses articles were PRINTED in newspapers, and not just posted on the web, but again anybody can print anything right ?

So, when you read that Bin Laden and a few others now active terrorists are by products of the Afghan war ... no comment, right ? Come from the Web ?


From Membrane's post:

And in my opinion, it looks like that agenda is this: The first step is wherever they are in the world, they want to demand their own state or region in which they can "live together peacefully". From there, they can continue to consolidate over time, and get stronger and stronger. Once they are strong enough, they can encroach on outlying areas and finally turn the world into to one planet for Islam.

How about this for a real Agenda:

- Take control of Saudi Arabia

- Get the Americans out of the region


Now, that would make sense to take control of the second largest oil reserve on this planet ... as a backup ...

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So, when you read that Bin Laden and a few others now active terrorists are by products of the Afghan war ... no comment, right ? Come from the Web ?

You want comments about this, right? Well, how about...who cares? How about everyone has heard it a million times before, and it means just about nothing. Bin Laden first starting fighting in this war in which the US helped the Muslims defeat the Soviet Union. So what? Is your point, that we should have let Russia have Afganistan?

If so, please start another thread. This one is supposed to be about "Al Queda in Thailand". :o

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Gotta agree with you membrane ( anyone with that avatar has gotta be right) but seriously they do want to consolidate and eventually have one muslem world. It is clear from their actions in the Asia Pacific region that this is their objective.

If we dont conform to their ideas then we the infadel should be eliminated.

As we speak the news has just come thru about car bomb in Sydney so am listening for details :o

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Malaysian P.M saying that there is no proof that the attack in the South, are linked with Al-Qaeda or any other "terrorist" group in the region.

Ha! So the successor to Mahathir says he doesn't believe they are linked to A-Q, huh? Big deal! So what? Coming from this administration, maybe he thinks this Islamic (terrorist) group is linked to the "Christian and the Jews" instead. :o

It's all just so much disinformation and propaganda...

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Malaysian P.M saying that there is no proof that the attack in the South, are linked with Al-Qaeda or any other "terrorist" group in the region.

Ha! So the successor to Mahathir says he doesn't believe they are linked to A-Q, huh? Big deal! So what? Coming from this administration, maybe he thinks this Islamic (terrorist) group is linked to the "Christian and the Jews" instead. :D

It's all just so much disinformation and propaganda...

I'm planning a trip to Pattani, to visit my brother's in arms :o ... Inch'Allah, I'll be back ! :D

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Am I right when I say that the whole region including Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines and parts of southern Thailand were once a huge Sultanate !? Prior to the coming of the westerners - Dutch, English and Portugese I think. Can someone set me straight ! I think that maybe if this is true then maybe they do have something to argue about.

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So Ned,

The Mexicans should take back California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The Native Americans get the rest, with the whole of Canada.

Those residents of US and Canada not fitting above, return to their countries of origin. Bet you Brits will be happy to see our sorry asses.

The blacks go back to Africa.


I live in today. Please join us.


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So Ned,

The Mexicans should take back California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The Native Americans get the rest, with the whole of Canada.

Those residents of US and Canada not fitting above, return to their countries of origin. Bet you Brits will be happy to see our sorry asses.

The blacks go back to Africa.

And the neo-cons go back to ######

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Hey G-P:

Don't worry about Pepe, the little French man. He's probably just made because he had stock in the companies that sold technology to Saddam--and he probably lost a bundle--and knows now he'll never get it back! :o

Really now guys--don't you think this conversation has degraded into a mud slinging match? Why don't we concentrate on the job at hand--freeing the world of Islamic fundamentalist extremist terrorists?

The world will finally have peace, after that problem has been dealt with...


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Hey G-P:

Don't worry about Pepe, the little French man. He's probably just made because he had stock in the companies that sold technology to Saddam--and he probably lost a bundle--and knows now he'll never get it back!

France did sell technology to Saddam... as Great Britain, The USA (do you remember smiling Rummy shaking Saddam's hands), Germany, Russia, China (1st trade partner in 2002), Singapore (2nd trade partner in 2002), Australia (3rd trade partner in 2002). We're all guilty, men. We all went to bed with him and for a while we all liked it.

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