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Good Gold/ Jewelry Store In Cm


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Hi everybody just join the forum =)

What to buy a necklace so looking for a gold/jewelry store whit good price´s and that is honest.Read about stamps and what not so better to ask itought.Have a buget around 10000 baht

Iam fresh to thailand so keep that inn mind pls

Thanks inn advance

ps not to my to a female ds

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You don't have to go the Bangkok as Thai gold prices are set by the government daily. The cost of jewelry is usually a small percentage more than the bullion price, with some exeptions for artistic quality. It's very competitive, so look around the gold shops and compare.

But you say that this is your first visit to Thailand and you are buying your gf gold already? She will love you mak mak, you hansum man. But please realize and understand that this gift will only be the opening ante in this game. Usually the next request will be immediate, and for something larger or more expensive. And also you should understand that there is no time when she will finally be satisfied, and have enough of your "generosity". Unless of course you are really handsome, young, hip, cool, and good in bed. If you don't fit that description, then be forwarned. Use TV and read the stories. It happened to me my first time here. I was warned. But she was different,I said. I'm poorer and wiser now. I wish I had listened.

Was my answer about a good gold shop ok?

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You don't have to go the Bangkok as Thai gold prices are set by the government daily. The cost of jewelry is usually a small percentage more than the bullion price, with some exeptions for artistic quality. It's very competitive, so look around the gold shops and compare.


Any of the larger gold shops will be O.K.

But I concur. Do not buy this person any gold unless you are a fool.

Edited by elektrified
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Thanks for the replys

Need too go directly to Cm from Bangkok so would be alot of flying here and there=(.

NowimEasy first of love your humor laughed my a## of =).Just spend 10 moths there and moving now(not becuse of her) have family that recently did the same.

Been told about the realitys of love in Thailand by friends that have live there for a long time and i understand that its tricky.

What can i say iam a fool inn love but i appreciate your worrys yours too Elektrified.Who knows maybe inn a few years i be saying the same thing to a another rookie.

Answer to your questions: stunning,just a kid 26y,yes yes and yes so theres hope then.

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Thanks for the replys

Need too go directly to Cm from Bangkok so would be alot of flying here and there=(.

NowimEasy first of love your humor laughed my a## of =).Just spend 10 moths there and moving now(not becuse of her) have family that recently did the same.

Been told about the realitys of love in Thailand by friends that have live there for a long time and i understand that its tricky.

What can i say iam a fool inn love but i appreciate your worrys yours too Elektrified.Who knows maybe inn a few years i be saying the same thing to a another rookie.

Answer to your questions: stunning,just a kid 26y,yes yes and yes so theres hope then.

Seb.... Good luck, young man. If you can resist the temptations that you'll face, a good Thai lady can sure make you happy. I really wish you the best.

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Thanks for the replys

Need too go directly to Cm from Bangkok so would be alot of flying here and there=(.

NowimEasy first of love your humor laughed my a## of =).Just spend 10 moths there and moving now(not becuse of her) have family that recently did the same.

Been told about the realitys of love in Thailand by friends that have live there for a long time and i understand that its tricky.

What can i say iam a fool inn love but i appreciate your worrys yours too Elektrified.Who knows maybe inn a few years i be saying the same thing to a another rookie.

Answer to your questions: stunning,just a kid 26y,yes yes and yes so theres hope then.

Seb.... Good luck, young man. If you can resist the temptations that you'll face, a good Thai lady can sure make you happy. I really wish you the best.

Cheers for your best wishes

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You don't have to go the Bangkok as Thai gold prices are set by the government daily. The cost of jewelry is usually a small percentage more than the bullion price, with some exeptions for artistic quality. It's very competitive, so look around the gold shops and compare.

But you say that this is your first visit to Thailand and you are buying your gf gold already? She will love you mak mak, you hansum man. But please realize and understand that this gift will only be the opening ante in this game. Usually the next request will be immediate, and for something larger or more expensive. And also you should understand that there is no time when she will finally be satisfied, and have enough of your "generosity". Unless of course you are really handsome, young, hip, cool, and good in bed. If you don't fit that description, then be forwarned. Use TV and read the stories. It happened to me my first time here. I was warned. But she was different,I said. I'm poorer and wiser now. I wish I had listened.

Was my answer about a good gold shop ok?

Some places do not sell 99.9% gold. Krabi for instance is 99.5%.

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