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Did search but surprisingly, to me at least, there has been nothing posted here about the aquarium within the zoo since 09 and that was only about discounts so allow me.

Being a keen angler I didn't hesitate when the other half informed she wanted to check the furry imports from China as have visited many aquariums around the world but not this one before.

The money bit-

Zoo/Aquarium- 810baht (farang/thai. Price close enough not to worry)

Bus: 70baht

Pandas: 150baht

So over 1,000baht for 3 hours which seems a bit heavy but you can get on and off the bus and spend the whole day there if you wish and there are plenty of food outlets to allow this. You don't have to take the bus and you can even take your car in but didn't notice the fee here.

Won't comment on the zoo as jumped on the bus and off at the panda house then walked the short distance to the aquarium. Later took the bus (had to wait 10 minutes then 3 come along same as London!) then out.

The aquarium. Overall not bad but as a new aquarium (2008) I was hoping for that sensational tank but never found it. Sure there's plenty of different species in evidence and I was elated to see golden dorado from Patagonia there (next on my 'to do' list after I learn to land a fly where intended) but I just had that is that it feeling as I exited. 

No dolphin pool which is a shame as this is always popular with youngsters but would imagine there's hefty expense here so possibly understandable.

Couple of negatives one easy to fix the other no chance. Signage is poor throughout and I found a toilet when heading to what I thought was the next level up. Unfortunately a mother and her 2 young kids followed me up what was a bloody steep ramp and like me quick shake of the head and back down.  The other for those that are physically challenged there are some stiff slopes to negotiate other than the toilet but I don't recall any steps so can be done. One other thing the travellator that runs through the walk in tank ain't travelling no more and for me I was glad as my head was spinning as soon as I looked through the curved glass but I am getting on a bit.

Overall. Well like the safari park we've come a very distant second to Singapore again and shame those that rule didn't concentrate on one class attraction as they have the pandas to pull the crowds in but there you go. Anyway glad I went along and excellent we have the aquarium here as there were plenty of kids there enjoying themselves.

Note aquarium alone is something like 390/250baht and you can pay this without the zoo fee if only visiting here but it's the same entrance.

Tip: If visiting the aquarium alone pay for the bus and get the lap of the zoo which takes maybe 30 minutes as it stops frequently.

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I can only speak of the zoo because I went on the Queen's b-day for the 1st time with a gal friend but don't waste your money. Maybe I am spoiled being from Seattle and seeing basically great Zoo's in the USA but I was like "where are all the animals hiding, this is a zoo where the hell are the animals?"

Just my 2 cents but I was not impressed at all with the CM Zoo but I did find it rather funny many Thai's seemed more interested in taking my picture than the few animals I did happen to see. I love CM but the zoo wasn't even close to good the day I visited anyway....and thank god I rode the tram thing, walking would of sucked unless I wanted major exercise.

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My girlfriend and I went a couple months ago and I was also underwhelmed. Like many other projects in Thailand, the total lack of maintenance has let a promising facility fall into deserved obscurity. We paid 145 baht each including a van ride from the front gate to the aquarium so I wasn't upset about the price though I would have been at the rate the OP mentioned. I had been to the zoo previously and we did check out the new aviary while we were there which is nice but the previous comments about the zoo are true as well. Poorly maintained with many animals in poor condition, trash everywhere, and several empty habitats. Having said all that, it is a long way to anything better and most folks from the region seem to enjoy it.

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I went recently and there is a huge tank full of big fish and sharks. You see it from the top and then from the side and can watch a scuba diver feeding the fish and then walk through it, which is quite long. Did the Op see this, I thought it was pretty cool and sensational for my kids. I'm not an Aquarium aficionado but we enjoyed it. Not big on Zoo's either, I'm a get out there and see them in the wild kind of guy, but the Zoo is pretty enjoyable too once I could get over the animals in captivity part. As a kid my Grandfather had keys to the cages at the London Zoo, now that was cool!!

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