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Firstly, thankyou to those who have taken the time to respond to my two previous posts, it is appreciated. I will be heading to Bangkok over Christmas to accompany my girlfriend when she lodges her fiance visa for Australia. We have collected almost all of the required documentation and I just wanted to check on a couple of things. In regards the police check, can she get it done and then attach it to the visa application or are you only able to submit it afterwards, as with the medical check? If you can submit it with the application how long does it normally take the Thai police to process? Secondly, a couple of our friends had statutory declarations witnessed attesting to our relationship which is great. However, I had also asked them to get copies of their passport pages certified which they didn't. They told the stat dec had their passport numbers recorded on, witnessed by the JP, so was not necessary. Are they right or is it a requirement that I get them to certify the photo page of their passport? It seems a little over the top to me but if it is mandatory I will have to ask them for another favour which is a bit of a pain. Thanking you in advance.


Better to have it done before you submit the ap. You'll need a letter from vfs to take to the police office. Takes about 30 minutes at HQ then 1 to 2 weeks to get the check sent back. One of mine had a passport copy the other didn't have a passport so copied and certified their citizenship certificate. Technically the jp's signature is certifying that the person on the form is the person they say they are and witnessing the fact that you are legally agreeing that what is written is fact. They aren't there to verify what's on the form just that you say it's the truth. Unfortunately if it asks for something it's in your best interest to provide it.

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